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Sunday, February 08, 2015

Here's What We've Heard About What's To Become Of The Centre at Salisbury Mall

Boscov's will move to their own building on Rt. 13 in Delmar, Delaware. Sears will eventually close down, the new Furniture Store is closing in April or May. Charming Charlie's is moving into that space.

This person also said that Mall Management wants the retailers to all move toward the south end of the mall (toward the food court) so they can demolish the north end (JC Penneys, etc) of the Mall.

Then the mall officials want to make the center section an arts & entertainment section for music concerts, plays, etc.

Wait, there's more... alleged negotiations with Cracker Barrel to build on the north part of the property (where the demolished area is planned) will finally get them at "the Crossroads of Delmarva".

Dave & Buster's is also considering to build on the demolished mall property as well.


  1. Sounds like a cluster to me.

  2. Actually, these all sound like pretty good ideas to repurpose the site to meet changing times and needs.

  3. Dave and Busters would be better for families. Games for the kids (adults as well) and better food .

    1. The hood will love that

    2. Dave & Busters is supposed to be for adults, not kids.

    3. No dave an busters is for families adults an children i worked at one an is a great way to spend great family time

  4. Turn Pennys into a Indoor firing range.

    1. It already is. Stop by any Friday or Saturday night and the thugs will gladly give a demonstration!

    2. Yup and the white kids are in the parking lot shooting heroin in their veins....

    3. Black or white it doesn't matter. Keeping it classy Delmarva

    4. Yeah really it doesn't matter what color you are.

  5. Where is the furniture store in the mall? I don't recall seeing it.

    1. It's near Aeropostale.

    2. Where the gap used to be

    3. I think I saw a couch there once.

  6. Truthfully, doing anything is much better than leaving it as is. Boscov's and Sears are dying retailers that simply don't bring the foot traffic that an anchor is supposed to.

    I'm not in agreement with turning the "free space" into an arts/entertainment section. It's really not needed in our area, imo. But they have to do something. The Centre is definitely needing a remodel, along with moving out some declining anchors is a start. Of course finding some other anchors or repurposing that space is the tough nut to crack.

    1. I agree. I dislike the concert part of this, but hey, they seem to believe the dumbest things will bring in foot traffic. We need much better anchors. Christianna has Target as their anchor store and I think that's genius. We need better stores like H&M, Forever21, and things like that. Places people actually want to shop at. As well as getting rid of these mom and pop overpriced stores and food stores.

    2. I agree. Put some stores in that people want to shop at. Clean it up and match more modern urban areas. Looks like a flea market right now.

  7. AT least they have a plan more than I can say for our mayor.

  8. D&B sounds good but what they should really do is add more retail stores considering that's the only mall in a long distance not get rid of stores

  9. I say demolish the mall, get rid of all the over priced stores, and build a dave and busters.

    1. And leave hundreds without jobs? That doesn't make any sense

    2. Hundreds are going to be without jobs anyway because the businesses are dying. Just like J.C Penneys. Boscov will be next. We need better stores that can offer better jobs.

  10. Arts and entertainment center is ridiculous. Need fresh influx of better stores . An area our size with a mall like this is pathetic. Then again what business wants to come to a town over run by worthless, lazy black thugs and a piss poor local government

    1. Don't forget the white junkies

    2. A thug is thug. No color needed.

    3. No color needed for lazy either.

    4. Black or white drugs know no color, seriously people !! Only people with little minds concentrate on the color issue!! It's 2015 get over it !! Oh an by the way , I'm part Indian and American !! That's right in I'm white an not racist ! Drugs are drugs !

  11. Sounds like a plan,.., altho I've heard a lot of different things are 'coming', haven't shown up yet.
    The Centre NEEDS a face lift, or a tear down, one of the two.
    They need to start ASAP to help the merchants that are
    already there, and committed to finishing out their leases.

  12. I hope some of this is true. We have one of the highest retail square footage per capita in the country and you can't let it get stale. Gotta keep it fresh. Keep sharing the good news!!!

  13. We need a Bass Pro Shops!

  14. I would love to see a Trader Joe's in Salisbury.

  15. I would love to see a Trader Joe's in Salisbury.

  16. Doesn't matter what you put in there. Until you deal with the bs gang behavior nothing will survive!

  17. We have needed an arts and entertainment something fore so long the civic center is becoming to expenciv and to limited in their scope.its time for a smart upgrade. Pleas

  18. repurposing and revitalizing mall space is always better than the alternative of just letting it die... like the old mall did. Dead mall space is a travesty and an eyesore. This revitalization plan sounds good!

