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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Mayor Announces Latest Tool in Wicomico River Cleanup

Salisbury - Mayor James Ireton, Jr. today announced the installation of a floating debris boom across the East Branch of the Wicomico River. The boom, which is upstream of the Route 13 Bridge (Where the East Prong of the Wicomico River flows from the City Park into Downtown Salisbury) spans 42 feet, and is located in a non-navigable section of the river.

As debris enters the waterway from storm drain outfalls or direct runoff, it is caught in the boom, which prevents it from travelling farther downriver or upriver. Public Works employees then retrieve the debris and dispose of it accordingly.

Public Works will monitor the debris boom daily and will collect and dispose of debris on a weekly basis. The debris barrier is permitted by a Maryland Department of the Environment Wetland License.


  1. A catfish tournament could be held in the vicinity of the boom.They congregate wherever trash collects.

  2. TOOL? Oh, at first, I thot you said the latest fool.

  3. How about send in all the welfare crowd in the river they have nothing to do ALL day.

  4. But wait! I thought Jimmy boy had already cleaned up the river.has he not said so in the past? This was a campaign promise he made like 6 years ago wasn't it? Didn't he make the claim that children could swim in the river when he was done? It's been 6 years now and all he he's come up with is a trash collector? Lmao Im so glad I don't live in Salisbury. Hell I dont even shop in Salisbury anymore since it has become one giant speed trap. By the way where does all this money go from the speed traps? Seems to me Jimmy uses the children of Salisbury by way of speed traps nears the schools the money would be used for the schools. That's just my opinion but really where does the money go from the speed traps anyone know? Let me guess it's not used for anything safety wise? Just wondering. If anyone knows please let me know.

  5. He is a Tool. Him and Rick Hoppes are both Tool's. Speaking of tools I heard they liked them... Wink, Wink.

  6. I can't stand Ireton and he'll never get a pat on the back from me. He's not smart enough to come up with this idea, it something he copied from some place else. The trash isn't from the river, it's trash that dumps in the river from storm water drains and is nothing but common sense. Those booms aren't rocket science.

  7. Think about this:

    A license is permission to do what is otherwise illegal.

    So by needing a license from the state of Maryland, they are saying that it's illegal to clean rivers of trash and debris.

    Is there anything the government won't claim title to?

  8. Simple fix Sweep the streets Which we pay for with property taxes),and don't let the litter go into the storm drains. Also, give out some littering tickets and the animals won't throw their trash on the streets so much.

    1. BRILLANT! !!! NOT!!! REALLY? ?? That's the best you have? ?

  9. Maybe they can put a "boom" south of the waste water treatment plant to catch all of the bury crap overflows too...

  10. You have prisons full of able-bodied people. Use the ones that are not violent and put them to work cleaning up the river and the streets. Make them live like the rest of us do. If you don't work you don't eat.

  11. I wish the littering could be stopped. How can it be enforced?
    I'd like to know.

  12. Everyone on welfare can have a street that they have to clean up once a week. If they don't clean it up....they don't get a check.

  13. The trash comes from trashy people. People that don't take care of anything they have and don't care if they mess up things for others.


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