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Sunday, May 03, 2015

Rev. Al Sharpton Derides Monday’s Violence; Slams Md. Governor

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Reverend Al Sharpton has come to Baltimore, calling for non-violence. He says we should be fighting the violence and not adding to it.

Meghan McCorkell has more.

Sharpton says he understands the frustration but says it won’t help. He also had some harsh words for Governor Larry Hogan.

“The cheap shots that the governor used about the mayor–a new governor who’s never had to deal with police,” Sharpton said.



  1. Get that piece of you know what Sharpton out of this state and out of this country--he is a liar, a tax cheat and should be in jail

  2. Of course it's the governor's fault. He's the only white person other than some of the cops involved. He isn't going to blame the chief of police or the mayor, as he did in Ferguson, why would he? They're black, blameless, and bulletproof when it hits the fan.

    I call that "black privilege".

  3. Until he pays his taxes and becomes a respectable person, STFU!!!

  4. Why don't the feds arrest for tax evasion while on tv?

  5. Arresting him in MD would make a great statement!

  6. Yeah gov Arrest SHARPTON.

  7. Baltimore has been run into the ground by his folks since '67.

    it's not surprising none of them are claiming responsibility.

    easier to blame all their problems on whitey.

    i would expect this barrage against our white governor to intensify.

  8. Hey hogan sharpton owes State Taxes also so lock his ass up when he goes to the Whitehouse.

  9. POS mayor, POS reverend. He sticks up for an inept mayor who condoned destruction of a city she was elected to protect and grow. FFS rev, gtfo this country.

  10. I don't think I will pay any more taxes. Rev Al says it will be ok and nothing is happnign to him...so what do you think??

  11. Obama Crooked Socialist BastardoApril 29, 2015 at 2:16 PM

    10:48; is 100% correct. What we got in Baltimore is Liberal Democrat Mayor who tells "Rioters" it's Ok to Loot, Rob and Destroy whatever. Most of these punks come from families of her constituents. I
    n the last election of 2012 Baltimore City Voted 81% for Obama. Supprised?
    So the Cops are ordered to stand down, we don't want any of these teenagers to get hurt while they looting and stealing., of course, their parents might get mad at the Mayor. And taking a page from Obama's playbook - Never Let Any Crisis Go To Waste - Mayor cancels the school on Monday and Tuesday. What do you think those teenagers gonna do? Run to the streets, Yeah?! So then the situations escalates so rapidky, innocent peoplease properties c are being looted and destroyed, now Mayor is caught between two rocks and calls for help from Governor Hogan and his National Guard. Keep in mind Governor Hogan is the ONLY REPUBLICAN in this Cess Pool of Liberal Hacks and Clowns, with biggest clown Crooked Reverand Sharpton in town.
    So in this mess created by Democrats, if anything goes wrong, guess who they going to blame? Not themselves, of course not.

  12. This guy Sharpton reminds me of a living bobble head.

  13. They should have told him to stay home. He will not make anything better.

  14. Anonymous Obama Crooked Socialist Bastardo said...
    10:48; is 100% correct. What we got in Baltimore is Liberal Democrat Mayor who tells "Rioters" it's Ok to Loot, Rob and Destroy whatever. Most of these punks come from families of her constituents. I
    n the last election of 2012 Baltimore City Voted 81% for Obama. Supprised?
    So the Cops are ordered to stand down, we don't want any of these teenagers to get hurt while they looting and stealing., of course, their parents might get mad at the Mayor. And taking a page from Obama's playbook - Never Let Any Crisis Go To Waste - Mayor cancels the school on Monday and Tuesday. What do you think those teenagers gonna do? Run to the streets, Yeah?! So then the situations escalates so rapidky, innocent peoplease properties c are being looted and destroyed, now Mayor is caught between two rocks and calls for help from Governor Hogan and his National Guard. Keep in mind Governor Hogan is the ONLY REPUBLICAN in this Cess Pool of Liberal Hacks and Clowns, with biggest clown Crooked Reverand Sharpton in town.
    So in this mess created by Democrats, if anything goes wrong, guess who they going to blame? Not themselves, of course not.
    April 29, 2015 at 2:16 PM

    You are wrong, you say "their parents" as in mother and father. You should have said their mamma's or their grandmothers because they are always raised by the woman of the house and not a father. I admire some of these black grandmothers who try their best to raise their grandchildren.

  15. He had no right to condemn Hogan. Hogan should have had the troopers arrest him for something. What did Hogan have to lose? Nothing, because he wouldn't lose any votes.


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