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Sunday, April 05, 2015

19 States Have 'Religious Freedom' Laws Like Indiana

Indiana has come under fire for a bill signed Thursday by Gov. Mike Pence (R) that would allow businesses to refuse service for religious reasons. The NCAA has voiced its concern ahead of Final Four in Indianapolis next week, there are calls to boycott the state, and Miley Cyrus has even weighed in, calling Pence a name that we can't reprint on this family Web site in an Instagram post.

But Indiana is actually soon to be just one of 20 states with a version of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, or RFRA, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Those states are shown above in dark teal.

Forty percent of U.S. states have something similar to Indiana, as does the federal government.

A federal RFRA signed by President Clinton in 1993 shares language with Indiana and other states' bills, prohibiting the government from "substantially burdening" individuals' exercise of religion unless it is for a "compelling government interest" and is doing so in the least restrictive means.

More here


  1. I find this troubling but not for the reasons most are indignant about. Christians in the U.S. have been vilified, discriminated against, and called horrible names. It's a pity when their right to Free Speech and the practice of Religious Belief, written in the First Amendment, has to be defended with laws.

    What a shame.

  2. Yes they do!

    Those 19 states, unlike Indiana, also have additional laws to protect gay and lesbian civil rights. And besides, most of these weren't passed IN 2015! What year is it again? Good lord.

  3. Larry Hogan how about MD doing this.?

  4. "Those 19 states, unlike Indiana, also have additional laws to protect gay and lesbian civil rights"

    Which is what this flap is really all about. Special protection for deviant behavior. Not skin color. Not ethnicity. Not gender.

    If someone honestly feels that baking a cake for a homosexual wedding violates their religious beliefs, they have a RIGHT to exercise that religious belief under the 1st Amendment.

    It's not like the homosexuals can't get a cake somewhere else. Some of them will intentionally go to a Christian baker to try to start something.

    This is part of a WAR against Christians.

  5. First Muslim business that uses this law against a Christian and it will be a whole different story. Worried about Shira Law? This opens the door.

  6. Doesn't Jesus teach you to love and be tolerant of everyone? These people choose their religion and whether to exclude certain people, but gays don't choose to be gay. (I know that's an unpopular belief)

  7. 12:19 Jesus had a dad, his name was GOD, and God killed sodomites and destroyed their town as a lesson to all. He also says a Man shall not lay with a man as he dose a woman. Jesus never said to disobey the law of his father-God. We are to hate deviants as God did also!

  8. Jesus said zero about homosexuality but a whole lot about divorce.

    1. Ohhhh really ,man shall not lay with another man? Look it up Cupcake.

    2. Old testament cupcake.

  9. "It's not like the homosexuals can't get a cake somewhere else. Some of them will intentionally go to a Christian baker to try to start something."

    Right because all they are doing is looking to show off.

  10. Miley Cyrus, really ? Who cares what Miss wrecking ball has to say? Well, the MSM of course!

  11. How about laws that protect heterosexuals.

  12. 12:37 says "Jesus had a dad, his name was GOD, and God killed sodomites and destroyed their town as a lesson to all...Jesus never said to disobey the law of his father-God. We are to hate deviants as God did also!"

    What we know if we read the Bible is that the old testament where God was killing sodomites was under the law. In the new testament Jesus is preaching grace. There is a very big difference. It is also important to note that very little of the new testament is actually quotes made by Jesus. Most of the new testament as the rest of the Bible is written by other men. You can decide if they were inspired or not. Finally a virgin birth in which God is the Dad. That would not be a virgin birth. The concept of the trinity, God, the father, God the son, and the Holy Ghost is indeed a complicated one. Some challenged people are Christians in name only.

  13. There are numerous places, both Old and New Testament that say homosexuality is wrong.. sin.
    We are told to love the sinner but hate the sin.
    We aren't told to TOLERATE the sin.
    Homosexuals are not a protected class in Indiana. This law changes NOTHING in that regard, and the fuss about it in regard to the new law is a straw man (and apparently he is queer.)


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