  19. Why build an arts and entertainment center in a town that has a bypass so people can avoid it?
    No point building anything until law enforcement gets the degenerate thugs out of there otherwise anything new will just fail.
    Spend millions on a the mall and throw a bandaid on West Salisbury?

  20. Let's stop with the stereotypes its a community of all races some good some
    Bad let God judge

    1. LMAO!!!! Yeah. God'll take care of it. Like he takes care of everything else. Nothing more dangerous than blind faith.

    2. Your sick!! God is the only hope we have in this CURRUPT world.. Maybe you should try him sometime.. He can even save a loser like you!!

  21. 1:06, do you need a helmet for that short bus?

    The "millions" are PRIVATE funds!

    1. No, I'm good. Bob culver said I can borrow his.
      Private, state, county, it's all money and however you spin it sooner it later it comes out of everyone's pocket. It's still a waste of money just to make an even nicer place that people still won't feel safe going to after dark.

    2. Maybe they could turn it into a " Center for Tolerance and Race Relations".

    3. I don't see where the original poster 2:45 mentioned race. He/she merely commented quite correctly that as sad as it is and no matter how much we try to deny it, Salisbury is becoming overrun with a violent element. Are they predominantly black, white? What does it matter?? It still ruining what used to be a fairly decent family oriented area.
      I read recently an 80(ish) year old man was viciously beaten and refused to testify against his attackers for fear of recrimination. So, if you or a loved one are their next victim, please...be tolerant. Race is irrelevant. The problem is still the problem.

  22. I only go to Boscov`s now, so Delmar is closer to Laurel for me. Not so many lights and less traffic. Sad, I remember the downfall of the old mall.

  23. it is beyond me why anyone "needs" any of the stores in the mall. Anything that can be bought there can be bought at other stores in the area or online. People complain on here daily about not having a job or a low paying job and just being able to pay their bills, but want the newest stores to buy things they don't really need.

  24. Trader Joes, Bass Pro and Sports Authority

    1. Next to the Gander Mountain and Dicks Sporting Goods? Oooom

  25. Having worked in that mall since it opened....it has really gone down hill. Security that could actually do something would make it feel safer.

  26. Frankly they need to take the road that Christiana mall did and implement the underage rule and curfew rule and the mall will come back to life without all this extra crap

    1. This is a great idea!! And security that is allowed to do more

  27. what about bringing stores from like Annapolis Mall has like the Disney Store for kids. Or stores that you can only go across the Bay Bridge to shop at bring him to the Eastern Shore a lot of people would love to shop at them instead of having to travel so far.

    1. We had a Disney Store where VS ironically is now, about ten years ago. It closed. This town doesn't have enough shoppers with money to support such stores

    2. Bc the thugs will rob them.

  28. bring stories from the Annapolis mall across the bridge for example the Disney Store. Or other stores that we don't have here that are interesting to have that you have to travel soup or to even shop at,typo have stores that you can bring here that's across the bridge so we can shop at new kinds that will brighten up the mall instead of traveling so far a way to the stores or like the stores in Queenstown bring some of them stores in the mall the outlets. I don't agree with the music in the arts who cares about that any entertainment entertainment around here anyway with the bars in Salisbury big girl live wallpaper type of the growing like wildfire! Who wants to look at a bunch of pictures and here but your music when you can buy things that's just like empty space that you're just trying to fill up this needs to be redone add new stores and be more positive about it there's too much negative points about the small typo Mall. Just give it a facelift.

  29. Bass Pro, Trader Joe's, H&M, and Forever 21 are all really good ideas.

  30. The Centre will continue to die a slow death as will much of the retail space on the north end.
    As these stores close and leave empty buildings, MORE retail space is being built as we read this post.
    Wicomico county is a microcosm of the U.S. in general. We are in the midst of a major economic collapse.

  31. You all saying you want all these other places, you're probably the ones who said you wanted the places we have now and you haven't supported them. I don't get the whole demolition thought process. You have all the square footage JC Penny was in...why not just put the Cracker Barrel INSIDE the mall instead of going to the expense of tearing down and building a new outparcel? More money than sense? They won't last more than 10 years either way because all those who've been beating the drums for them to come to Salisbury won't support them once they're here. That's the way it works. THAT is why so many businesses close. Non-support.

    1. Agreed. Famous Daves...classic example.

    2. I agree put Cracker Barrel where JC Penney's wss

    3. Cracker Barrel only builds their own stores. They all have to look the same. They never use a used building.

  32. Didn't there used to be a Disney store in the mall? I think the only non anchor stores that I have shopped at in the mall are Yankee B&BW and Hallmark. I never go at night. I don't go to any store or even drive in Salisbury at night. I have heard many others say the same thing.

