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Sunday, May 03, 2015

Maryland sheriff aids police in enforcing citywide curfew Fox News Video


  1. Sheriff lewis was crying about people giving him the finger from a church, Waaaaaaaa.

  2. Mike Lewis in the lime light! Why not give the interview from the front seat of that tank on wheels? I told you why he went up! Smdh. Why not tell them about the murder your deputy committed? Your rise to the top by racially profiling.Or how your inept ass had several deputies pass by Thomas leggs responding to the house Sarah was taken from while he drove by them with her in the car? Or......... Lmao. So much to say. Just announce it already . you wanna run for office. Oh by the way. You could've had crap all over your own city yesterday while your off playing movie star politics.

    1. Lewis bad mouthed a deputy while he was seving in iraq.

  3. Didn't take him long to find a camera!

  4. It is really amazing how this incompetent fool always manages to find a camera and pretend he is a soldier. Ground Zero? Meanwhile, he can't catch a criminal here to save his life. Shut up and get out.

  5. Hey Pt SHERIFF how about getting morale up. In your office the street guys hate you.

  6. Mike does a good job. The problems in this county are just his.

  7. Haters Mike Lewis is just not another liberal idiot like Hunter Nelms turned into. As someone who worked for both of these men I will take the Lewis route. I for one am sick and tired of liberal cry babies. Mike is man committed to his creed. He does not care if you like him, hell no one will run against him.

    As a tewnty-five year cop I have seen it come full circle. You were wrong about Ferguson and you are wrong about Baltimore. Lies by the left in both cases resulted in rioting. The Mayor of Baltimore can not talk about Gey's broke back prior to police contact. The man was to be in bed for three weeks. Instead he is out selling his pain meds.
    GET FACTS then run your stinking pie holes.

    Sheriff we got your 6. I pray daily you libtards bring it lol

    1. Hunter Nelms stood for the peoples rights. He would put a cop in check on scene. The days of Nelms are greatly missed. He wasn't about playing politics and grandstanding!

    2. Have you lost your mind? Nelms not play politics?

  8. Hey mike how about filling that truck up with rick pollitts gas card?

  9. 10.53 I know that deputy and you are correct.

  10. I think he is arrogant and suffers form little man syndrome.

  11. Sooooo....when the Governor calls him to respond he is supposed to say no?
    I dont see where his team did anything but good. Is Baltimore on fire? Is there any looting? No, there isnt, and OUR Sheriffs Office helped make sure of that.

  12. Get off of Mike back you fools, I think he has done a job.

    1. Evey one with a job does a job. Its how you do it!

    2. Got off Mikes back. I love him.haha

  13. If it wasn't for Mike Lewis and the Sheriff's office this would be Baltimore City. When he gets involved unrest is put down and he does a lot to keep crime down. All I can say is quit running down SPD, State Police and The Sheriff's office and show support for the law not the lawless!

    1. He profiles, covers murders and grandstands.

  14. @11:19 Then don't call him when you need help. Take care of it yourself. You people bash the police right and left but are afraid to take care of your own business. YOU are the first one to call the cops when your are in trouble. It's a little arrogant of you to say things about someone you have never met, don't ya think?

  15. 11:15 I am on the job and a republican you sir must be in management because the moral in the sheriffs department is ridiculous because of the idiot media whore of a sheriff we need someone who works with us on the streets not a Pt official with a camera and mike in his face 24/7 the next election cant come soon enough let Lewis go over the bridge that's where he spends most of his time anyway.

    1. Someone had to run against him. He ran unopposed last time. How about that FOP president Fisher?

  16. What a whore! This guy can't stop spreading his legs for attention from a news camera! This guys first responsibility is to the citizen of Wicomico county, yet he chose to ignore his sworn duty to them. He needs to be fired for dereliction of duty! When there is a possible riot springing up at the UMES campus, Wicomico counties back door, he chose to leave to play up to the news in Baltimore. Folks, it is time to throw this bum out! Demand his resignation! He told everyone how he feels about their safety, he could care less! A good leader doesn't abandon his people in thier time of need!

    1. That you JT? I can smell you from here.

  17. These negative comments come from those who sit back and take the time from their employers to snipe at those that are trying to do something positive. If you don't think YOUR sheriff is doing a good job then work to get someone else otherwise get back to work and quit stealing time from your employers. Except for you JT we know you don't work at anything except expanding your waistline!

