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Sunday, February 08, 2015

PRMC Up To Their Old Ways Again?

Joe, just learned that Diamoco, CNO escorted off PRMC campus. Staff threatened not to discuss.


  1. Got email from PRMC stating she resigned--doesn't say resigned by force... just another day at PRMC

  2. She was given the choice to resign or be terminated. The powers that be will not state that in their politically correct e mails.

  3. That's the real deal....and why

  4. Is she the one that turned nursing protocols upside down to the ire of nursing staff?

  5. Mary Beth DiAmico?

  6. She is the one that did all of the organizational dirty work so that others can now reap the benefit. She was the only exec that treated everyone the same, and didn't take any bullshit from anyone. I wish her the best.

  7. Class act. Such a shame iif it is true.

  8. What nursing protocols could be upside down? She followed Karen Poisker who spent the last 20 years doing absolutely nothing. Good luck MB and May the sun shine down on your pretty face!

    1. Poisker was a great leader.

    2. Agreed. Karen Poisker is top notch!

  9. I happen to know by a reliable source that this sweet lady is sick and hurting with a medical issue. No cheap shots. She doesn't deserve it.

    1. That is NOT why she is gone., while the medical,issue is true, she didnt get canned for medical condition

  10. Real professional lady. Spent time with my mom when she was dying and did everything to keep her comfortable. Gave me her cell number so I could have her on speed dial. True nurse!

    1. She has never worked as a nurse... Never.

  11. Very much a lady may she hold her head high .....going to be missed

  12. That hospital is such a joke. It's spreading all over Da'bury like a cancer.

  13. I saw her today and she was happy as a clam. Talking about her sons. If she was fired- she is one happy unemployed lax mom.

  14. I don't know this person but I know her two kids- they are true gentlemen- so a lady must have raised them. Wish her the best. PRMC should be in your rear view mirror hon.

  15. Karma maybe??? She fired me a year ago because my unit closed, but spent some of her own time making sure I had a job at Genesis. Didn't have to - wanted to. I hope for her sake she gets in return the karma she gives.

  16. I'm not with PRMC but I sat in many meetings with Mary Beth. What an incredibly professional lady who was an absolute joy to talk to. She may not know it now, but this will be a blessing in disguise. She can move on to a better and brighter future. I thank her for her service and professionalism.

  17. They do not want anyone to talk about it so it seems like nurses are ok with it - WE ARE NOT. Marybeth Damico was a leader that you could trust. Where is our voice now?

  18. Mr D is my math teacher, he talks about his wife working at the hospital all the time. He is so proud of her :(

  19. this chic was on the metropolitan and had her own radio show - hero to zero - whaaaaattttttt?

  20. PRMC quality scores in bottom 10% of state. Peggy, Cindy, and Mary Beth should be escorted from campus but board too freakin stupid to see reality. Wake the hell up Monty, Bill, Herb, Marty!!

  21. PRMC is an organization in serious trouble.. The senior leadership in incompetent and the board is unable to see the issues. How much longer does Salisbury have to put up with Peggy and Cindy? One has checked out and the other is a total fraud. For the money they make Salisbury deserves better. .when is the board going to demand better???

  22. Do you have any idea how much the execs are paid? FREE HEALTHCARE, A SEPARATE Vacation plan, a separate retirement plan, a separate bonus plan that they get EVERY year no matter what. All the while the hospital performs worse and worse...citizens of Salisbury...it is time to take back your hospital!!

  23. peg and cindy have their scapegoat - it is marybeth. they have saved their own skin once again. the board wont speak up because they never do...maybe some day

  24. Her whole team is crying and heartbroken, No one understands. My Manager is one of them. I have lost my faith in the hospital leadership.

  25. Let Johns Hopkins buy the place out and create a REAL medical center.

  26. Petition going around that will go to Bill McCains home. We have shared leadership, and we were not asked. Our scores were getting better and now she's gone! Not so fast Cindy and Peg - this is going to come full circle.

  27. I read Ms Damicicos Christmas message on Lifeworks this year and what stood out to me was how real she was and how heartfelt. She told everyone to be kind to each other, and she named her kids by name and said what they were into. I hope she finds peace. You will get through this - lean on God.

  28. Can anyone give a reason why this person is not working there anymore? I know her and she is a beautiful person on the inside and the outside. Sad.

  29. Joe, thank you for letting us know how PRMC treats it's best and brightest. I wish her much success.

  30. Is this the person that used to be a PA with Crick and Trevitz? I loved her. I would like to send her a card of peace and healing.

