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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Salisbury Police Chief Duncan Violating The Law

At this moment Salisbury Police Chief Barbara Duncan is at Mill Street and Division Street directing traffic without the OSHA required traffic safety vest. 

Funny how OSHA can suck money through fines in the private sector but municipalities don't seem to have to follow the same LAWS. Lead by example Mrs. Duncan.


  1. Did you film the violation? Call OSHA and tell them you got it all on film. Also call state licensing, Flaggers have to be certified in Maryland. Flaggers direct traffic, that is what she is doing. Make those calls!

    1. As per OSHA 500.... Any persons working on a roadway must wear 35% reflective coverings vest form is minimal and a hard hat. Firefighters are held to these standards and for the most part use them. Even their helmets!

    2. What? Police officers have the authority to direct traffic. It is in the transportation article.

  2. You actually think something is going to happen to her, even as far as a memo to wear it next time??? hahaha

  3. @11:33
    Why dont you make those calls?

  4. OSHA is so short staffed on the shore they wont even return phone calls. They have ONE individual for the entire Maryland peninsula. Good luck with that!!

  5. give it a rest, she wants to get out of the office. Maybe she ought to be down at booth street walking the beat!

  6. government places by their own rules.

  7. Why is she doing such? Is there an emergency situation such as an accident, tree down, powerline down, apprehending a suspect? Would like to know the situation in full.

    1. It don't matter the situation. That vest must be worn.

  8. 11:48 And, they are absolute MORONS.

  9. OSHA is way underfunded.They don't give a crap what anyone does.They just flare up every now and then to put the fear of God into the lemmings and then retreat back to their cave.Does everyone seriously believe that the IRS can sustain budget cuts and a jack wagon bunch like OSHA won't?

  10. They are cops! We all know they can do as they please. I just hope these stupid cops get taken out by natural selection. Idiots. Like the ones that don't wear vests on traffic stops. I dont omd moving over but I bet if cops wore vests the wouldn't get hit as much by rubber neckers focused on the flashing bright lights.

  11. osha underfunded? lmao! you even admit they don't do jack, so why fund them at any level?

  12. Ya'll are idiots. MD has their own version of OSHA, and is thereby exempt from Fed intervention in most cases.

    1. State never supersede federal. They can be more stringent but not more lax. Except in the case of marijuana. But feds can still act. Just like cops here want you to think Maryland law is gospel. It is until you spend thousands to get in front of a federal judge and are proven innocent.

  13. Is she directing traffic with pizza slices ? How about tracking down Crime.

  14. Hope no trucks run over her flat feet......

  15. At least she's out working!

  16. Joe,why are you letting your stooges bash the police,they are out there protecting your life and property.

    1. His stooges? You mean your stooges posts aren't being put up? Wrong. Your stooges are wising up. You cops have few fans. But hey your wife and kids love you.

  17. 3:42 PM

    Ever hear of state rights? The state has to ALLOW the feds in, not the other way around..

  18. States rights got trampled in 1861 when Lincoln invaded the south and put it under federal occupation for the next 150 years! look at the soldiers invading Texas!

  19. Must be fewer officers than we thought if she is directing traffic. That's what you get when you run all of your officers out to other agencies.

  20. A real police chief wouldn't be directing traffic. Proves she can't do her job as a leader. Just because she tries to prove she can jump in the trenches only proves she doesn't have much to do as in trying to be a real chief.

    Reminds me of that Fat A$$ Hoppes from the fire department, but you won't see him doing any grunt work.

  21. I saw her the other day at the GOB and she dresses like a BUM!!

  22. I bet that really hurts her feelings. You must be a looker but coming from the eastern shore I'd doubt it.


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