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Sunday, May 03, 2015


CONFIRMED: Court records show Freddie Gray was receiving a structured settlement from Allstate Insurance and attempted to convert it into one lump sum in early March

EXCLUSIVE: The Fourth Estate has been told that Freddie Gray’s life-ending injuries to his spine may have possibly been the result of spinal and neck surgery that he allegedly received a week before he was arrested, not from rough excessively rough treatment or abuse from police.

The Fourth Estate has contacted sources who allege that Freddie Gray received spinal and neck surgery a week before we was arrested, and was allegedly receiving a large structured settlement from Allstate Insurance. The surgery is allegedly related to a car accident in which Gray was involved.



  1. So when he started RUNNING with a bad back and fell this contributed to his criminal injury now it makes sense.

  2. ps if the insurance company knew he could run that fast i bet he would have gotten ZERO $$$

  3. still does not excuse kops violating their own policies, yet again.

    IF TRUE.

  4. But here's the BIG question..
    Will the press bury this story because it doesn't support their agenda?
    3 guesses...

  5. Joe, you'd better keep this story toward the top, because we probably won't see it elsewhere for quite a while.

  6. JOE round 2 coming up fox reporting citizens smoking pot and drinking.

  7. Let me correct some misinformation. Freddie Gray did receive a structured settlement and was in the process of trying to "sell" it. It was for a lead paint case. His sisters Carolina and Fredricka Gray were also parties to the suit and have petitioned the court as well. This can be confirmed by all by looking on case search.
    Now that being said, Freddie was a plaintiff in a suit against a taxi company, so there is some validity to him being in an accident and being inured to some extent.

  8. Baltimore now run by Chief crips
    Mayor bloods.

  9. There was no just cause for his arrest in the first place.

    1. Why?? Explain your statement. He ran from cops. Why?? Stop running and stay alive.

  10. How does this absolve the police of a) failing to give him medical attention and b) failing to properly secure him in the back of the police van?

    1. Bc all thugs cry and moan when busted.

    2. Exactly! !!! They ALL have the game down pat but people who live in the white house and Pickett fence on the hill don't understand. They continue talking about things they have no clue about.

  11. 9:33 he had a switch blade on him. There was absolutely without a doubt a just cause for his arrest. This is not debatable so don't try.


  13. So the idiot couldn't stop his thugggery long enough for his neck to heal. He got what he deserved.

  14. Billy Murphy Gray family big mouth attorney was on Sean Hannity a bit ago.
    Sean asked about the internet chatter going around about the recent spine surgery. Murphy did not deny that he didn't have the surgery, which anyone even remotely familiar w/Murphy would know he would do. He said only that he had no information about it.
    That's a lawyer for you. The no information can be taken one of 2 ways-the way the untrained as to "lawyerese" will take it, no he didn't have the spine surgery or the way a trained ear will take it as he had no information on the internet chatter about it.
    I'm thinking this post is true and that Freddie did have the recent surgery as described.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:33 he had a switch blade on him. There was absolutely without a doubt a just cause for his arrest. This is not debatable so don't try.

    April 28, 2015 at 10:15 PM

    a spring assisted knife is not a switchblade, and it was legal length. Regardless, it does not matter either way why he was arrested. The issue is what happened AFTER he was arrested.

    The police have already admitted culpability in that area when they stated police policies regarding medical care and seatbelts were not followed.

    Some need to understand the real issues and stop trying to justify the arrest, and others need to stop trying to justify the riots.

    1. Well no one cared about that culpability when they thought they could BLAME the cops for his death. Now that that's all they have, there OK with having something, ANYTHING that is, to BLAME on the police.

    2. A spring assisted knife is illegal, also; they had PC on him for running. Innocent men don't run when engaged. With his encyclopedia rap sheet I'm sure it was more than just instinct.. a habit.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So when he started RUNNING with a bad back and fell this contributed to his criminal injury now it makes sense.

    April 28, 2015 at 8:42 PM

    He was ALIVE after he fell/tackled. He DIED in police custody, after being DENIED medical attention and not buckled in. (something we would get a ticket for)

    and just wth is a criminal injury?

    1. Another unemployed grammar teacher with a liberal heart. This guy could have had a gun yet you would still say it wasn't justified.

  17. Freddie Trayvon Rodney Thug

  18. No it WAS a switchblade a.k.a. a spring loaded knife, not spring assisted.

  19. Gray family lawyer was addressing a crowd last night, trying to tamp-down expectations over Friday´s report findings. Sounded like he was worried about the reaction from the demonstrators. No wonder the Orioles have moved Friday´s game to Tampa Bay.

  20. "Anonymous Anonymous said...
    How does this absolve the police of a) failing to give him medical attention and b) failing to properly secure him in the back of the police van?

    April 28, 2015 at 9:50 PM"

    Okay-it's been reported that at some point in time, the driver pulled over, radioed for someone to come and check on Gray-kinda sounded like a 2nd opinion thing.
    This is what's going to jam up the officer/officers. If you even so much as have to ask yourself (in certain professions)if someone who is in your custody/presence is okay you do NOT call/ask for a 2nd opinion, you immediately call for EMS because it is out of your expertise to have a medical opinion.
    Keep in mind just because Gray was saying he's hurt, doesn't mean the obligation is to call for EMS because everyone says they are hurt when arrested-it's what you observe and not what they say.
    The failing to restrain is a gray area-no pun intended. Officer safety always comes first and if he was combative that could be an exception to the dept's policy.
    To expound a bit, the chase and the arrest are not open to debate as both actions were justified.
    Just a disclaimer-I am not affiliated with any LE agency.