  31. This does not make sense at all. I personally am furious. Can you get the scoop Joe?

  32. AGREED!!!!! Its bad PRMC has such a bad rep on the east coast.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Let Johns Hopkins buy the place out and create a REAL medical center.

    February 4, 2015 at 10:34 PM

  33. Better things will come for her, I learned that from experience, if it's true they did her a favor. They are putting Price in the ground slowly. All the execs care about is there self. Sad when you pass them in the hallway they can't even speak or know ur name.

  34. I use to work in Environmental and Mrs. Demico always would see me coming and pull her own trash and give it to me, others high up just pushed trashcan to me with there foot. Nice finish last again.

  35. Too bad that Wasn't Peggy N! Mary Beth was a sweet lady. Easy to talk to and showed care and concern for the hospital and staff.

  36. 4:34, For what it's worth, (and I do not personally know this woman) the Nurses are damn glad to see her gone. Just what I've been hearing.

  37. Where are you getting your info from Joe? I do think there are some nurses that feel that way, and they feel that way about anyone in leadership. Alls I am saying is she had high expectations and standards and had to make some hard calls but as a person she was the best.

  38. Thanks for the info Joe, but I have been doing a little investigation myself and can't find anyone to say one thing negative. I haveheard that she had haters and some were jealous. It's da bury after all....

  39. Well that's what I'd expect from anonymous people, or is it one person making multiple comments.

    Nevertheless, I have incredible sources but as I stated, I've never met the woman so I wouldn't know personally.

  40. I am a nurse who worked for prmc for many years. I worked directly under Mary Beth for over a yr. She was always polite and caring to all staff no matter what their position. She was always willing time have a meeting with anyone to discuss concerns and troubleshoot. Many people who worked there just assumed she was under the same umbrella as Cindy and Peggy ans not approachable but she wasn't she truly cared. Best of luck MBD!

  41. Joe is right. there are a lot of nurses that are very happy that she has left. She is personally a very nice person and no one wishes her harm but what a lot of people don't realize is she was very good at appearing nice and having an alternative motive. Her "team" is crying because they know marybeth is the only reason they still had jobs. In all reality she was just doing what her higher ups wanted her to do and she unfortunately was the scapegoat. From the moment she came to PRMC she was just out for herself and did what she had to do to move up.

  42. Mary Beth stepped on and over many people to get where she was. She got rid of all of the LPN's-many after years of service and after working a 12 hour shift, simply saying "you aren't needed anymore". She was behind the care model, which used a lot of time and money and wasn't successful. She was behind the change in management that got rid of managers and implemented Clinical Supervisors, which is not moving forward very well. Patient satisfaction is horrible, and staff satisfaction is awful. As the Chief Nursing Officer, she is responsible for the performance of the largest body of employees at the hospital. Physicians were not happy with her as well. While PRMC often has it's own motivations, Mary Beth was part of her own demise.

  43. 8:07 very well said and exactly right. She was behind a lot of the changes that did nothing but spend a lot of money and make staff incredibly unhappy and did not listen to the feedback a long the way when told it wasn't working.

  44. And that Dunn lady that is under d'mico Karen I think....her breath is horrible and she looks like a man! She should be escorted off! She has no idea what she is doing! No one likes her! She will never be even close to her mother!!!!!!

  45. There are a lot of people who are glad she is gone!! When this happened it spread like wildfire and people where happy it happened. Unsure if she was escorted or not (very hush hush)

  46. Whomever posted she never worked as a nurse should know their facts since I have seen her with mine own eyes work a nurse clinically and did it quite well too. I worked under her and I am old enough to be her mother but enjoyed every minute that I did.

  47. I knew Mary Beth as an ICU nurse. She worked beside me. High ethical character. Our frequent fliers requested her nursing care which sometimes crossed some brows but we loved her. I believe she was Md Nurse of the Year so yeah check your facts.

  48. I remember her working as a nurse practitioner at Dr. Crick's old office on Riverside Dr. years ago. I saw her once for a rash and I think she was pregnant at the time.

  49. Check your facts MBD was never an ICU nurse at PRMC never.

    1. She was an ICU nurse at Dorchester. Life does exist beyond prmc and there are many y other hospitals out there. You must be a lifer.

  50. You too should m as maybe check your facts and know that prmc wasn't the only place she worked

  51. She had the wrong team under her....they were never held accountable...so the accountability fell on her. She is a magnificent woman and will find success elsewhere.

  52. Someone explain what this is all about. Sorry. I tried to put the entire thing in. But it's about the government putting restrictions on PRMC because of wrong doing. Interesting read.



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