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Sunday, February 08, 2015

Salisbury News Follows Up On Yesterday's Daily Times Manufactured Article

The Desperate Reporting of the Daily Times or When is a Quorum NOT a Quorum and When Have YOU Had Enough?

One would think that after the debacle over their reporting of the events at Stephen Decatur High School, the Daily Times would try to be more circumspect in how they report what they believe is news. What does it mean to be more circumspect? If one is circumspect, one thinks carefully before doing or saying anything. A good quality in someone entrusted with responsibility such as main stream media is considered to be.

Reporter Phil Davis wrote an online article entitled “Culver, Council Closed Tour of School Raises Questions” that was posted on February 3, 2015. It was also in the print copy. Davis states the tour of West Salisbury Elementary organized by Wicomico County Executive

Bob Culver raised two questions: 1) what was the state of the school; and 2) did Culver facilitate an illegal quorum without informing the public. Before we go further, let’s look at some FACTS:

Definition of word “tour” – an activity in which you go through a place (such as a building or city) in order to see and learn about the different parts of it.

Definition of word “quorum” – the number of members of a group or organization required to be present to transact business legally.

Purpose of tour was information gathering on the condition of the school.

This was not a legal meeting and no business was conducted therefore the question about a “quorum” is irrelevant.

Culver recruited VOLUNTEERS with EXPERTISE in various areas of construction including architecture, electrical, roofing and maintenance to attend the tour.

Volunteers provided a WRITTEN REPORT for FREE as in NO COST TO THE TAXPAYER. This report has been made PUBLIC and is available to all citizens on the Wicomico County website.

Additional attendees were 5 members of the County Council, including the Council President; the Superintendent of Public Schools, members of the Board of Education; the Principal of the West Salisbury and community member Mike Dunn.

Now that THE FACTS are on the table, what the heck is Davis’ point and more importantly his motivation in writing that article? The bulk of his article is not about the condition of the school or the findings of the “volunteers”, but questions the legality of the “tour”. REALLY? Is that what the Daily Times thinks is news – trying to create a controversy out of thin air?

How about the fact that Culver recruited VOLUNTEERS who produced a FREE REPORT on their findings? How about the findings themselves? How about an editorial thanking those dedicated citizens who care enough about Wicomico County that they donated their time and talent to not only tour, but write follow-up reports on their findings at NO COST TO TAXPAYERS. And let’s not forget those devilish County Council members, how dare they show interest in seeing the condition of West Salisbury school for themselves and actually go on a tour – it must be a violation of something!!!

It’s hard to believe that Davis came up with the “quorum” thing on his own. Someone likely whispered it in his ear. The motivation is transparent. Culver is a threat to the status quo and there are those who just can’t stand it. Culver is doing what he said he would do during his campaign – almost unheard of by a “politician” - clearly proving he isn’t a politician, but a businessman.

Let’s be real…it is clear the Democrats allowed Pollitt to lose. They did NOTHING to support him. He had NO CAMPAIGN. He RAISED NO MONEY and had to BEG FOR FUNDS in the last 10 days of the campaign. It was so bad even the Council RINOs donated and attended a thrown together fundraiser in the last week. HE HAD VIRTUALLY NO SUPPORT FROM HIS OWN PARTY. The Dems got rid of Pollitt as planned and want Culver to be a one term Executive so they can put their new candidate in office in 4 years. What the “haters” and the Daily Times didn’t expect and now need to accept - the people not only rallied around Culver, but did so by quite a large margin, they want change and THEY ARE BEHIND CULVER MORE EVERY DAY.

So what are the “haters” and the Daily Times doing? They are scared to death of Culver because he reaches out to all kinds of people and can bring them together to work on County issues. He doesn’t care where a good idea comes from and realizes some of the best ideas come from the least powerful. They are scared because there is enthusiasm and hope coming from the taxpayers and their powerful elite of the last 8 years are losing!

