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Sunday, May 17, 2015

O’Malley: Americans in cities worse off than 8 years ago

MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) — Close to a presidential announcement, Martin O’Malley said Wednesday that many Americans living in cities are worse off than they were eight years ago and Democrats in Washington wasted a chance to address poverty in the nation’s urban areas.

In appearances in New Hampshire on Wednesday, O’Malley did not did not mention President Barack Obama by name but said pointedly that Democrats have missed opportunities to make investments in cities while in control of the White House and when they controlled Congress. The former Baltimore mayor and former Maryland governor said the economic problems exposed by Baltimore’s recent riots showed the need for new approaches to rebuild cities.

“We’ve created whole swaths of Americans, particularly in American cities, who are worse off now than they were eight years ago,” O’Malley said. “When people are unheard, when their country’s economy treats them like they’re unnecessary, like they’re unwanted, like they’re unneeded, this sort of anger erupts.”



  1. He would know. His 8 years of tax and utility increases put us here!

  2. 3:37 and the 8 years before that as Mayor of Baltimore set them up for what they've become!

  3. He Is actually criticizing himself. Look at what he left behind along with the 1.8 billion that the feds put in Baltimore. What a jerk.

  4. Go ahead and say it out loud, Marty,"Maryland Cities".

    "Maryland Towns"

    Maryland Rural Country"

    16 years of your kind of "leadership and it all blows up 3 months later!

    And it will blow up again when 5 or 6 have charges dropped.

    You've dug a big hole, but now we have a Big Man to start to fill it back in again.

    Mr.Hogan, we have your back. Just ask any Marylander for help in this mess,and we will jump right in.

  5. This guy is so irrelevant, it is ridiculous that he even aspires to the office of President!

  6. o'malley said people in big cities are worse off now than 8 years ago ,who was running the state and baltimore in that time definitely wasn't republicans democrats should man up and admit their downfalls and bad judgement while in office,including even obama

  7. Owe'Malley sucks.


  8. Former governor Donald Schaffer called the eastern shore the outhouse of Md. He was wrong then and wrong now, Baltimore has always been the shi! House of md. and always will be.
    Chew on that.

  9. Bob Aswell ..... voterMay 14, 2015 at 5:58 PM

    If OweBamas' policies were such a blight on humanity in Maryland, WHY did OweMalley every time 'Barry' dropped his pants kiss his a&*^s. He's three times worse than the presidential idiot and this useless verbiage he's spouting is just another Dumbocrat ploy to get people to vote for him. He'll NEVER get the nomination because he's a minnow in the political sea. Bob Aswell

  10. He is the one the screwed ALL Marylanders, white, black, hispanic, asian.

    He would be the second worse president this country would have had. You can guess the first one!

    Omalley's answer to everything is to tax the poor working class person into the grave while he travels across this country and abroad on our dime. He is a complete and utter failure. He can't solve any one problem except to tax working class, and robbing state funds to pay for his mistakes and lies.


    Ask any Marylander about him if you dare want the truth.

  11. I see he is still shoveling his BS again.

  12. Who cares, he is just running for VP.

  13. But they have free health care! Free cell phones! Free housing! Free scool lunches! How bad could it be?

  14. You folks crack me up with your constant partisan tirades. Stop the insanity. Both sides are feeding you crap, all funded by corporate donations, while people like you cheer on the race to the bottom. Both parties were all about "free trade" because of corporations "practicing their free speech". Guess what happened to those great paying middle class jobs b more was founded on. Both parties claim tourism, more retail, and more restaraunts are growth. What did we get; more opportunities to say "sir, Can I take your tray?" and "do you want fries with that?". Both parties continue to advocate for poorly thought out policies while feeding red meat to their respective ill-informed bases. All the while we wonder why things just continue to get worse. Wake up people!!

  15. He doesn't have the balls to say the truth. America is worse off these last 8 years due to politician like me, who continue to pursue policies that kill businesses and the middle class. However, he much like Obama has an ego and arrogance makes him oblivious to reality.

  16. "that many Americans living in cities are worse off than they were eight years ago" Been saying this for some time now . He had as much to do with this decline as anybody.


  17. OweMalley has first hand experience screwing cities, towns, hamlets and a state as councilman, mayor and governor....and all of that was without any serious impediments in the form of opposition.

    He's Joe Biden with hair; totally clueless.


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