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Sunday, May 10, 2015

Today, I stopped caring

Today, I stopped caring about my fellow man. I stopped caring about my community, my neighbors, and those I serve. I stopped caring today because a once noble profession has become despised, hated, distrusted, and mostly unwanted.

I stopped caring today because parents refuse to teach their kids right from wrong and blame us when they are caught breaking the law. I stopped caring today because parents tell their little kids to be good or “the police will take you away” embedding a fear from year one. Moms hate us in their schools because we frighten them and remind them of the evil that lurks in the world.

They would rather we stay unseen, but close by if needed, but readily available to “fix their kid.” I stopped caring today because we work to keep our streets safe from mayhem in the form of reckless, drunk, high, or speeding drivers, only to be hated for it, yet hated even more because we didn’t catch the drunk before he killed someone they may know.



  1. Can't say that I blame them. I wouldn't be in law enforcement either with today's climate.

    So be it. When they've had a taste of anarchy, they will come around.

  2. In my opinion, they probably have the support of the majority of Americans.

  3. Well, we citizens can say the same thing to you cops...

    We stopped caring when you beat someone unconscious. We stopped caring when you beat someone to death. We stopped caring when you choked someone to death. We stopped caring when you shot someone over the needed amount. We stopped caring when you shot someone in the back who was no threat to you. We stopped caring when you started acting like the military. We stopped caring when you toss flash grenades into a babies crib. We stopped caring when you swatted the wrong house. We stopped caring when you swatted the wrong house and killed the home owner. We stopped caring when you let rapist go free why you mess with petty traffic violations such as a tag light out but you are not going after the simple tag light out, it was a tag light out on someone who records you. We stopped caring when you abuse people who try to hold you accountable. We stopped caring when you try to intimidate us with guns. we stopped caring when you bought military gear such as mine resit tanks or APC's or trucks. we stopped caring when you stopped following the law and constitution. We stopped caring when you became the corporations bitch. We stopped caring when you make up your own laws to harass people. We stopped caring when you got fat and lazy were you would tase someone handcuffed instead of reaching out your arm to grab them. We stopped caring when you plant evidence and falsify records in the name of revenge or because of roid rage. We stopped caring when you illegally trespass and kill someones dog. We stopped caring when you became pussies and are afraid of everything.

    You always want us to follow the law and to listen to you, but you never follow the law or enforce it...

    1. Amen! I've could care less if you government thugs die! Be like the author and quit. Save yourselves. I'm telling you now. I'll be judged by 12 before you cops do me wrong. I'll hold you accountable for your crime against me. And there are many just like me.

    2. How many cops beat or shoot people not resisting arrest? Mike Brown for shot because he fought arrest. Eric Garner got choked because he was trying to fight multiple cops at the same time. When a cop says turn around and put your hands behind your back because you're under arrest just do it. Don't fight. Don't run. Don't try to pull your hand away because that is resisting. Follow the rules and everybody goes home safe.

  4. For all you cop haters, please do not call them when you need them, call Al Sharpton, he'll be right there to incite riot. Just what you cop haters deserve!

    1. Agree with you 12:04.

    2. Agree 100%! For all you cop haters...please don't call them when you need help.

  5. 11:54 your comment is outrageous

  6. Yeah, I'm with you 12:04. For all those that have no respect for these guys - don't call them. Please, do not call them.

    They just don't need the headache.

    Cops are people too.

  7. ALL cops should call in sick for a month let the thugs trash there own if there own dont stop them then so be it, BUT come on my property dont expect to Leave.

  8. To all my Brothers and Sisters do not lose you hope and pride. These haters are the minority. I have had the fortune of being around some large crowds myself recently. More people smiled and waved. A lot of people came up spoke about recent events.

    Remember who you are. We may bend but we will never break. My band of brothers do these haters know your name or how many children you have. Will they be there for you when you or your family are sick. The answer is a simple NO.

    Would one of these haters put on body armor and take a hit for you. NO

    They are insignificant. They are that crap stuck to the bottom of my boot.

    If we stop caring then the Liberal left has won. The President gets his Marshall law. The lazy no good thugs who burned and looted win.

    No my Brother never stop caring. Never stop serving. You only fail the good that is all around.

    I did not get in this job for the Glory. All that matters is that my Brothers and Sisters know that I am a good man.

    I am not a slave to the liberals and haters. You don't have to be either.

    They have lumped all police in one basket. So I to have lumped all haters into one basket.

    Live strong Blue

    1. May the Blues of the day all die! And let the Blues of the old be reborn! They good old cops that loved their jobs , community, and the rights he had to read to a guy instead of killing him!

    2. Ill second that 1:52. We will continue being the sheep dogs. These haters wouldn't understand the meaning of honor and integrity - the very values needed to do our job. Stand fast blue. Times are getting tough and the good people, the majority of the people, will need us more than ever.

  9. there are two types of police- the internal police of morality and the exterior police of force. When the interior police of morality in the hearts of people goes away, the exterior police must step in. We killed morality a long time ago- now we are facing the penalty.

  10. I wish people would take more responsibility for policing themselves. There is no need to call police for most things. And the will certainly not make the situation better.

  11. If a doctor killed your family member, even if it wasn't intentional but because of negligence, wouldn't you want them to held accountable? And then should doctors then say that because they are being sued, or that they should all stop trying to help people or perform surgery because they are not appreciated? That is the biggest load of BS ever. A high percentage of police officers are awesome and do a great job protecting the public. But if one or a few perform below the required level or harm by intentional methods or even through negligence, they should be held accountable...that simple. Stop thinking of looters or rioters as the public society that you are protecting and that all of society is against you.

  12. I have no use for criminals. Their lives mean nothing to me. They are disposable people because so many more criminals are coming up to replace them and they need to die.
    Cop just shot someone in Baltimore minutes ago. If I look up and see this person has a criminal record then I wish him dead. He serves no useful purpose alive.

    1. Hey! Ever had a ticket? Or your wife or kids? Blow your head off after you kill your family criminal!

  13. The cops are the criminals and thugs. Facts are facts.

  14. we hate you because you abuse your authority, privileges and people. cry me a river

  15. I am not a slave to the liberals and haters. You don't have to be either.

    They have lumped all police in one basket. So I to have lumped all haters into one basket.

    Live strong Blue

    May 4, 2015 at 1:52 PM

    slave to corps and govt no doubt

  16. I respect the police and follow their instructions when they are given. I wonder why in this day and age anyone would volunteer to take on the duty of being a police officer. et the cop haters go without police or law enforcement protection of any kind and they will change their minds. we definitely don't neet them to be unaarmed or nationalized.

  17. 12:04, Amen. map

  18. May 4, 2015 at 11:54 AM


    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Ill second that 1:52. We will continue being the sheep dogs. These haters wouldn't understand the meaning of honor and integrity - the very values needed to do our job. Stand fast blue. Times are getting tough and the good people, the majority of the people, will need us more than ever.

    May 4, 2015 at 8:02 PM

    ROFLMAO! I can't believe your lips didn't fall off after saying that. Honor and integrity? What do any of you pos kops know about either? I/we don't need you and have no intention of ever calling you. So eat a donut in between writing tickets and collecting revenue for your masters.

    And whoever the moron is telling someone to shoot himself after killing their family, police commit more domestic assaults than the average citizen. Clean up your own house, or feel free to do as Mr. Moron suggests.


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