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Sunday, May 10, 2015

Alan Dershowitz: Charges Against Baltimore Cops Won't Stick

This prediction does not come from a "conservative racist".  Alan Dershowwitz is a liberal Harvard Law Professor who has made his career fighting for civil rights.  One wonders how many police officers will continue to be willing to put their lives on the line or attempt an arrest when doing so may ruin their lives and their families.  These officers must be granted a change of venue because it is clear there is little hope for a fair trial in Baltimore city.  What will happen to Baltimore if the officers are not found guilty, after they have already been found guilty by the Baltimore Mayor and Prosecutor?  More riots?

Criminal charges filed Friday against six Baltimore police officers in the death of Freddie Gray were based on "politics and crowd control," not justice, renowned civil rights lawyer Alan Dershowitztells Newsmax TV.

"This is a very sad day for justice . . . Today had nothing to do with justice. Today was crowd control. Everything was motivated by a threat of riots and a desire to prevent riots," Dershowitz said on "The Steve Malzberg Show."
"The mayor outrageously said we're going to get justice for the victim, the family and people of Baltimore, never mentioning the defendants. Under our Constitution, the only people who are entitled to justice are the defendants.

"They are presumed innocent, they need due process of law, and the mayor and the state attorney have made it virtually impossible for these defendants to get a fair trial. They have been presumed guilty."

Dershowitz made the comments hours after Baltimore's top prosecutor, State Attorney Marilyn Mosby, announced criminal charges against six cops who were suspended after Gray suffered a fatal spinal injury while in custody in a police van.

The charges came nearly two weeks after Gray's death, which sparked riots that caused millions of dollars in damage and left dozens injured. The stiffest, second-degree, "depraved heart" murder charge was lodged against the driver of the van. The others face charges of involuntary manslaughter, assault and illegal arrest.

But Dershowitz, a Harvard Law professor emeritus and Newsmax contributor, said the case will very likely be thrown out for lack of evidence.

"I understand why the mayor and state attorney want to prevent riots . . . but that's not the job of the justice system . . . You cannot allow police officers or any other defendants to become scapegoats for crowds demanding a continuation of rioting," he told host Steve Malzberg.

"There's no plausible, hypothetical, conceivable case for murder under the facts that we now know them. You might say that conceivably there's a case for manslaughter. Nobody wanted this guy to die, nobody set out to kill him, and nobody intentionally murdered him.

"The worst-case scenario is a case for involuntary manslaughter or some kind of reckless disregard, but the idea of without further investigation coming down with murder indictments . . . This is a show trial. This is designed to please the crowd. It's designed to lower the temperature."

Dershowitz added that the charges did not meet the criteria for justice in the United States.

"It may have been the criteria in Rome, for Fidel Castro, in Iran, and in other countries, but in our country you don't base indictments on what impact it's going to have on the crowd," he said.

"You base it on a hard, neutral, objective view of the evidence, and it doesn't look like that was done here . . . They have invited a mess. What they did is they bartered short-term results today for long-term problems in the future.

"My prediction? They've overplayed their hand, it's unlikely they'll get any convictions in this case as a result of this, and if they do, there's a good possibility it'll be reversed on appeal and will just postpone the riots for months ahead."

Dershowitz is the author of "Terror Tunnels: The Case for Israel's Just War Against Hamas," published by Rosetta Books.


  1. I hope Gov Hogan does something about the oppressive motor vehicle laws in Maryland where a speeding ticket goes from suspension to revoking to possible jail time in 60 days.Poor people in Maryland don't stand a chance.

    1. I agree. It's the hidden railroad to poverty and the extortionate judicial/probation money wringer. People don't realize how disproportionately and cruelly the working poor are impoverished by the just the MVA system of fines, levies, fees and catch-22's that do nothing but generate money for the police and court system.

  2. Both that mayor and the states attorney are affirmative action chicks and I hope and pray that this circus of their creation ends in both of them and their families (because filth is generational) to be forever being ridiculed for the worthless putrid garbage both of them are.
    With "leaders" like them, blacks need no enemies.

  3. Put the trials off until January/February.

  4. Pleased to see that Alan Dershowitz has publicly slapped down that thing that calls itself a prosecutor back down to where it belongs.

  5. Innocent before proven guilty. Everyone in America has that right. Those that try to take it away are commies, low life scum.

