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Sunday, May 03, 2015

47 Years Later, History Repeats Itself

In 1968 the City of Baltimore broke out in riots after Martin Luther King was assassinated. Today we are looking at extremely frustrated African Americans who are desperate to be heard once again, 47 years later.

Governor Hogan came forward yesterday trying to explain, he had to wait for the Mayor to ASK for relief from the National Guard. He went on to express his frustration, why did she wait so long. 

Could things have been calmed down last night, well, I think everyone will agree, the answer is yes. However, irreversible damage was caused by very poor leadership. I have spent years trying to explain to our viewers just how important it is to make sure you elect people with EXPERIENCE and WISDOM. 

Oh sure, it's real easy to sit behind this computer and play Monday morning Quarterback but come on people, Baltimore is way out of control. So much so, more than 5,000 additional law enforcement officers have been recruited by Governor Hogan throughout the state and even other states, along with the National Guard. 

Sheriff Mike Lewis and seven Deputies got in their Urban Assault Vehicle at 11:45 PM last night to head to Baltimore at the Governors request. REALLY? Salisbury News has spent years showing you how militarized local law enforcement have become and now you know why. LOOK DEEPLY at how our elected officials 100% ALLOWED things to get out of control. They did NOTHING!

None of us are sure just where the order came from but one thing is for sure, NO business is ever going to consider locating or relocating to Baltimore, why should they! From small businesses to large, you put everything on the line to create jobs and build economic development and Baltimore just proved that the money these businesses invest proves that law enforcement will NOT protect or defend their investments. 

I personally said right from the beginning, Obama needs to get on the air and demand American Citizens to STOP acting like 3rd world citizens, that never happened. So let's get back to the root of the problem.

One in four African American men in Baltimore have been arrested. Blacks are flat out frustrated and guess what, they should be. Baltimore is not a rich city. Many of these people can't afford a good lawyer. Many of these men are pretty much defenseless and are forced to take plea deals. If you followed the coverage last night, (as I did for 9 straight hours) you can see right through what has caused the outburst in Baltimore. 

Now, does it make ANY of what we've seen right, absolutely not. Nevertheless, what did the leaders of Baltimore expect. HOW in the world did the Police know for a fact that HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS were going to get out of school yesterday and start rioting and very little was done to be proactive? They knew these KIDS were going to head to the mall and yet law enforcement ALLOWED them to get out of control.

Yeah, you can say the police were outnumbered, I'm not buying it. I listened to experienced professionals explain how it should have been handled and they were in absolute shock that police were backing down. So WHO placed the order??? 

It is my opinion that someone much higher up WANTED this to happen. As we militarize local law enforcement and we watch Baltimore get out of hand on purpose, are we to now feel like we NEED more protection, we NEED more military presence in blighted communities depressed by the national economy? I mean, seriously, stand down no matter what?

Unfortunately Baltimorons were just that, morons. They were set up and they fell for it hook, line and sinker. We're living in a very sad and dangerous environment any more. Parents better take charge of their children before it gets even worse. African Americans better wake the hell up and recognize, this is exactly what your government wants. 

Now Understand This, OUTSIDE agitators TARGETED CHILDREN through social media. Law Enforcement KNEW well ahead of time IMPRESSIONABLE High School children 14, 15, and 16 years old were going to meet at the mall to riot. THEY KNEW IT and yet law enforcement stood down! WHY? Because someone much higher up WANTED this to happen. The HOPED it would take off like a wild fire and a mass majority of adults would join in. That DIDN'T happen!

The MAJORITY of adults knew what was going on was wrong. Yes, some young adults joined in and started burning cars and a few businesses and YES, it was absolutely wrong. HOWEVER, this was NOT a riot like we saw in 1968. YES, African Americans in Baltimore and MOST other inner cities are frustrated and in many cases are right. However, MOST know that what happened in Baltimore last night was wrong and refused to participate. 

Sure, some of you can come on here and call them names. I'll repeat, one in every four African American men in Baltimore have been arrested. IF that had happened to the white community, you'd have every right to be frustrated too. However, in this case, is your MEDIA covering ANY of this, NO. Not even FOX news. When blacks said last night they want to be heard, HELLO! 