They are creating issues out of non-issues in a pathetic attempt to discredit Culver – so you get the “did Culver facilitate an illegal quorum…” article. Look for more of these bogus attacks as time goes by, but just like the outrage created by the Stephen Decatur article, more and more people will turn away from the Daily Times. There is a “drop your subscription” petition going around over the Decatur reporting. Since the Daily Times can’t manage to support or even refrain from making up fake news about the people’s chosen County Executive, a “drop your subscription” petition should be started in Wicomico County. There is a huge difference between news and made up news. Here’s hoping that the citizens of Wicomico County are smart enough to tell the Daily Times ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!


  1. Couldn't agree more. It is great that there are people who will volunteer pro bono to help the county. All Pollitt did was study after study at our expense. The DT's bias is so obvious.

    Thank you to all the people who took the tour and wrote follow-up reports. This is one taxpayer who appreciates it!

  2. Actually the Daily Times article was dead on accurate. It appears based on SBYNews being the Culver mouthpiece these days that Culver is actually the one the is scared to death of accurate reporting. and as for circumspect??? Pot meet kettle.

  3. Interesting take on Pollitt's lack of campaign. I thought it odd he had so little support from his own party and the old line Dems. This makes sense and also explains why we are seeing people like Mike Dunn come to the front. I hope all those who voted for Culver will read this and be outraged by the lack of integrity being shown by the paper and those feeding them information.

  4. Wow. They must be desperate if they are going after the council about a quorum with RINO president Cannon. Culver sure has hit a nerve with the old regime. ROFLMAO

  5. LOL-I was wondering where the "quorum" nonsense came from. I figured the DT's just heard the word, thought it sounded cool and thinking they would be clever (and sound intelligent) they would toss it in the article.

  6. 10:32 you must the person who contacted the DT about the quorum. Explain how this was a meeting where business was being conducted. A tour is just a tour. You've heard council members talk about how they wished they'd had these opportunities before. Don't get why you think this violated some kind of quorum.

  7. 10:32, WOW! Please, do tell me how they are spot on. Spot on would mean Culver was found GUILTY of something. The ONLY one that has alleged guilt is YOU, the Daily Times.

    As for SBYNews being a mouth piece for Culver, you Liberals just don't get it, do you.

    I have been OPENLY supporting CONSERVATIVE representatives since the day I started this Website.

    I do not HIDE behind anonymous like YOU just did. So if ANYONE is scared, it is YOU.

    That being said, IF I believe even a Liberal is doing something good for their community/district, I give them the credit they deserve as well.

    I was asked by Salisbury University Television News after the election if I will go after the Republicans as evenly as I have Democrats for all these years. I replied, we do not take endorsements lightly. If representatives do NOT deliver what they promised the voters, you better believe I'll go after them. And I have already.

    By the way Daily Times, why don't you give SBYNews credit when you take our information, like the LIST of businesses that left the area. We are the ONLY ones that compiled that list and you guys used it word for word, business by business.

    Oh well, not to worry. You'll be gone soon enough.

  8. thanks Joe. I thought the article by that reporter was ridiculous and missed the whole point of what Culver and the others were there for and trying to do. And as far as the comments about sbynews being Culver's mouthpiece - well, he sure isn't getting a fair shake anywhere else. It would be great to see people hoping that the new executive succeeded instead of looking for and making up opportunities to bring him down. Sick of how this town operates.

  9. I commend Culver and his volunteers for bringing some common sense back to government. It is time to tune out the "gimme, gimme, gimme" crowd. THEY are the ones who put Wicomico in the hole. Culver and company trying to fix it. Go Bob.

  10. Joe for some people the truth is a pesky little problem. I'm sure your post is causing them heartburn. GOOD! They've had their way with the MSM. Thanks for giving the rest of us a chance to know what is really happening.

  11. Hey Daily Times,

    WHO WAS YOUR SOURCE for this ALLEGED violation???????

    You are Main Stream Media and you completely manufactured that news!

    Afraid to say Mike Dunn, Laura Mitchell, John Fredericksen or whomever?????

    Thanks for PROVING once again the Liberals control that newspaper at ANY price.

    The MAJORITY of citizens overwhelmingly voted for Bob Culver and YOU continue to bash him almost every single day. I guess, (should you remain in business) we'll see the same crap for the next four years.

