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Sunday, May 10, 2015

Wake up call


This week in Baltimore should be a wake-up call for our entire nation.

The problem is that we have built an economy that's leaving whole parts of Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York - so many people - behind. People are not being heard – they are frustrated; they are angry; and they feel like they are not needed in our economy. Extreme poverty breeds conditions for extreme violence.

We need an agenda for American cities. We need to stop ignoring people of color and we need to stop acting like they are disposable citizens in this nation. That's not how our economy is supposed to work or how our country works.

I’ve spent my whole life on criminal justice issues. My very first job out of law school was as a prosecutor on the West Side of Baltimore, a place now familiar from the images of these last sad several days. When I was mayor, we cut down violent crime, but we also improved how we train and police the police, and we made investments in drug treatment programs to strengthen the community.

In Maryland, as Governor, I worked to reduce incarceration to 20-year lows. We were able to reduce our recidivism by 15%, and also at the same time reduce violent crime down to 35-year lows. I signed legislation to decriminalize marijuana possession and other minor charges.

This is constant work. It is not done. We still have a lot of work left to do.

I am more inclined and more deeply motivated now to address what's wrong with our country and what needs to be healed and what needs to be fixed.

In Baltimore, we are not defeated as a city, and we are not about to throw in the towel on our country.

Martin O'Malley


  1. If you're trying to destroy America. If you Tap Dance on the American flag. Your most certainly a Democrat.

  2. It didn't work then and sure isn't working now , take a hike.

  3. You have spent your career to bring us to this point, and now you are still preaching from that same old stump.

    Go away, Chump! You had your chance, and failed miserably.

  4. O'Malley helped build the economic condition of today. Why would we want him governing from the White House? He would surely do us in for good!

  5. He is such a fool.

  6. Kick rocks Marty. You have destroyed Maryland enough. We dont care about what you haveto say.

  7. Great, he starts talking about the dismal economy then quickly changes to his only accomplishment of reducing crime. In the mean time raises taxes everywhere he can and adds new ones thus chaing business away like a snake runs rodents off. O'Malley you and your ilk are responsible for the conditions in Baltimore and the rest of this once great state called Maryland!

  8. Ship them all to Liberia. Lincoln set up this nation just for this purpose. Let them fend for themselves! Tired of paying for bottom feeders!

  9. Take A Hike - Go Away - You have Destroyed Enough - No One Wants Any More of You and Your Failed Policies - People Don't Even Think About Voting For Owemalley.

  10. He's the poster boy for the Baltimore Riot of 2015.

    It was years in the making under his leadership as mayor and then governor.

  11. My letter had my name on it and it said it wasn't authorized by O'Malley or any candidate. It was paid for by his O'Pac though. Wink, Wink.

  12. You people need to understand that voting for Democrats ruins cities. Voting for them is ruining the country. Please learn your lesson and vote for the best Republican.

  13. Once again promises to get elected and then nothing.Until voters educate themselves about the people running for office this despair will continue.If you are all about social issues like massive entitlementprograms,abortion,gay rights,environmental laws to take away property rights,more regulation for businesses,higher taxes vote democrat.

  14. I guess when he was mayor of Baltimore these conditions didnt exist. He and the democrats are responsible but in true liberal form try to blame someone else. You cant hide from the inner city problems anymore democrats,its all yours.Wear it proud it is the legacy of liberalism.

  15. Where's the. "Dislike", key???????

  16. Obama Crooked Socialist BastardoMay 4, 2015 at 8:50 AM

    Marty Owe Malley said he reduced the Incarnation? Yeah, by letting Criminals & Thugs back on the streets of Baltimore and we all can see the results today. He chased every decent business out of town too.

  17. I signed legislation to decriminalize marijuana possession and other minor charges.

    That law he signed is about the most retarded ever. Weed legal, the bag it's in illegal


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