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Sunday, May 03, 2015

More Coverage Of The Situation In Baltimore

#BREAKINGNEWS -- Powerful footage: Kevin Lewis on the ground in the middle of the riot situation in Baltimore. (Sound recommended) http://bit.ly/1Gqd7wp
Posted by ABC 7 News - WJLA on Monday, April 27, 2015


  1. Rubber bullets tear gas please.

  2. Turn off their welfare checks, EBT's,free school and lunches. The great society has produced a bunch of thugs.

  3. you can thank your idiot boy obama and holder for all this.

  4. hahaha can you hear me now?

  5. Look you know the minute that the justice department becomes involved what's coming next.
    Remember Ferguson?

  6. This is O'Malleys fault plain and simple

  7. Omallys legacy with compliments from the MD democratic party..man gottta leave this state.ASAP

  8. Haven't got my attention yet.
    When you do , hell will break loose.
    Burn Baltimore , who really cares!
    Send in the National Guard , without bullets , Ha , ha , ha.

  9. They should have an 8pm curfew. If you are caught causing trouble after 8pm you will be locked up for the night and fined $500. If you can't afford to pay that you get 500 hours of community service that must be completed in 6 months. If they are getting any type of assistance it will be cut in half until the fine is paid or the community service hours are complete.

  10. Funny another Republican governors run state..dominated by democrats policies and politics..interesting? Me call BS this goes deep people!!! Remember people Democrats are Marxists now!!

  11. how convenient now we have the head of the Nation of Islam is going to take control the situation?
    CNN 5 10 p.m.

  12. Where are the police?????

  13. 5:03 Just who is going to enforce this curfew you want?

  14. maybe if the black community would start turning in the thugs the murderers among them. Then maybe the police and the community could establish a bond. Until then the mistrust continues

  15. Babs Duncan I'm sure would say to post their pic online like she does shoplifters and they will stop...just like the shoplifters. Liarton would say there is no rioting, it's just your perception of rioting.

  16. Cvs looted, grocery store looted, money store looted, cell phone store looted, and now the liquor store is being looted.

  17. duncan get the PIZZAS ready.


  19. if the Military industrial complex can make billions rebuilding foreign countries after the wars imagine how much money they will make once every major city is allowed to burn to the ground. Conspiracy theory....absolutely, I just made it up. But it sounds good don't it?

  20. It kills me how you bigots want to blame the president and Holder. If your children were being killed I am sure you would still be blaming them. Black people are supposed to take this mess, sit down and shut up. All the police do is cover up. Bet that whole bunch responsible for this young man's death is getting some b.s together to cover up this mess. "Come on you blacks be humble, be peaceful and let this mess blow over."

  21. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    maybe if the black community would start turning in the thugs the murderers among them. Then maybe the police and the community could establish a bond. Until then the mistrust continues

    April 27, 2015 at 5:56 PM

    and maybe if the LE community would start turning in the thugs and murderers among them they could establish a better bond.

  22. When it comes to Salisbury I pity the poor thug that crosses onto my property!!!

  23. Having been offered space to do their objections, ARREST ALL WHO BREAK THE LAW. How hard can it be?
    Just arrest thgem!

  24. 7:16 Thats right arrest all that break the law. That includes lawyer, judges, their children...You people always getting on here commenting when crimes are committed by blacks but you have no comments when its crimes committed by whites. Whites commit the same crimes as blacks. How many judges, lawyers, and doctors solicit prostitutes, buy and sell drugs.. don't make me call names. Look at the records and the results.


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