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Sunday, May 03, 2015

Liberals angry at Whole Foods for feeding National Guardsmen in Baltimore

Whole Foods is donating food to National Guardsmen in Baltimore. And that makes Angry Black Lady, well, angry:

And she’s not alone. Liberals furious at the upscale grocery store sent “Whole Foods” trending in the U.S. this afternoon.



  1. Some people are simply angry at the world because they can't control it. Pity angry black lady doesn't have the moral common sense or decency to honor those who fought for her right for free speech. Wake up !!! You don't like America, consider Russia or China instead. See how far you get their with your attitude.

  2. This is exactly how business survived in 1968. Be kind to those protecting YOU and law enforcement will hang out 24hrs a day. Present a show of force and the thugs will back off.

    -1968 National Guardsman who spent 2 weeks of my time cleaning up $hit like this in Baltimore

  3. No one is preventing them from feeding their children! Simple fact. You work you eat.

  4. Im angry because our government is feeding these animals

  5. 420 they get EVERYTHING FREE.

  6. I would bet my house there is not one child who needs lunch who is not on a free breakfast/free lunch program. Taxpayers give food stamps to the families and then pay for breakfast and lunch for school age kids. We're paying twice.

  7. The national guard needs to eat while they are protecting citizens.

  8. We love Whole Foods and their decision to feed the National Guard in Baltimore.

  9. The Liberal left are beginning to show their TRUE colors and agenda..
    They are fascists.

    [Fascism: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control]

  10. Most school kids in Baltimore are being fed at least twice a day at school.

  11. 6:01
    I guess they need to protest the rioters then so their kids can eat. Most of those kids were at the mall and roaming the street all last night.

  12. The kids don't go to school. They go to daycare because they don't want to learn because the government will take care of them regardless.

  13. Are they angry at the freeloaders who won't work for a meal?

  14. Why do people that are already getting so much free stuff have a problem with people that are their to help them get a free meal?


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