    And you LIBERALS attack me because I allegedly take pride in bringing down that newspaper.

    It's you IDIOTS who can't seem to understand that it's business moves like going AGAINST the majority of people who voted for Bob that get disgusted with these manufactured articles that are forcing the demise of the newspaper, NOT ME.

    I just happen to create articles like this one by calling them out for their stupid mistakes. And do you know why I call you stupid liberals, because NONE of you have any good business sense because if you did and things are as bad as they are at the Daily Times, a smart business person would not make such stupid moves.

  12. I'm sick of so called reporters, some of them aren't reporters at all they are fiction writers and I really didn't pay close attention to it until the last few years but when you really examine some of what they write it becomes real obvious. The same is true for TV reporters/interviewers. It's discusting how they pervert what should be a reputable profession.

  13. 11:10, I loved how WBOC did an story about Bob Culver the other day referencing this school and they said that Bob Culver took office in JANUARY.

    Funny part is, JOE CARMEAN, (fired from the Daily Times and now works at WBOC) is supposed to make sure these kind of mistakes don't happen.

    The majority of television reporters are now actors. They have no FEEL for the community any more. Instead, WBOC like to put out there personal commercials showing how wonderful their reporters are and how connected they are to the community. TOTAL BS!

    1. Coming from a guy who ran for mayor and lost by 2 to 1 margin. That's getting your but KICKED. YOU go keyboard junkie at least you're good at something.

  14. It seems obvious that Pollitt thought he had a job in Annapolis with Anthony Brown. No real attempt at being re-elected in Wicomico county. Go Bob Culver!!

  15. Joe, among anyone should not be asking who their source is! You pull this card all the time.

  16. I quit getting the DT years ago. My bird wouldn't even sh!t on it.

  17. "Haters" is exactly right.
    Good call on this, Joe.
    And even if there was a quorum, as long as they are not voting or transacting business, they're OK.
    What would they be expected to do.. give each person an individual tour???
    The "Haters" are a bunch of grade-school cry babies who LOST the election, lost their power base and now will have to deal with REALITY.


    I always have sources. I refrain from EXPOSING those sources to refrain from those GOOD PEOPLE I'll call whistle blowers from being retaliated against.

    A prime example.

    Last week we did several articles about a Family who was subjected to incredible noise BEFORE 7:00 am from a construction crew.

    I purposely kept their name OUT of it because I confirmed their information to be true. I wanted to make sure of TWO things.

    ONE, WBOC, WMDT & the DT's wouldn't have instant access to our source but more importantly I wanted to keep this Family from being abused by Jonathan Taylor.

    Wouldn't you know it, either Laura Mitchell or Mayor Jim Ireton EXPOSED their name purposely to Jonathan fully knowing he would bash the crap out of him.

    Laura and Jim are SCUMBAGS. They don't care about YOU people, not at all. However, YOU people are too stupid to vote them out of Office.

    My attorney is considering a request for ALL of their phone records and computer records to get to the bottom of this.

    In closing, IF Salisbury News was NOT around, MILLIONS of people would be in the dark about the TRUTH. We purposely leave names out of being exposed but we ALWAYS have a source. We do NOT manufacture news.

    1. no but you will post anything by anonymous minions who manufacture untruthful comments.

  19. I'm from Worcester county but have noticed a proliferation of bash the Wicomico County Executive articles in the Daily Times lately. It IS as if they are manufacturing "news" and hoping something will stick in order to make Mr Culver appear unsavory. The overall tone of the articles are accusatory, condemnatory and critical.
    They are also unprofessional in that they are terrified of criticism. No where on their site do they allow anon comments. This is suggestive of a bit of paranoia on the part of the editor and a compelling need to know exactly who is saying what.

  20. Thanks Joe and thanks to Bob Culver and the committee for doing a fine job. The school needs the updates and the children deserve to have a quality school in which to learn.

