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Sunday, May 03, 2015


President Obama spoke – at last – about the madcap situation in Baltimore on Tuesday, but rather than telling protesters to go home, as analysts and peaceful residents alike wanted, he seemed to throw the police under the bus and fault them for the crisis and chaos that’s tearing through the city streets.

He said, in a televised statement: “We have seen too many instances of what appears to be police officers interacting with individuals, primarily African Americans, often poor, in ways that raise troubling questions. And it comes up it seems like once a week now, or every couple weeks. And so I think it’s understandable that, and more importantly moms and dads across the country, saying this is a crisis.”

Obama also went on to say the situation in Baltimore is indicative of “a slow rolling crisis” that’s “been going on a long time,” only coming to light because of social media campaigns and alert observers with cameras who shed light on police behaviors.



  1. He needs to shut the hell up he is no leader? He is a commie agitator!!! Throw the bum OUT!

  2. If that event that triggered things in Baltimore has occurred in DC, it would still be in flames, just like during the MLK riot in 1968 (I was there then). No doubt Bammy would be flaming the flames.

  3. Ok, so you all agree that what the police did to that young man was ok? I'm a white mom. And from baltimore originally. These protests have been going on for months. Maybe we should listen and take them as warning signs that these people, although wrong in rioting, are rising up in anger because white police officers keep killing black unarmed men. Have you read the publicized account (not even complete yet, and never will be) of what they did to him? They broke his spine. He was not seatbelted in the van but was handcuffed and thrown around a van that circled the block repeatedly passing the station they supposed to be heading to. He asked for an inhaler and was ignored. This was bound to create a riot. We have been being warned about this for a long time. Just saying.

    1. When you run your done. No justification? ?? Get a grip.

    2. Hey sheepdip, more whites are killed by cops every year than blacks. Get your facts straight. This riot has nothing to do with Freddie Grey. It's a shame he died, but the truth is, if it wasn't Freddie Grey, they would just find something else to riot over.

  4. 8:05 what about all the blacks that kill blacks? It's probably a 20-1 ratio,or, more, and yet, no one says a word until a white cop does it.

  5. Charge Obama with TreasonApril 28, 2015 at 8:44 PM

    No you have it all wrong...Obama Bused in people to Baltimore to riot!!!

  6. He wants police to walk off the job then implement presidential order 13684 look it up.

  7. How did he throw the police under the bus? It needs to be addressed, starting with the out of control bully cop and ending with the rise of the militarized police. Too many people think it's an all or nothing thing. You can still support, respect and appreciate the work of the police while at the same time asking them to address the concerns of the community.

  8. 8:05 must be God. This person knows all that happened. POS

  9. "Bammy would be flaming the flames."
    No, he'd be fleeing the flames.

  10. Out of control bully thugs are the root cause of the problem.

  11. I honestly feel that Obama wants all of this to happen. I just hope this country can make it until the next President.


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