  18. Fact - Sheriff Lewis goes to Baltimore. Fact - City has a complete turn around from Monday night. Fact - Sheriff Lewis has completely made the WCSD what it is today. Fact - He walks the walk. Fact - you can't ignore the facts.

  19. Mean while in salisbury, Hearing gun shots last night but no police sirens

  20. 12:38 Are you privy to some special app or software that allows you to see if someone is on the clock or not? Police, fire, hosp. employees work different shifts and days. Let me guess, in your world you have or had to be at work at 7am, got 1/2hr for lunch if lucky and got home around 6pm.

  21. Yea he is a real media whore. Really dude he is where the ACTION is. So the cameras are there. Good work Mike were standing on the curb during that interview lol

  22. I have met him several times and he is in my opinion an arrogant know it all. Its like he thinks he is a movie star. There are other Sherriff's on the Shore to do you see them in the press as much as Mr. Lewis NO!

  23. That's all Lewis is about. He could care less about Wicomico county.
    He needs replacing.

  24. I watched many hours of what was going on in Baltimore. This was the only time I saw an interview with the police other than the head of the Baltimore PD. If there is a camera to be found her will find it. Criminal don't need to fear this man. The working person does. They are the ones the sheriff office target each morning while they are trying to go to work.

  25. 12:42- did you call the police when you heard the gun shots, or just ASSume someone else would?

  26. I wonder just how many of these negative comments are coming from just one individual?

  27. Good Point. We all know he VERY NEEDY for the camera!! Question to Wicomico County Tax Payers...Why does Baltimore City need Wicomico County Tank when National Guards are there!!! Isn't that such a waste of resources. But I guess this would make him look like a "big shot"...Get that camera time Mikey!!!

  28. What Murder did Deputy Commit? You have to let us know.

    1. Unjust killing of a black man three months ago where the only people who can verify a gun was there are cops and a dead man. That's after his rights were violated.

    2. You again? ^^ You ^^ are a liar and you know it.

    3. No. I don't know. Nobody but the police knows. And yes its me again. I'll be here forever until a proper investigation and reports come out.

    4. So, you admit that you don't know, but you keep running on that it was unjustified.

    5. We all know it was an unconstitutional stop. That is enough.

  29. Mr. Lewis hunted that camera man down just to get on the air...NO DOUBT ABOUT IT!! We have Military vehicles there already. Why did he even think they would need "his tank". hahaha too funny!!

  30. Comments...more than one? I just read it for first time today.

  31. Why are police "policing themselves". In many states, there are Board of Professionals, for example Board of Cosmetology, Board of Physicians, etc. These boards assure the public that certain qualifications, ethics, etc are met to be licensed in Maryland. Yet Maryland doesn't have a "Board of Police". Why? If they had a board that they would have to answer to OUTSIDE of the good old boy system, there would be less doubt and more ethics in our policing departments. I have nothing negative to say about police, but I'm sure there is always a bad apple in any profession. WHY NOT HAVE A MARYLAND BOARD OF POLICE?

    1. There is...it is called the Maryland Police and Corrections Training Commissions (MPCTC). They have a whole list of requirements for hire and employment as a police officer, certification requirements, in service, etc. They are in Sykesville, MD. Funny what a little research will do, rather than just running off at the mouth, uninformed, like most every other commenter.

  32. Is he saying Governor Hogan called him and asked him to come???!!!!!! hahahahaha

  33. 3:11 way past time for this to happen.
    citizen review boards for all police departments across the country! this is a no brainer!

  34. I wonder how many phone books he has to use to see over the steering wheel of that military truck.

  35. Thank you Sheriff Mike Lewis.

  36. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I wonder just how many of these negative comments are coming from just one individual?

    April 29, 2015 at 2:51 PM

    I highly doubt that. But let's take a poll.

    Hand raised, I am one.

  37. That night, Mike Lewis was the only LEO not wearing a helmet to make sure he would be recognized.
    Then he paraded behind every TV reporter, on site, to call attention to himself.
    Everyone ignored him, until he found his 15 minutes of fame, at Fox News, with his diatribe about how others far above his rank* quelled a riot.
    * He was a Maryland State Police Sergeant, who now struts around wearing the rank insignia of a 3 Star General.

  38. He's a HOTDOG looking for a bun. Have you ever seen a cop not act like he's freaking GOD'S gift. I remember a MSP in Cecil county who thought he was the bade st SOB. Got shot in the ASS because he was running away.

  39. WWLSD that is all you need to as yourselves

  40. I like Mike Lewis, but why does our county need an mrap?


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