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Sunday, April 26, 2015

UMD screening of ‘American Sniper’ postponed after Muslim student group speaks out

COLLEGE PARK, Md. (WJLA) – A decision to pull scheduled screenings of the movie “American Sniper” at the University of Maryland is causing controversy on campus and on social media.

The group Student Entertainment Events (SEE) announced its decision Wednesday. On its website, SEE wrote it had decided to "postpone" screenings scheduled for May 6 and 7 "after meeting with concerned student organizations."

The day before SEE's announcement, UMD's Muslim Students Association started an online petition against the film, writing that "it only serves to fuel hatred, promote Islamophobia, and discriminate against Muslim individuals."

“American Sniper” was directed by Clint Eastwood, and it was the highest-grossing film in the United States in 2014, per IMDB.com. It was also nominated for best picture at the Academy Awards.



  1. Shocking !
    Well now I definitely need to go see it.

  2. This politically correct crap must stop. As an American Veteran, I don't give a rats ass about what a Muslim student thinks.

  3. "Islamaphobia"

    these days we'd all better have that condition.

  4. The movie does not portray Muslims as being the enemy, only what the Muslims in that theater (on the opposing force) as the enemy. It is a very powerful and emotion-stirring film and I recommend that you see if for yourself before passing judgement. Maybe the students from the Muslim Student Union should do that themselves.

    I feel that someday that all of this protesting is going to come back to haunt them. The boy who cried wolf.

    Just my 2 cents, I could be wrong.

  5. If we don't stop bowing to their demands we will be bowing to their commands...5 times a day.

  6. Soak your ammo in bacon fat

  7. We should be worried about Islam!! Their are Demon satan worshippers. Cells are already in this country and the next attack will make 911 look like a picnic..EMP pulse first.then all hell will break loose. Our leaders know this. Dont believe any of the current distractions.Its intentional to distract us from the evil within our own borders..just pray the UN troops dont start showing up. This country must go in order for the NWO to flourish

  8. isn't a demand a command?

  9. They wanted / want our freedoms and liberties. That is why they claim they need our help to escape their Country . Now they are over here they want to destroy our freedoms / liberties / rights.

    Again I say "LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT". We will not surrender to your Anti American ways.

    Tangle with the Country Boys that love "GOD, FAMILY and our GUNS". You will see we are not OBAMA your American leader.
    As for as you bunch of Liberals, remember don't coming running to us with the means to deal with these Anti - Americans. You will be treated as one of them.


  10. Never served like 1;52, but share the sentiments exactly.

  11. Obama Crooked Socialist BastardoApril 24, 2015 at 9:35 PM

    2:38 & 5:18 I agree 100%. We need to tell those "poor Muslims Students" in University of Maryland to get over their "Touchy Feelings". If you don't like it, don't watch it. I guess they like it better when Islamists Slaughter Innocent & Unarmed Christians in the Middle East and somehow that's Ok??? It's a Great Movie and every Patriotic American should watch it.

  12. The sheeple will only put a stop to this sharia crap when it is determined that football, basketball and soccer are unislamic and no longer allowed to be played.

  13. If they do not want to see the movie don't go see it. It is as simple as that.

  14. So the "tolerant" liberals are not so tolerant. I'm not surprised!


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