The agitators recruited young kids because they're impressionable. The Mayor of Baltimore, (or should I call her Idiot) closed school for today, WHY? Put these damn impressionable kids in school for the day, NOT let them loose again! Someone higher up WANTS the riots. They want us to witness destruction. They want us to accept a more militarized law enforcement to PROTECT us. It's all BS and the media is helping you to fall for it. 

Ladies & Gentlemen, do NOT fall for this crap. Do NOT let this happen on a local level. Wake Up and see that We The People are being taken advantage of.  Martin Luther King is rolling over in his grave right now. Remember, the MAJORITY of ADULTS did NOT participate last night. If they had, there would be no Baltimore today. KEEP IT THAT WAY. Become leaders, not followers.

Please, I want you to read this incredible article that was published this morning in which I was just tipped off about. GO HERE.


  1. This is nothing more than a pop culture fad to burn down buildings and destroy others property with faux outrage.

  2. I just heard from a student who attends there that UMES is going to have a "peaceful protest" at 1PM today.

  3. This is done on PURPOSE so the welfare crowd can get new homes from us TAX PAYERS then they will destroy them as they have done in the past ,look up what those building where when new and look at them now they deserve NOTHING get a job like the rest of us.

  4. This is an example of Government attempting to break the citizens to the point they become totally dependent on the the govt. Why else were the law enforcement officers standing back and watching. They were instructed to do so.

  5. It seems that they don't really care when black kids are killing other black kids, so do you really think they care when they are burning down the city and looting?

    They may know it's wrong, but they simply don't give a damn.

  6. The reason the gangs "are working together" is that they know a curfew will have an impact on their drug sales.

  7. Joe I must disagree with you. Martin L King was a good man and did not advocate this type of behavior. Meanwhile Freddie was a useless worthless drug head. I just hope no one dies because Freddie is not worth it.

    John McDonnell

  8. John, I wasn't aware you were the right hand of God.

  9. This belongs on fox news.

  10. Bob Aswell-- Decent CitizenApril 28, 2015 at 12:36 PM

    Joe, If you wrote this item you sure hit the nail on the head. Rawlings-Blake should be removed under the authority in common law that grants the Governor Authority to Remove any public offical who is in fact deemed guilty of malfeasence in office.
    Rawlings-Blake is just a big a thug as the rioters because she allowed carte-blanch authority to a mob of thieves and vandals to vent at the expense of decent people(a lot more than her) who were trying to lead a dencent life. She's too damn dumb to realize that todays media is NATIONWIDE. How would you coax a new industry to Baltimore after this breach of the peace? She has set the Port of Baltimore BACK 50 years. What a dolt and a racist to concur with a gaggle of half-wits bent on showing the world just how much of a stoneage mentality they have. Bob Aswell


  12. Need to start building reservations.

  13. John @ 12:22 PM - Did you know Freddie, personally?

    If not, how can you legitimately make that judgement?

    Believing that some citizens have more (or less) value than others is distinctly un-American.

  14. This was all pre-planned.The government would like nothing more than to have martial law implemented. Operation Jade Helm is amassing equipment all over the country to have available for real-world exercises involving "hostiles" and non-combative citizens. This is an exercise to test the militarys ability to handle US citizens, rather than foreigners.
    Gun control, registries, your picture being taken via traffic cams and police cars....wake up people!! This is only the beginning of something a lot bigger than poor Freddie Gray and Michael Brown.

  15. The PEOPLE are being made by government influence and programs to be totally dependent on them. Obamacare, gun control making it very difficult to own a gun, only creating low paying jobs making the people dependent on the Independence cards and then controlling elections by the immigration laws. We the PEOPLE need to become more aware of the results of the government's actions and stop allowing to continue.

  16. NOW what the Gov. and Mayor cut short the CNN interview?

  17. Joe, never claimed to be the right hand of God there is no comparison between Martin Luther King and Freddie

    John McDonnell

  18. Blogger JoeAlbero said...
    John, I wasn't aware you were the right hand of God.

    April 28, 2015 at 12:31 PM

    BOOM! Smackdown. Good reply Joe.

  19. John,
    No matter the crime, LEOs are not the Judge, Jury, and Executioner. We need to get back to the idea of 'Peace Officers' and away from a militarized police that don't consider themselves 'civilians'.

  20. The Mayor is black.

    The City Council President is black.

    10 of the 14 City Council Members are black.

