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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Off-Duty Officer's Car Stolen With Child Inside

An off-duty police officer with Maryland Capitol Police became the victim of an automobile theft Saturday while his special-needs child was inside the car

Authorities said the car was taken from the 1500 block of Homestead Street just before 3 p.m.

Investigators said the officer was unloading items from his personal vehicle when the thief fled with the vehicle and the child.

Officials said the officer fired a shot in the direction of the vehicle while it was being taken.



  1. I would shoot him in back until my gun was out of ammo.

  2. lets have more of this happen shall we...

    Maybe then someone will finally decide, cops won't get to personally drive work cars around and with their kids or family in the car at the tax payers expense...

    I thought all cops are on duty all the time, if that is the case, how can you be on duty with a your kid in the car???

    I mean shit if they don't use work cars for personal gains, they will just fill their personal cars with state funded tax payer stolen money anyway... I see it everyday at the Barrack "E" state police station...

  3. Funny if we leave the keys in our car we get a fine. I can't believe he fired at the car while he child was in there!

  4. I have to say all the gay remarks just destroys the intelligence of anything else said. I don't like him
    Or his politics but him being gay isn't destroying this city, his poor management decisions are.. It just makes the commenter look ignorant and back woods...

  5. What an idiot. Fires with his or any kid in the car. Left his keys and kid in the car. Again no body but an officer and prisoners in vehicles.

  6. 2:51 & 3:27 This was an off-duty cop unloading his *personal car* not a cop using his "work vehicle". Read the article.

    1. Nice justification officer. He still broke how many laws? Just because it wasn't his government issued joy ride don't mean he wasn't wrong! Fired and imprisonment! Time you cops pay for your actions!

  7. Wow.
    Left his keys in his car?
    Took a shot at his car WITH HIS KID INSIDE?
    The FIRST one is a crime that the police themselves made sure we knew about, you know **with all the stolen cars they have to deal with, many because a terrorist citizen left his keys inside **
    Oh the irony.
    The SECOND one lands you and I (regular, we, the people, types in jail, maybe prison.
    You FIRED A SHOT at a car moving away from you and with a child inside, IN A NEIGHBORHOOD??!!
    That damn "two sets of laws" thing AGAIN!
    Keep cheering.

    1. Three! Left a special needed child unattended! Take his kid and job. Toss his stupid butt under the jail house!

  8. 4:25, you can't seriously expect the cop haters to read and comprehend a story... The see the word "police" and go on the attack. If this was a lawfully carrying non police officer everyone would be praising the man for taking a stand to protect his child. Haters gonna hate...

    1. Bull. Anyone who leaves their special needs kid unattended need to be jailed and child taken. Cop or not. And for anyone to fire with their kid in the car would never receive praise. Discretion officer 5:21! Something most civilians have that police don't.

    2. Here is haters gonna hate. I wish the cop got stomped first for leaving his kid in a car alone. I wish the public stomped his arse for firing his weapon with them and their families around to possibly get hit for his own stupidity! I pray he gets prison and is served some butt loving for all the wrongs he's done as a cop. And that goes for every cop out there! Your all criminals or accomplices! Thats hate for you! Where are the good cops at anymore? Back in the 60's?

  9. Regarding cops, the clear and obvious facts are that the American people are fed up with the lawlessness and outright defiance of authority by LE today. And, rightfully so, I'll add.
    It sickens me to even think about it.

  10. I can say Dumbass, can you?

    Shoot your own vehicle with your own child inside?????????????

    Take his badge,

    It's just a matter of time until this story gets worse....

  11. Ok I can see leaving the child in the car while you are carrying things into the house depending on the child. If being in the car in a car seat means them being safe Im ok with that. However, leaving the keys in the vehicle or the vehicle running while doing so was just stupid. Oh yeah and it is also against the law!


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