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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Lawmaker calls for a rebellion against EPA pollution emissions for backyard barbecues

A Missouri state legislator wants the Environmental Protection Agency to back off of people’s backyard barbecues.

On Monday, State Senator Eric Schmitt (R) from St. Louis kicked off a #porksteakrebellion after he discovered the EPA is funding a study on propane grill emissions that suggest pit masters use a special tray to catch grease drippings and a "catalytic" filtration system to reduce air pollution, reports Fox News KTVI.

“The idea that the EPA wants to find their way into our back yards, where we’re congregating with our neighbors, having a good time, on the 4th of July, barbecuing pork steak or hamburgers, is ridiculous and it’s emblematic of agency that’s sort of out of control,” Schmitt said.

The EPA is funding a $15,000 University of California-Riverside study to look at the particulate emissions you breathe when grilling over an open flame. Along with the drip tray, the emission removal system includes the use of a “secondary air filtration system is composed of a single pipe duct system which contains a specialized metal filter, a metal fan blade, a drive shaft, and an accompanying power system with either a motorized or manual method,” according to study.



  1. One of the few pleasures of life is backyard grilling. Screw the EPA, I'm not giving that up. I guess they will go after people with fireplaces next or maybe outdoor fireplaces? I think that would be a very difficult law to enforce.

  2. They need a ventilation system for the sewage odor from DC

  3. Time to fire up the grill this weekend!

  4. This article reminded me to get my grill out of storage and get grilling. The EPA needs to go back concentrating on cow farts and leave us alone.

  5. They have already gone after wood stoves 9:32. You can't buy or sell a wood stove that doesn't meet their new requirements. We need to disband the EPA before they ban breathing for using up precious oxygen!

  6. Why not keep grilling but with less impact? I think that's the goal duh.

  7. 9:32, Not only are they 'cleaning up' the environment, but 'creating' jobs at the same time. DHS and IRS will be doing the enforcing and DOJ the prosecuting.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Why not keep grilling but with less impact? I think that's the goal duh.

    March 19, 2015 at 11:16 AM

    omg. somebody use this hard wooden head for charcoal.

  9. 3:59
    Oh my goodness. Somebody teach this individual some grammar skills and maturity.


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