  21. Bottom line is that if Freddie had just stopped and told the officers he just had surgery on his back and admit he had a knife on him this all might not of happen. But for some dumb reason some dumb a's feel like they should run. Very bad idea!

  22. All the more reason for police to think long and hard about roughing up suspects or denying them medical attention.

  23. The family attorney doesn't want to even discuss any mention of Freddie having a pre-existing condition. He doesn't deny, just brushes off any question about it.
    He is saying everyone needs to realize Friday's findings are just "preliminary."
    Before the body was released to the funeral home, this same lawyer was saying they are getting an independent autopsy. Not only would he have known about any prior neck surgery from that and could deny these allegations, the family would have told him.

  24. "Queensgirl52 said...
    All the more reason for police to think long and hard about roughing up suspects or denying them medical attention.

    April 29, 2015 at 9:45 AM"

    This comment is absolutely astounding in it's complete lack of any sense of personal responsibility.
    If anything if it's true, it is all the more reason for people to not run from the cops or be running period if they've just had major surgery.

  25. Thank god none of you morons are lawyers. Running from the cops is absolutely the opposite of providing justification or probable cause for an arrest. There is no logical or factual foundation for your argument on this point; please stop proclaiming to "expound" upon it. This "arrest" and subsequent murder was simply unconstitutional, no matter what spin you try to place on it.

  26. I tend to believe that if the part about the surgery wasn't true the denial would be published all over the website of Murphy Falcon legal team. They've been noticeably and suspiciously quiet on the site with regards to the Gray case for days now.

  27. 11:06-He was arrested because of the switchblade you moron! And yes it was a switchblade no matter how you try and spin it. You got it.
    You don't need probable cause to chase. PC has nothing to do with this case even. Cops had reasonable suspicion that he was up to no good, chased, took down and found switchblade.
    Now when it turns out I am 100% right and you are 100% wrong I am going to smash, rub an smear the "Told You So's" in your face and I can't wait.
    It would benefit you to never assume someone's profession just by a few comments online. Actually it would benefit you to never assume anything.
    Prepare for the "I told you so's" They are coming-LOL.

  28. Looks like lawsuits for the City of Baltimore, and the Mayor. Looks like the Mayor needs to resign based on this information. Police may not have anything to do with this. The arrest, and if he resisted arrest might have aggravated the condition.

  29. all of that crap about injured before his arrest is bs. as well as the 'car accident' settlement issue. it was a lead paint case. doctors have said it would take forceful trauma to break 3 vertebrae in his neck.

    better come up with another excuse quick.

  30. Switchblade (pushbutton) is illegal, spring assisted (leverback) is not.

  31. 11:45 AM

    why are you so scared?

  32. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:33 he had a switch blade on him. There was absolutely without a doubt a just cause for his arrest. This is not debatable so don't try.

    April 28, 2015 at 10:15 PM

    a spring assisted knife is not a switchblade, and it was legal length. Regardless, it does not matter either way why he was arrested. The issue is what happened AFTER he was arrested.

    The police have already admitted culpability in that area when they stated police policies regarding medical care and seatbelts were not followed.

    Some need to understand the real issues and stop trying to justify the arrest, and others need to stop trying to justify the riots.

    April 29, 2015 at 12:00 AM

    Read the laws Dumbass!! It clearly states no switch blades OR spring assisted. knives.

    Second Dumbass, Freddie Gray was a criminal on probation and he wasn't allowed to carry a concealed knife or weapon.

    Quit protecting the criminal thugs. It's because of cop hating soft hearted Democrats like you that this country is led by criminals. You are an asswhipe!!

  33. Read the laws Dumbass!! It clearly states no switch blades OR spring assisted. knives.

    Second Dumbass, Freddie Gray was a criminal on probation and he wasn't allowed to carry a concealed knife or weapon.

    Quit protecting the criminal thugs. It's because of cop hating soft hearted Democrats like you that this country is led by criminals. You are an asswhipe!!

    May 3, 2015 at 12:13 PM

    I think maybe you need to have someone explain the laws to you since you don't seem capable on your own.

    You might want to try to get some help with anger management as well.

    I'm not trying to 'protect' anyone. I will however stand up for freedom and against abuse.

    Something that a lot of people seem to have forgotten about since all this has happened.

    I don't care if he was a wanted felon with a .45 in his pocket. He did not threaten anyone or pose any harm to anyone either.

    Nothing this person did warrants his death. It barely warrants an arrest and even that is questionable.

    It's funny that before this event happened a lot were on the same page about kops needlessly killing people and their pets. But now that they have killed a 'black thug criminal' WHO DIDN'T EVEN MAKE THEM FEAR FOR THEIR SAFETY, they are ok with that.

    Gray did not loot or burn buildings. It really isn't that hard to keep the two separate, if wanted.

    keep letting them get away with killing people for no reason. pretty soon they will be killing you.

  34. Try laying in the back of a police van handcuffed and shackled without safety restraints while the driver slams on brakes and swerves and see what your body feels like.You become a human bowling ball flying around hitting whatever is in front of you.

  35. If running caused a severed spine most of us are in trouble.


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