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Sunday, May 03, 2015

Mayor Ireton Embarrasses Eastern Shore and Salisbury Maryland

Several businesses refused to close their doors while a few did. However, there were about 50 people total who arrived Downtown, most of them were spectators and not participants of any vigil, protest or riot. It was a complete embarrassment to the City and an unbelievable amount of resources have been spent for nothing.

As we had predicted, Mayor Ireton, (once again) jumped the gun in the hopes of being the center of attention, implying large groups of people would be showing up and there would be mayhem on the streets of Salisbury. 

Unfortunately, not only did taxpayers foot a huge bill for this, many businesses lost a ton of business as citizens were in fear for their life and refused to come Downtown. 

I spoke with the owner of Roadie Joe's who stated there wasn't a single person in their business and that was about a half hour ago. Other business owners were saying they too were extremely slow. 

It's all about the drama Folks. The LOOK AT ME Mayor and the press keeps giving him all this attention. No point in wasting your hard earned money for tomorrows newspaper, nothing to see here Folks. 


  1. I went to a riot in Salisbury tonight and a Gay Pride Parade broke out.

    1. Lol just like Freddie was slamming himself around in the police van as per the prisoner that was in the van,with him, THE TRUTH COMES OUT.

  2. Dang...i am glad there was nothing dangerous ...but seriously how embarrassing.

  3. Now that there is funny. Were they throwing flowers and condoms?

  4. We're the SFD there since that can't seem to keep their expensive equipment at bay?

  5. The mayor was throwing Fits LOL and rainbows.

  6. Why post pics of these "protesters"? All they want is attention and the media gives it to them. I don't understand....

  7. Our Mayor is one big Joke! Rode downtown this evening and could only get so far before a barrier stopped us. Market Street was closed from what I saw and there were just a handful of people walking around. The Mayor has caused enough problems so guess now he can get back to his Gay Pride night instead. Again, what a loser he is!

  8. Mike Lewis is all over FOX News....we got a great sheriff and I'm proud of him :-)

  9. 10:44 I hope that is sarcasm, if not, you my friend, are really stupid.

  10. Obama Crooked Socialist BastardoApril 29, 2015 at 11:58 PM

    Congratulations Jimbo Liarton! It seems as ALL "PROTESTERS" HAD THEIR OWN POTTA-POTTY. This "Dudette" Ireton-Liarton is a Piss Poor Excuse of a Mayor.and a man/woman.

  11. Have to agree with 1044PM and 1118PM. We are fortunate to have someone like Mike Lewis as our Sheriff. Guess 1123PM is just another liberal/democrat who can't stand the attention that Mike is getting now especially being on FOX News.

  12. white liberal look at me Trash.

  13. Can we FIRE THE MAYOR...for incompetence?

    He was so like scared of the Big Boogie men....breaking up his GAY AFFAIR....


  14. So the city was prepared if a protest got out of hand. Thankfully It didn't. But I rather then to be prepared then cleaning up the aftermath.

  15. I'm not 11:32, but I am a taxpayer, multiple properties, a republican and pro LE, but Mike's actions are a waste of money and resources. You sound like some friends of his that can run around this backwards county boasting that you know Mike and did you see him on TV? He should be doing the job he was elected to do not spending his time in other counties/states on our dime.

  16. He made it possible and hoped that mayhem would break out and destroy the plaza. So he can have an excuse to rebuild or " revitalize " more of down town into bars and art studios. Plan failed. The folks here are to lazy to even try and get free crap and tears crap up.

  17. Bet you didn't see his candy ass downtown during the mini demonstration.

  18. balt wanted the apc more than they wanted him

  19. 12:47 I agree. They hitch about Matthias wanting to work out deals for Wallops Island. But could care less when their showers packs up and goes over the bridge for another photo op.

  20. Mike understands that when the state governor asks for help with riots, you help.

  21. Saw the news...i love how you can see a lot of homeless people and for a quiet demonstration some one must have been cracking jokes cause they were laughing quite load. Maybe talking about Irerton?

  22. Looking at these commens explains why the shore is in the shape its in and why it will never come back.

  23. Morality has been diminishing in our society for at least the last 5 decades. You're now seeing the results.

  24. Gotta dissent - you are faulting Liarton for doing what the Baltimore mayor didn't do soon enough -- for which you have blasted her.

  25. Better to err on the caution side than have a big riot break out. I applaud Mike Lewis for being ahead of the game.

  26. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I'm not 11:32, but I am a taxpayer, multiple properties, a republican and "pro LE, but Mike's actions are a waste of money and resources. You sound like some friends of his that can run around this backwards county boasting that you know Mike and did you see him on TV? He should be doing the job he was elected to do not spending his time in other counties/states on our dime.

    April 30, 2015 at 12:47 AM"

    For a republican, you lack forward thinking skills.
    Who do you think is going to end up paying for the Baltimore mess? The MD tax payers. It's either we pay now for local LE to go in and help get control or we pay a whole heck of a lot more later cleaning up the mess.
    Anyway what happens during a state of emergency is, the city will be eligible for state funds, some of which will be used to reimburse other LE agencies sent in to help.

  27. Look at all that white guilt... pathetic.

  28. people around here embarrass themselves. liarton just fitting in with the rest

  29. You people look silly......and you wonder why no bussiness or good job offering company will come to the shore....now or ever....

  30. Ireton: "look at me"
    Mike Lewis: "look at me"
    Looks like they have a lot in common.

  31. I own a restaurant about a 1/2 mile from downtown and it was our slowest Wednesday night in 2 years. We were down in sales by close to $1500.00. Thank you mayor for scaring everyone so they didn't leave their homes.

  32. 1259 sue the city.

  33. I would have done same thing, if something had happened and they did nothing everyone would complain about that. Be thankful nothing happened

  34. 8:45, how about preparing for the worst - quietly, without all the media circus? That way, no one know and life goes on if nothing happens. Something happens and you are ready to deal with it.


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