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Sunday, April 05, 2015

Ted Cruz: I don’t believe in climate change because I ‘follow the science’


  1. But what does that have to do with running for president? He must be confusing science with politics.Why would he address that which cannot be altered by man?

  2. Because our current President and politician are spending millions of our hard earned tax money on climate change. It is a farce to redistribute the wealth as Obama promised he would do. They take our tax money and give it away to third world countries under the guise of climate change.

  3. 133pm watch the video and answer your own stupid questions ...progressive terrorist

  4. You mean the science that points out we've rapidly changed the climate on this earth? Ted Cruz is a moron.

  5. It's important, because dishonest politicians are using the very mistaken belief that man-made global warming exists or anything could be done about it to control our lives.

  6. Ted Cruz is right on this one and science supports his stance.

  7. I wonder how he stands on Evolution, if he stands on the side of Science....

    Seriously, climate change is blown way out of proportion on both sides.

  8. 2:24 - I can point to many studies that say you are wrong.

  9. What always amazes me about these Climate Change people is that these prediction are all based on computer models.

    your local weather is also based on computer models and they have a very hi rate of failure what it comes to accurately predicting the weather.

    Yes often the models are pretty good for a 3 day forecast but anything over a week is unreliable at best.

    So how can you put all your faith in a model that is trying to predict the weather years in advance when the best models we have now can barely get a 5 day forecast right ?

  10. and if you dare object to this so called science you are called a moron

  11. I will take a full page ad out on Joe's website with my picture and the caption of your choice all you have to do is tell me why evolution stopped! That's simple for you right? If it started then surely it continues to this day! Take the challenge I dare you, but be sure you are prepared to defend your case.

  12. um evolution has not stopped. Now tell us why your god stopped creating things.

  13. I admire Cruz for being one of the first candidates to stand up to the pseudo-science liberals with their so called green agenda that only promotes international redistribution of wealth. Every one of the top espousers of their religion does not practice what they preach. Look at Al Gore as an example.

  14. 2:55 - have at it... let's see 'em, and not ones that have since been discredited.

    4:11 - it hasn't. We can watch observe natural selection occur in organisms with very short lifespans (like bacteria), and even in vertebrate animals (see Peter & Rosemary Grant). And by your logic, show me your god, and I'll believe it. Nice try though.

  15. 6:41
    Each and EVERY prediction made by the global warming alarmists since 1980 has been wrong. Every one of them.

    And you want to still believe that crap?

    Something wrong with you.

  16. 7:50 No, I don't want to believe. That would be 4:11.
    I want peer-reviewed research. The great thing about science is that it doesn't care what you believe.

    Sure, the science on climate change has evolved since 1980...many scientific theories have. That's how science works.

  17. 7:50 and great job in using an ad hominem in your 'argument.' You do know that's equivalent to throwing in the towel when one has no evidence to back one's side, no?

  18. 6:41...don't you wish you had some REAL science knowledge?
    Natural selection is NOT "evolution".
    Natural selection is the weak and stupid being eliminated in the competition for resources.
    Evolution is mainly due to random deviations (a mutation) in the genetic code, which sometimes will allow that organism an advantage. Like wings.
    No one has been able to show a plausible explanation concerning how wings developed. Either you have feathers and can fly, or not. Partial wings get you killed. Natural selection.
    Same thing is true for DNA and NUMEROUS chemicals, hormones, and proteins that have only ONE function. How did they first occur in nature? BIG puzzle there.
    Evolution is no more fact than religion. We have NEVER EVER found an organism that PROVES evolution. That includes "Lucy".
    Just start with how ANY primordial chemicals somehow "came together" (somehow....), developed a cell wall (HAVE to have that) and then, by miracle of miracles (hate that word, huh?) found a way to DUPLICATE themselves (which, for you non-science types, is an extremely complicated chemical and biological dance). My, those random molecules made all the right moves, huh?
    Hang on to whatever you want to believe, but please don't think "science" has all the answers or that it refutes religion. It doesn't. But scientists, by definition, can't say "God" did anything.
    That doesn't mean he's not listening.

  19. You're correct, science doesn't have all the answers. It's just not afraid to look for them. Try again.

  20. You do know that your own cells lack cells walls right? They don't, as you say, "HAVE to have that!!!" Not to mention, there is plenty of flight in the animal kingdom that involves no feathers. Even if you think fossilized pterosaurs are some kind of cruel joke God is pulling on you to test your faith... But I guess most creationists finally gave up on that laughable little idea.

    Try getting the bare basic 5th grade science correct before attempting more complicated theory.


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