  33. So many excuses. Here's the real problem.

    The rent is far too high at the mall for the stores to compete with online retailers.

    The jobs in Salisbury are barely paying enough to meet the ridiculous rent payments of local housing.

    Stack that with high gas prices before the current drop and you have the three ingredients for a good failure soup.

    Sprinkle with indignation and arrogance about local thugs being the reason and serve.

    Bon Appetite!

    1. This is perhaps the most intelligent response. You are spot on. :)

    2. Also don't forget we get the discharged inmates from ECI. For some reason Somerset Co has an ordinance that once an inmate is released into the public he CAN NOT live in the said county.

      Guess where they move to......

  34. They need to address the traffic issue and put a service road to the center. Every day there seems to be an accident in the vicinity of the center as you have vehicles criss-crossing. What stupid engineer come up with this traffic pattern. Convience means everything to a consumer.

  35. Disney was where Yankee Candle is now. We will never see Trader Joes here because of the income level this area has. When the average household income reaches 80+ maybe this area will get on the other retailers radar.

  36. So will we see a 1st Friday at the mall?

    Interesting competition for downtown.

  37. Most people forget the Centre has already been open longer than the old Salisbury Mall was, altogether. Hard to believe, but true. So it's absolutely sensible to be looking at extreme makeover options to better utilize the space and drum up some regional interest.
    Of course we all disagree on what SHOULD be done, but the most important thing is that SOMETHING is done. Have you been in there lately?

    1. Nope, Salisbury mall was open longer than the Centre...

  38. I have not been in that mall for years and still don't see a reason to change because of the items you have informed us of. That entrance was designed years ago when people understood driving rules. Not sure what has happened to urban driving skills either.

  39. It's shame I have to leave Salisbury to find some choice in grocery stores. I usually shop at least once a month at Trader Joes in Annapolis. The prices are actually cheaper and the quality of the products are better than anything you can find here on the shore. The Annapolis Mall is always packed and its a struggle to find a parking place. Shame there is no real vitality here is Salisbury or the shore in general. I think Easton is in better shape than us! I even drive to Acme in Easton for choice and selection. I'm not rich and I live from paycheck to paycheck, but there is no way I can accept just having either Food Lion or Giant as a choice to shop.

  40. Who ever said bring Trader Joes is obviously just blind that store is the dirtiest health food store i have ever seen. And trust you are probably only buying the nuts there and are jumping on the band wagon of everyone who says how wonderful the place is in Annp! Trust me its the Walmart for Hippy Dregs who spend to much money on what their co workers will see them eat at lunch!

  41. These malls are being phased out. I would love to see the stores downtown. I remember shopping there and to be honest it was a better shopping experience. It would also cut down on loiters so many of us would really like that.

  42. Why make it an entertainment area when Delmar has one that seems to be struggling to open. Maybe a plaza area like downtown Salisbury with specialty shops would be good. With Amazon and other online venues the days of malls is going out. But people do still like to have a place to hang out. Maybe restaurants and places like Dave and busters would work. Cracker Barrell would be great.

  43. 3:18, the last store in the "old mall" closed in 2004.

  44. Before they do anything they better admit they have a gamg problem in the mall and need to take care of that before doing anything else. I know its hard to control but they need to make an effort. I used to be a gamg intel officer. If they knew what to look for they would see it everywhere inside the mall.

  45. They should turn it into a skate/bmx park, Salisbury is seriously in need of one. We have a pretty big skate and bmx community and there's nowhere to really skate unless you wanna risk being arrested or skate at sketchy spots. I'm sure with the help of the "donations" the Salisbury skatepark has been raising that this could be done and it could also bring the attention of other people outside of salisbury.

  46. 5:02, tell that to daddy war bucks John Robinson. You know, the guy who BS'ed everyone he was going to create one in Salisbury.

    1. Lol u think Robinson would spend ANY of his hard earned robbed gold from old people?

    2. Joe id like to hear your real opinion on Salisbury making a skatepark and what do you think of the skateboards and the Bmx riders around the town

  47. 2:21 What are you smoking? Maybe we could all use some of that to understand what it is, exactly, that you are trying to say

  48. Add better restaurants like Cheesecake Factory Bahama Breeze and PF Changs.

  49. Cracker Barrell? WTF! I'd rather eat dirt...... horrible place....

  50. TGI Fridays would be better, however, who goes to mall anymore

  51. Remember north salisbury before the mall?? Me either. The whole point of the mall going up north was to build retail up north not because the old mall was dying or crime. There is crime in every mall in america. Even Mall of America in Minnesota has its own jail. Back in the early 2000's the Salisbury Mall lost major achor stores (Montgomery Ward) and rebounded with a remodel they will be fine.

