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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Former NFL player Aaron Hernandez found guilty of first-degree murder

Jury in Fall River, Mass., finds former New England Patriots player Aaron Hernandez guilty of first-degree murder.


  1. Bye Bye thug now arrest the girlfriend for lying to the prosecutor 23 times or will she get a pass because she is AA.

  2. Always thought he should've been a Raven.

  3. Should prosecute the whole NFL, they are all criminals, thugs, drug addicts, drunks, wife beaters....

  4. Thug thug thug with $$$$$$$
    he will have plenty of $$$$$$ on his jail Credit Card , what a POS.

  5. Darn the Ravens almost had a tight end for this year. Since they like to hire ex-murders.

  6. He's a gang banger who could play football. Had he not had that talent he would have been in the pokey years ago. Fool. Went from eating filet mignon to eating choke sandwiches. So true that you can take them out of the hood but you can't take the hood out of them.


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