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Thursday, March 19, 2015

When Critics Are Viewed as Traitors

Democrats forget their own foreign policy forays

“Traitors.” That’s a strong term, obviously. It should never be used lightly. Yet there it was, flying around like confetti in Times Square on New Year’s Eve.

Why? Because 47 Republican senators who are understandably concerned about the prospects of a nuclear-armed Iran sent a letter to that country’s leaders about the deal now being struck with the United States and other countries. Their message: The next U.S. president can overturn “with the stroke of a pen” any deal Congress doesn’t approve.

“Judas got thirty pieces of silver. What did you get?” one New Jersey resident tweeted. Others, sparked by a White House who accused the 47 senators of “wanting to make common cause with the hardliners in Iran,” were equally vitriolic. The New York Daily News called it an “unprecedented missive.”

Here's more


  1. Ignorance of the constitution. If the low information voters would get informed they would see who the actual traitor is.

  2. These 47 senators should be considered true PATRIOTS!! The only traitor I know resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in D.C.


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