    The 4 whites on the Council are Democrats.

    This is the liberal utopia.

  21. Joe,
    If anyone wanted this to happen it was the black leadership of Baltimore whose allegiance to Obama, and his policies, is without question. The black leadership in this country are openly promoting the "nanny state" concept and we just saw a prime example of same last night. The mayor and police commissioner demonstrated their inability to assume leadership and a city was consumed with chaos. Our Governor should not have waited for the mayor to request help because all he had to do was watch TV and see that help was desperately needed. Maryland will never be open for business, as professed by the Governor, due to the condoned chaos of last night. Hard decisions need to be made for the greater good of all Marylanders!

  22. Baltimore doesn't need the National Guard they need more parents like the mother caught on video giving her son hell, smacking him on the head and making him leave when she spotted him on his way to loot the Mondawmin Mall. She's in yellow and the video is all over the internet.

  23. This post has been well put but I agree and disagree. The Government needs to help the people and children of Baltimore and other cities in our country. Not by giving them monetary and free hand outs which leads to that entitlement attitude which I can't stand... but by education to get new jobs. It should be made mandatory if you are unemployed over a certain amount of time or have been kicked out of school. I empathize with those that become unemployed I have been there myself. There are kids being raised by thugs they don't have much of a role model to go by. Again more programs in schools to just plan teach them how to be law abiding and respectful citizens. Last night showed there were not enough police and they didn't do much because if they did then there would be just another law suit because some black kid got hurt. Police are in a no win situation but I do agree there are some bad eggs in the police department as there is also in political offices. The Mayor has a boss also you know she was just doing what they suggested I'm sure.

  24. As for the police standing back they ordered to do so. The agitators also used juveniles because of the arrest conditions that apply to juvenile detainees was not possible last night. Tonight will be the litmus test.

    Tonight there will be dozens if not hundreds of arrest. The streets are not free to roam tonight.

    I am proud to live on the Shore. People here get along. Good people know who the bad ones are White and Black. We need to stay focused on real issues here on the Shore. Hell blow the Bay Bridge and keep the bs on the other side of the bay. I am kidding of course do not need the FBI and MSP at my front door. You get the drift stay strong Wicomico. That means all of us. One Nation One Color Red White and Blue

  25. Black or white or Hispanic young kids today have no opportunities - our educational system is broken - our government is broken and big business has taken over and allowed to run a muck. Even if the young kids could pull themselves up by the boot straps - college is out reach for so many - its either prison or the military - Joe you make some wonderful points in this piece - what i saw last night was so depressing and upsetting.

  26. Joe, for once in my life I agree with you 100% !! Well said! Mike Lewis needs to stay in Salisbury and clean it up! Sell that damn Army Truck and learn how to LEAD!! Militarized Police will solve NOTHING!! Great piece Mr. A!!

  27. John, you really missed the point. Actually, the multiple points. One key point is, there never was a comparison between Dr. King and Mr. Gray.

    Re: Mr. Gray, I have little comment until we know more, such as how he sustained the injury causing his death. For example, there is a difference between someone dying from a beating while in custody vs. some dying from a hit while resisting arrest and attacking officers. I have no idea what happened with Mr. Gray, who was at fault, etc. I do know that nowhere in our Constitution does it say it's okay to kill you if you are on drugs, so your comment blows me away.

    I still believe in Dr. King's dream. I have to sadly agree with Joe's statement that there are those who still want to see us divided and fighting.

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    April 28, 2015 at 12:39 PM

    no its not

  29. "Militarized Police will solve NOTHING!!"

    So, when the hell are we going to see these 'militarized police' you people keep yapping about? I witnessed the Cambridge riots. A couple of tanks and fixed-bayonets contained that mess and cleared it up over night.