  6. None of the murder/manslaughter charges will stick because it all goes back to the seat belt. While it may have been department policy it's not law and it's not up to the criminal court to decide if someone went against the policy of an employer.
    This parallels the NY Eric Garner case and the "illegal" choke hold No such thing as an illegal choke hold. While it may have been against dept policy it was not against the law. The criminal courts deal in law and not policy no matter if it's a government agency or not.

  7. we're all being played. They won't hold a trial or run out the clock until the election season is coming to a close...then assuming the Republican is up in the polls- the cops get acquitted, new round of riots and a new issue the Dems can use- "see! Vote Repub and cops get off". Never mind that it makes no sense- people will fall for it.

  8. To 1:36 : Thugs don't like to have their circus marches/ in the cold/snow.

  9. why was he handcuffed shackled and killed?

  10. 1:17 PM - Does that include Police Officers who consider themselves to be Judge, Jury and Executioner?

  11. Yes in most cases 2:17 because more often than not it's justified. So in answer to your stupid question yes in most cases cops do have every right in the world to be judge jury AND executioner.

  12. You tell us-Your guess is as good as anyone's else's 2:13. At this point we don't know if he didn't' do it to himself by banging and flinging himself around.
    I think the injury was self inflicted and the prosecution is going to say he wouldn't have had the opportunity to harm himself if-

    1. medics were called the moment he said he needed them (he called for this prior to when she claims the injury occurred
    2. if he were seat belted in

    Mark my words. This IS where this IS going.

  13. 2:17 how about donning a badge and doing what officers do everyday to protect and serve idiots like you. I forgot. Police have standards you can't meet.

  14. Those cops killed that man. Justice will be served.

  15. Yes in most cases 2:17 because more often than not it's justified. So in answer to your stupid question yes in most cases cops do have every right in the world to be judge jury AND executioner.

    May 4, 2015 at 2:27 PM

    you are absolutely wrong on both counts.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    2:17 how about donning a badge and doing what officers do everyday to protect and serve idiots like you. I forgot. Police have standards you can't meet.

    May 4, 2015 at 2:51 PM

    Yeah, he probably has a higher I.Q. and doesn't want to kill anyone.

  16. Don't run stay alive! !! Problem solved #!

  17. I don't see the manner of death as homicide. Accidental is more like it.
    Either he was intentionally throwing himself around or he was standing and fell neck first onto the edge of the bench style seat and the damage to the larynx occurred. With this injury the neck must be immediately stabilized to prevent worsening or cervical spine injuries. This kind of injury is seen when someone hits the steering wheel of a vehicle or handlebars of a bike in an accident.
    The problem with all the medical experts I've seen offering opinions is that while they understand anatomy and physiology most are by no means experts on spinal trauma. Most haven't seen spinal trauma since interns doing rotation in the ER.

  18. Who give a damn about this scum, his arrest record goes back to Kindergarten! I for one am glad he is dead, he was going to escalate to more violent crime for sure! The cops did everyone a favor!

  19. May 4, 2015 at 5:38 PM

    Yeah, accidentally on purpose. BPD has a history of these 'cowboy rides'. Google is at your fingertips, do a search. Find out how many millions they have paid out for damages behind this van rides. Then do a search on REPEAT kop offenders and defendants of lawsuits. This is by no means an isolated incident.

  20. 11:51 I did and it's not much at all. 5.7mil since 2011 to over 100 people. Most were settlements. The cap is $200,000. It would be nice to know the exact number of people who made claims, but judging by the small amount of money paid out, there isn't much to their claims.
    To say that police brutality is rampant or epidemic is only grasping at straws.

  21. "Yeah, accidentally on purpose. BPD has a history of these 'cowboy rides'. Google is at your fingertips, do a search. Find out how many millions they have paid out for damages behind this van rides. Then do a search on REPEAT kop offenders and defendants of lawsuits. This is by no means an isolated incident.

    May 4, 2015 at 11:51 PM"

    Have you read any of the many documents from the court that are being released to the media? It's not being alleged that the driver was driving erratic, but that his injuries were caused because he didn't have a seat belt on. This is why it's 2nd degree deprave heart.

  22. To say that police brutality is rampant or epidemic is only grasping at straws.

    May 5, 2015 at 7:23 AM

    Then you are just a fool.

    And you need to do a better search.

  23. Have you read any of the many documents from the court that are being released to the media? It's not being alleged that the driver was driving erratic, but that his injuries were caused because he didn't have a seat belt on. This is why it's 2nd degree deprave heart.

    May 5, 2015 at 7:29 AM

    Of course it's not, yet. Point was they have a history of such. My god, why do some of you need to be held by the hand and led?


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