    I am so very thankful that Bob Culver was ELECTED to office, and he is doing a great job. The ole boys/girls just can't stand to be shown up and now thank GOD now, we have a person with ethics who will go the will of the people not pander to liberal radicals.

    Keep up the good work Bob the road to success is littered with these people who aren't worthy to brush the dust off your shoes!

  21. Why was Mike Dunn even on that tour?He volunteered? Why didn't everyone else get the opportunity?

    Rumor says that he wants to be on the Board of Education? Why would anyone choose him for that? No kids, no job, only a BA degree from SSC, no relevant experience except for four years of self-service on the city council. Smooth talker, yes, without a doubt, but so are used car salesmen.

  22. 11:29 - Have you forgotten about Watergate, Woodward & Bernstein & Deep Throat? Every good journalist/blogger has their confidential informants. I am one of Joe's many sources and am proud of it. I trust him more than any reporter at the Daily Times and other mainstream media. He has never abused my trust over the years.

  23. I imagine as time goes by Culver will uncover more unsavory deals and behaviors by the former leaders and some still around. True transparency is here - not the laughable transparency portal that Pollitt/Strausberg created. The truth ALWAYS comes out. That old regime never considered they would lose power so they are in a panic that the sunlight of truth is finally going to expose them for the system abusers they are. Tick tock.

  24. Best Dang Article - from the Editor-in-chief - that I can recall to date. So cogent-that even a 10 year old can digest.

    That is why I always keep coming to this site. Great investigative reporting!!! Now if we could only get some of the other medias on board with the program.

  25. I am so thankful that SBYNEWS is reporting unbiased news. By now our general population is aware of The Daily Times connections that include some of its notorious characters - (Joe Carmean, Susan Parker, Mike Dunn, etc.). Once the public connected the dots, their liberal agenda was exposed. They are going down very soon, wait and see.

  26. What kind of rookie writer is this Phil Davis guy? Why would the Daily Rag even run a story like this? A quorum for a fact finding tour? Get your heads out of your a$$es dirt balls! Go back and waste your time trying to get the name of the kid who drowned in OC this past summer...there's real news! ...NOT!

  27. I'll remind you where the DT got the quorum from. It came from Mike Dunn/Barrie Tilghman/Jim Ireton types. Remember when Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen were holding neighborhood meetings and the Scheme Team couldn't stand the thought of people actually getting truthful answers from council? They sent Shanie to sit in on these neighborhood meetings to create a quorum, then Brenda the council secretary would have to come out and sit in on the meetings and keep minutes. This is another failed attempt to prevent good people from doing good work for the people.

  28. At least we gave Pollitt 8 years to improve this area, instead things are worse. Two months on a job does not make an administration. We all know there is a lot of work to do and I hope we finally have the right people in place. With the exception of a few, we know who they are vote them out in the next election!

  29. Really - who freaking cares if 5 council members went on a tour??!! Stupid article and small-minded, petty people behind it. Wicomico is in the toilet and Culver and some dedicated citizens are trying to use some common sense to fix things. God forbid that we don't spend tens of thousands of dollars on studies like Pollitt and the RINOs did. Poor Memo - he wasn't consulted either. Woe is me!

    All of you self-important people just need to go away. The TAXPAYERS are back in charge.

  30. 1:33 what has been manufactured? I have made a comment and I am no one's minion. You must follow Taylor's blog.

  31. 1:33 if you don't like what you are reading, don't read this blog. People can have different opinions and that doesn't mean anything was "manufactured". I don't get offended by what others comment about. They have a right to feel however they want. Just because you don't agree with what you are reading doesn't mean you are right!

  32. 1:51 - AMEN! 5 council members at the tour is only important to someone who is or was deeply associated with county or city government and is looking for a way to throw mud on Culver. Who else would even consider bringing up the quorum idea? It is ridiculous and the voting public who chose Culver would agree. Those of you who keep poking at him, the man who has the people's support, are playing with fire. The people can get fed up with you too and either vote you out or keep you out!

  33. Culver isn't in charge of the Council. If he extended an invitation to the members, whoever showed up, showed up. The complaint, and I don't believe there is a valid one, should be with CANNON. As President, when he saw how many were there, if he felt there was a conflict, he should have addressed it. How is this Culver's fault? Sounds like more sour grapes from losers looking to gripe.

