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Sunday, April 26, 2015

What to expect for Thursday protests in Baltimore

A Sixth day of protests over the death of Freddie Gray is expected Thursday, with various demonstrations scheduled throughout the day.

Crowds have gathered outside the Western District police station since Saturday, the evening before Gray's death but have intensified over the past week.

Another rally is scheduled 3 p.m. Thursday at City Hall, according to officials with the Empowerment Temple, which is lead by pastor Jamal H. Bryant.

A third demonstration is expected at 5 p.m. beginning at N. Mount and Presbury streets.

With those to protests in mind, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake offered liberal leave to city staffers working downtown. She also urged others working downtown to consider leaving offices by 3 p.m. — or to stay late.

Gov. Larry Hogan, at the city's request, said he has authorized Maryland state police to respond to the city and provide support for city police during Thursday's demonstrations.



  1. Stick a camera in their face and they will come...LOL

  2. Stick a job application in there face that will scatter the 13%.

  3. Does anyone work in Baltimore?

  4. Police Departments attorneys are pretty busy...lol

  5. So thugs rule now, disgusting! why don't they take black Lives matter to the ghetto where they should matter.

  6. I have never heard exactly how he was hurt yet just that it happen. Did he fall or did they knock him down? I did see bikes in the back ground of the clip was he on one?

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Police Departments attorneys are pretty busy...lol

    April 23, 2015 at 3:53 PM

    lol good one

  8. I'm watching CNN and it's getting a bit scary in Baltimore already. The crowd is getting out of control.
    While watching I can't help but see how the neighborhood looks already like a war zone. Trash, boarded up row house after row house, broken windows, just a wreck.
    Everyone needs to take note because if people don't crack down and get rid of the liberal "leadership" in Sby, the area is going to end up just like Baltimore.

  9. The lawyer for the family is now saying the timeline authorities are giving is wrong. It's not a 1/2 hour in question but he has witnesses who saw the van out longer than the PD says it was and more like an hour.
    What's going to be hard for them to dispute is the statement from the other prisoner who has said the driver wasn't driving recklessly and he heard Gray throwing himself around in his metal cage.

  10. 6:29PM,
    Quite honestly & IMHO "the other prisoner" has probably been offered some sort of 'incentive' by LE or the City of Baltimore. In view of their previous track record, they want this to 'go away' ASAP.

  11. #1 whites protests, it's just America freedom st work. Blacks protest, it's dangerous thug mobs of freeloaders. Lol

    #2 615 that's already what sby is! Been here for over 10 years and this town has always sucked

  12. "Anonymous ginn said...
    Quite honestly & IMHO "the other prisoner" has probably been offered some sort of 'incentive' by LE or the City of Baltimore. In view of their previous track record, they want this to 'go away' ASAP.

    April 23, 2015 at 7:22 PM"

    Baltimore media and CNN are now leaning toward the "Rough Ride" theory as causing the injuries.
    I would think if this were so, the other prisoner would be on that bandwagon too, as the pay off would be much more lucrative.

  13. 10:26
    SShhhh he will think that is an invite


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