  30. Do they have a chair on top of the UAV for Lewis to sit on so he can see over the crowd?

  31. Angelos is SO right it's scary, but most of you "law and order", "shoot those thugs", types don't see (or WANT to see) how your leaders have DECIMATED industry and production in the USA in order to maximize profits. They have NO loyalty to the USA, or concern for our society. It's ALL about money and whatever it takes to get more. And MORE. And MORE!! Damn the consequences!
    Your leaders have made it easy to move entire companies out of the country. Labor at $2 a day. Have you seen any price reductions from the tremendous savings in labor?? Hell no.
    It's MORE PROFIT for them. And they have no remorse at paying foreign workers $2 for 10 grueling hours of work? Hell no.
    Because if it meant more profit, they would crucify children.
    You yes-men. You sheep. You selfish, "I got mine" dummies. All you see is thugs.
    The REAL thugs are the ones robbing all of us, more and more every year, with new taxes, new fees, new fines and surcharges, and using armed agents to make sure we pony up.
    And you won't even look beyond your own portfolio at the misery of millions, condoned and promoted by, yeah, "your guy".
    Look up Marie Antoinette. See how an attitude like that works out.
    Keep cheering anyway.

  32. Taking riot bets on round 2 tonight or friday.

  33. do a search and see how wages for american workers have risen in last 30 years and compare it to how much ceo and cfo salaries have risen,and corparate profits,then tell me who is being screwed,rich keep getting richer.

  34. 539
    If it was not for CEOs there would be NO jobs ass-wipe why don't you open your own business and pay yourself a huge salary you FN Hypocrite my BET your on WELFARE paid by ME.

  35. Watching march in Balto on TV right now live. For such a poor neighborhood, they have very nice vehicles. Mercedes, Lincoln Navigator, Cadillac, BMW convertible no less, etc. The poverty is very disturbing to watch.

  36. Forty years of DEMOCRAT rule, the elected officials are DEMOCRAT, billions of dollars of tax payer dollars dumped into this cesspool. They the DEMOCRATS will beg for more. This is a total failure of big govt . DEMOCRATS.

  37. Freddie Gray had a preexisting spinal and neck injury and had severe damage and scar tissue from an accident that Allstate Insurance was paying him a large structured settlement. Freddie had several unsuccessful spinal fusion surgeries. His most recent spinal/cervical surgery was a week and a half before his arrest. Freddie should have been home in bed recovering and resting from major surgery instead of manufacturing and distributing drugs on the streets and resisting arrest.
    Freddie has a criminal record for manufacturing and distributing controlled dangerous drugs-crack cocaine and heroin along with many assault charges, gun charges, breaking and entering and on and on since he was 18. Juvenile record of course is sealed.
    If you go to MD Judiciary Case Search you can see his criminal record as well as see where he was trying to cash in his monthly structured settlement for his spinal injury payments to one lump sum through Peachtree Funding.
    Take note that on April 2 day of hearing on petition for settlement Freddie was not present and petition was dismissed. He wasn't present because he was he was in the hospital.

  38. Democratic leadership in Baltimore and the state has done nothing for these people maybe it's time to wake up?

  39. Yep Gray’s spinal injury resulting from his encounter with the Baltimore Police was not the result of rough-handling or abuse, but rather a freak accident that occurred when Gray should have been at home resting, not selling drugs.

  40. If it was not for CEOs there would be NO jobs ass-wipe why don't you open your own business and pay yourself a huge salary you FN Hypocrite my BET your on WELFARE paid by ME.

    April 28, 2015 at 6:00 PM

    that is a busted myth.

  41. There are at least 3 separate investigations in this case right now: one by the Baltimore Police Department, one by the FBI and Department of Justice, and one by the team of lawyers hired by Freddie Gray's family. The ME's report will surely determine if there are existing injuries compounded by resisting arrest.

    All the details from both side will come out, warts and all, just like with #HandsUpDontShoot.
    There was no need for rioting and looting in Ferguson either had people just sat back and waited for the coroner's report that determined it was all a damn lie fanned by liberal media.

  42. I think the settlement was from a lead paint claim.

  43. While our sheriff jumped in his toy to try to get some more exposure and test his toy , we could've had problems here! Way to go Mike Lewis! Had hardly a police presence here and left your constituents to fend for themselves. What if things got stupid here? Smdh. But hey....our deputies have proven they can and will kill. Of course they want to be up there where everyone is fair game.

  44. I do agree Mike could have sent troops he should have stayed on the shore. I guess he wanted to show off that shiny gun he wears. Oh well the cops are without him all the time nothing new from what I hear. He will not run unopposed next time I don't think


  46. to the person had to resort to calling me names ,you are wrong as can be,there would be jobs a.d more of them as there was 30_40 years ago when corparate salaries were more in line with workers salaries,calling me names shows your ignorance


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