  34. I agree with comment about how could it be Culver's fault. I also agree that I see no problem here at all, however, if there is one it is on the council and Cannon. Just further proof the DT, the reporter and those feeding him info are so bitter and angry they can't see straight. Thanks for your level-headed post about the situation Joe.

  35. It seems to me that the average person in the county, not the political types, are thrilled with what Culver is doing. Maybe that is why the "haters" as they have been called are working so hard to find any little thing they can to tear Culver down. I think their plan is backfiring however. The more negative stuff I see, the more it proves to me that Culver is right. Why else would people be so nasty over things of no consequence? It has only been a couple of months. I bet he hasn't even gotten to the really big stuff yet.

  36. I agree with the 1:51 post. I too believe this is coming from those closely associated with county government. It is too "inside baseball" for the average citizen. Really, who would care if all 7 of the members were on the tour? I think it is great that they are getting out and seeing the condition of things that they have to vote on. What does it matter in the real world if 5 members or all of them went? This is only important to someone who is bitter or jealous. Sad state of affairs that you have to reach this low. Go get counseling.

  37. Well the DT accomplished one thing, they've made an issue out of a non-issue. Inquiring minds want to know who is really behind this? Frederickson, Willey, Dunn, Prettyman, Pollitt?

  38. 2:46 Spot on! Who cares how many council people went. I think they all should have been there. It is our money they are voting to spend. They need to do the proper research and homework. BTW Marc Kilmer is awesome. Smart, thoughtful, classy...some of the others need to take a page out of his book.

  39. This town and county are in no fiscal shape to building anything. Best thing to do right now is to just shore up the infrastructure. First off there are simply no jobs.

  40. "Anonymous said...
    no but you will post anything by anonymous minions who manufacture untruthful comments.

    February 4, 2015 at 1:33 PM"

    What comments aren't true?
    For the life of me, I can't understand why you people are obsessed with anon comments. This is a sign that you are a very insecure person who should probably seek some mental help.

  41. Anonymous said...
    Actually the Daily Times article was dead on accurate. It appears based on SBYNews being the Culver mouthpiece these days that Culver is actually the one the is scared to death of accurate reporting. and as for circumspect??? Pot meet kettle.

    February 4, 2015 at 10:32 AM

    Thanks Susan Parker now go dream up some other crap for you to report.

  42. The Daily Rag has really scraped the bottom of the barrel with the scum they have hired like the dirt bag Phil Davis. He couldn't report a good story if he copied it word for word from Sbynews.com.

  43. Joe -- no doubt Gannett will soon be looking to dump the DT. How about considering buying the plant and equipment (but not the name) and starting a decent paper.

  44. 5:57. That's the best suggestion I've heard all day. Joe continually boasts that he is one of the greatest businessmen that ever lived and that the Daily Times is failing because of liberal idiots and no good businessmen in charge. Joe should put his millions where his mouth is and buy the paper and make a tremendous success out of it. Awesome idea.

  45. 12:43, I would also like to know why Mike Dunn was so special he got to be there. Bobby Culver, watch your back! Dunn has no children. His reaction to children being in council chambers when he was city council president was that of a person who doesn't even like children.

    Secret meetings? Mike Dunn and the Daily Times ought to know all about that. Remember the invitation only meeting at the Chamber of Commerce Mike Dunn had with Laura Mitchell, Shanie Shields and other politicos about the city attorney petition? Sarah Lake of the Daily Times was their personal and exclusive notetaker for that one. (Thanks for exposing that one, Joe!)

    Mike Dunn should stop being coy and just tell everyone what he's running for.

    Then everyone on this blog should make sure every voter, especially new ones and young ones, know this guy's history. Including that he couldn't stand the heat, got out of the kitchen after one term and moved out of city limits moments afterward. Then he moved back in. Hmmmm.

