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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Obama Could Become Supreme Court Justice After Presidency

Rumors advocates that Obama is planning to join the Supreme Court after his presidency is over.

Obama served as president of the Harvard Law Review and taught constitutional law at the UNIVERSITY of Chicago.

While campaigning back in 2008, Obama himself said that the best justices historically have been former politicians. According to The Washington Post, he listed three-time California governor Earl Warren as his judicial hero.

“We need somebody who’s got the heart, the empathy, to recognize what it’s like to be a young teenage mom,” Obama said of his ideal Supreme Court Justice, clearly thinking he displays these qualities. “The empathy to understand what it’s like to be poor, or African American, or gay, or disabled, or old.”

Obama could end up like President William Howard Taft, who became chief justice of the Supreme Court after leaving the White House.

What do you think of the possibility of Obama joining the Supreme Court?



  1. God, please no.

  2. One more good reason NOT to vote for Hillary.

  3. With the Constitution destroyed, who needs the Supreme Court anyway!

  4. We already have a first black there. Please call another number.

  5. This POSOTUS is barely qualified to change the mints in the urinals at the SCOTUS buildings...and with his disdain for the constitution, Mickey Mouse would do a better job at upholding its tenets!

  6. I don't suppose it's possible to find a justice who's not influenced by their belief system. The question is how willing are they to bend their interpretation of the law to conform to it?

  7. That would be awesome. Great choice.

  8. 10:35 Good point. I do believe there could be folks like that. Adhering to the Constitution means doing what's right for the greater good.

    He should definitely not be on the court.

  9. Awesome? what's so awesome about a person elected president that can't do the job?

    Obama is far from qualified to be a justice. Period. Cry all you want, can't change the truth.

    Just review his record. It speaks for itself.

  10. "That would be awesome. Great choice."

    Which of Obama's many blunders and disastrous decisions compels you to proclaim him an 'awesome' choice for the Supreme Court?

  11. Hope he leaves this country.

  12. That would be fantastic

  13. Imagine the changes to security that would be required at the Supreme Court if he were appointed.
    From a practical perspective, the place would have to be like Ft. Knox, know what I mean?

  14. Done deal, when HRC becomes president in Jan 2017 RBG will step down from the SCOTUS and BO will become a SC justice.

  15. Obama could not run a Snow Ball stand...

    WTF MAN...

    NO HILLARY in 2016!!!

  16. If you're looking for a Supreme Court judge to dismiss the Constitution in his rulings and discussion, he's your man.

  17. He is the anti-Christ

  18. Hillary would rather be there than be potus.

  19. Just think , the supreme court would be surrounded by secret service 24/7 . Good thinking .

  20. We won't get that far. He has already declared Martial Law and is steadily enforcing it. There will not be another election.


  21. Won't happen for many reasons.

    He couldn't stand being the junior member of the firm and not being on TV 18 times a day.

    He's not a team player.

    Bill Ayres won't qualify as his clerk; clerks do the research and write drafts.

    Days at the court would interfere with his golf outings.

    Time allotted for all oral arguments in most cases is less than the time it takes him to get to his first couple of lies when he's holding forth.

    Justices don't use teleprompters.

    And so forth...

  22. Funny how someone went to Harvard but no one remembered him being there. You know why?? Because he wasn't.

  23. Just more smoke and mirrors to divert our attention from what he is doing NOW.


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