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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Tesla Gets Green Light For Maryland Sales Network

Electric car pioneer Tesla moved a big step closer to bringing its model of direct sales to customers to Maryland as the Maryland General Assembly this week approved a bill lifting a blanket state ban on the practice.

The bill now goes to Republican Gov. Larry Hogan’s desk for his signature.

Tesla has waged a state-by-state battle with the established network of traditional car dealers, who have argued Tesla’s direct-to-customer sales methods would undercut their markets and the legal protections put in place for consumers. Tesla and its backers say the dealers are trying to protect their businesses while limiting competition.

House Bill 235 authorizes California-based Tesla Motors to be licensed as a dealer in the state, although with a number of restrictions and reservations. Tesla officials nevertheless hailed the measure as a win for free markets everywhere.



  1. I'm sure alot of Marylanders can afford a $75k car!

  2. 1049-75K won't get you a Tesla...

  3. I've seen one on the road in Ocean City. Somebody can afford it.

  4. Sounds great. Spend huge $$$ on an electric car, pat yourself on the back for being "green" then plug it in to charge with electricity generated by fossil fuels!

  5. 12:11 - with the amount of solar panels on roofs these days - the new Tesla owners will drive for free! That would be my plan....

  6. They already provide free charging. There is a station at the mall.


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