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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Governor Requires Food Stamp Recipients to Work 6 Hours a Week, This Happens Immediately After

Food stamp recipients in Maine got a rude awakening when Gov. Paul LePage decided to impose a three-month limit on benefits for able-bodied adults without dependents (Abawds).

Now, before all the raging liberals out there start throwing a hissy fit and talking about how much conservatives hate the poor and all that bleeding heart rhetoric, this limit is only enforced if the “Abawds” refuse to get a job working 20 hours a week, take job training, or volunteer six hours a week.

Guess what happened when this rule was enforced?

Nearly 80 percent of people on welfare were cut off the program because they refused to get a job or volunteer to work six hours a week.



  1. This rule needs to be implemented everywhere...and not just for Food Stamps!

  2. you want to save $ on foodstamps which i am on temporary stop allowing us to get soda chips candy you will save billions.

  3. Well, then they will go to work, and get an "injury" to their backs and sue!

  4. this will never happen on a national level because the democrats know they would loose most of there votes.

  5. Well I'm liberal and think it's a great idea. But sadly saying the democrats would lose their voters is wrong. The people that receive the most in aid as far as food stamps and Medicaid are poor white republican families in all of the southern red states.

  6. You'll never see Maryland do this for two reasons. First it makes sense. Second is that it's not PC. This is a great idea but would be even nicer is to include mandatory drug testing for same with the condition that positive results would end their program!

  7. Obvious outcome, every time. Its why the recipients of the free handout programs always say its stupid to work, when you can get it for free.

  8. If it's supposedly "poor white Republican" voters who receive the most welfare (which has been disproved), tell me why it's the "low information voters" who get all outraged and upset when cuts are announced to welfare and food stamps?

    1. Yep,13% population us black 63% are on welfare and or in prison.

  9. Bring it on, Mr. Hogan! We need more volunteers!

  10. It's call entitlement. Poor people on welfare feel entitled to welfare just like rich people feel entitled to do whatever they want. Same behavior just different people. Before everyone demands they work, make sure there is somewhere where they work. It's not just about getting people off of welfare, it's about making sure you don't quickly add to the ranks of working poor as well.


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