  46. Who looks better if he/they can make Bob Culver look bad for daring to suggest the possibility of remodeling a school instead of building a palace? Who is really upset and is known for intimidation, manipulation, lying and never getting caught?

  47. Anonymous said...
    Why was Mike Dunn even on that tour?He volunteered? Why didn't everyone else get the opportunity?

    Rumor says that he wants to be on the Board of Education? Why would anyone choose him for that? No kids, no job, only a BA degree from SSC, no relevant experience except for four years of self-service on the city council. Smooth talker, yes, without a doubt, but so are used car salesmen.

    February 4, 2015 at 12:43 PM

    He won't get on the BOE for the next 4 years. Governor Hogan isn't that stupid!! Maybe in 2018 if the voters decide on an election.

  48. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I am so thankful that SBYNEWS is reporting unbiased news. By now our general population is aware of The Daily Times connections that include some of its notorious characters - (Joe Carmean, Susan Parker, Mike Dunn, etc.). Once the public connected the dots, their liberal agenda was exposed. They are going down very soon, wait and see.

    February 4, 2015 at 12:52 PM

    Speaking of Susan Parker and Mike Dunn they were both at the county council meeting last night. I know they are up to something. I was sitting right next to Susan and she looked very sneaky. Mike was in the back of the room on the other side of us.

  49. Anonymous said...
    What kind of rookie writer is this Phil Davis guy? Why would the Daily Rag even run a story like this? A quorum for a fact finding tour? Get your heads out of your a$$es dirt balls! Go back and waste your time trying to get the name of the kid who drowned in OC this past summer...there's real news! ...NOT!

    February 4, 2015 at 12:56 PM

    Gannett needs to fire these dirt balls. They are an embarrassment to any news paper.

  50. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Coming from a guy who ran for mayor and lost by 2 to 1 margin. That's getting your but KICKED. YOU go keyboard junkie at least you're good at something.

    February 4, 2015 at 5:47 PM

    You can thank Chuck Cook for that. He got access to the computer through his connection with O'Malley. By the way is that you Chuck?

  51. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    12:43, I would also like to know why Mike Dunn was so special he got to be there. Bobby Culver, watch your back! Dunn has no children. His reaction to children being in council chambers when he was city council president was that of a person who doesn't even like children.

    Secret meetings? Mike Dunn and the Daily Times ought to know all about that. Remember the invitation only meeting at the Chamber of Commerce Mike Dunn had with Laura Mitchell, Shanie Shields and other politicos about the city attorney petition? Sarah Lake of the Daily Times was their personal and exclusive notetaker for that one. (Thanks for exposing that one, Joe!)

    Mike Dunn should stop being coy and just tell everyone what he's running for.

    Then everyone on this blog should make sure every voter, especially new ones and young ones, know this guy's history. Including that he couldn't stand the heat, got out of the kitchen after one term and moved out of city limits moments afterward. Then he moved back in. Hmmmm.

    February 4, 2015 at 8:37 PM

    Sarah Lake was also at the County Council meeting last night.

  52. I wonder what part Rick Pollitt is playing in all of this? He might be sitting back running everything. Seeing the comments that he and his wife post on FB makes me wonder.

  53. You can't convince liberals that taking care of what we have is much less an expense than trashing it, unkempt and then decide they want a brand new one, just because they want a new one. Liberals were not blessed with any common sense. Personally I bet every one of those douche bags are pinchy with their own money and take care of the belongings they buy with their own money so replacing it is not an option.

  54. IMHO, Stevie Prettyman is spreading gossip again. It wasn't enough for her to flip and flop on county issues, now she is embarking on the gossip syndrome. She too has had a hand in the Daily Times 'white wash' - from all the way down in Florida.

  55. Responding to 9:31 Poster - regarding Mike Dunn on the BOE post.

    'Owe but we are owe so close'
    (remembering the TIF at the Old Mall)

  56. Does anyone know what happened to the major development that was suppose to happen at the Old Mall site? I can remember when the City Council was so ecstatic about the newly proposed development. It has been in limbo for about 5 years now and nothing is being done.

  57. I think Jimmy wanted to make it section 8 housing.


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