    Times change and so should the mall even Annapolis mall went thru a make over.

  52. I would love to have a really good grocery store at the north end. I will not shop Food Lion ever since they were exposed for repackaging old meats and there is only Giant in the south end and that parking lot is dangerous. Don't want to shop a super store...just a grocery please.

  53. More average chain food.

  54. In 5-10 years it will become an empty shell, just like the old mall did before it was torn down.

  55. Forever 21, H&m!!!

  56. 5:37
    They already tried putting a grocery store at that end of town. Super Fresh was first. When they failed Giant moved in. When they failed Hobby Lobby took over the space.

  57. The higher end retail capital of the shore is now in Sussex County - on route 1 -- with a secondary capital on Route 50 outside of OC.

    Salisbury and Wic. County are has-beens for that retailing because of the low wages and lack of jobs.

  58. The old owner was lucky or smart enough to get rid of this sinking ship before it went under for a pretty good price under the circumstances. Why the new owner bought it for that price is astounding. Maybe they took what David Ryan told them as the truth.

  59. Here's my two cents along with everyone else: I agree Cracker Barrell is a poor choice. The service, and food are terrible. There are many eateries within the mall. Perhaps add a salad bar, or broaden our horizons with different types of foods rather than fast food.

    As far as shops, men's and ladies better clothing stores might be enjoyable. Specialty stores that peak interest and can survive long term would help. The question becomes how many of these type of stores can be self-sustaining and keep attracting customers? Anything new creates a buzz, but one must think long-term.

    I don't agree with adding another arts and music attraction within the mall. That is begging for more uncontrollable trouble. The college, the Arts Council, Civic Center and all the other area performing arts platforms offer this service.

    Why not look into some outlet type businesses? Appliance stores to give Best Buy some quality competition?? Why not put armed services outpost there to draw interested persons wishing to enlist? Why not election offices? Centralized these types of services to make it easier for the public to access information and expand hours of operation.

    Just a few ideas, thank you for your time.

  60. would would be nice to see things like a fry's electronicsor a tigerdirect why cant we have stores like this? also why not have stores that appeal to the younger crowed???

  61. 5:53 --

    David Ryan has run "SWED" for about 20 years, since shortly after the Centre opened. Look what's happened to it and Wicomico County during that period -- it sure ain't pretty.

  62. Trader Joes would be terrific.

    The only businesses that I make a special trip to Salisbury from Ocean City are Target, Giant and the Greek Pita place. I don't bother with the mall. The stores aren't great.

  63. Bring on a burlington and a dave and busters. That is what salisbury needs. Dave and busters is very popular in major areas and that is what salisbury is.

    1. Oooohhhh Burlington. .. great prices for shoppers with all kinds of budgets. .. Great idea!

  64. I can't remember the last time I shopped at the Centre. When we do go to the mall we travel the extra distance and go to Annapolis. Annapolis has a good selection of higher end and mid range retailers and restaurants which appeals to a cross section of people. Adding a Dave and Busters, Cracker Barrel and outdoor entertainment would not bring me back to the Centre.

  65. First, manufacturing is actively leaving the area, and without jobs, people buy used or nothing at all, so whatever store you put in there or anywhere in this town has a dismal outlook.

    Demolish some of it? Heck, the rubble from the last demolished mall hasn't even been cleaned up! How much asbestos is in that pile, anyway, and what's the plan on doing that cleanup?

    I sure hope the Hogan/ Culver change brings businesses back to the area so people can actually afford to go to a store or two.

  66. Whatever gets added... just make sure its already on the other side of SBY. Such a joke of all the stores we have 2 of.

  67. 12:17pm that sounds like a good plan!

  68. they should make it all bars that way we can bar hop a lot easier for us full time 8 month school teachers

  69. 4:21, what, exactly, is current security allowed to do?

  70. Dint like the entertainment idea but could we please get a Burlington coat factory for the love of cheap fashion

    1. My vote is Burlington amd TGIF restaurant than crackel barrel

  71. 5:02, you been asleep? They are building a skatepark in the city park. Screwed the homeowners there. One lost a contract on their home because of it.

    To other people here, Trader Joe's looked at Salisbury already - or was it Whole Foods, not sure. But whichever one it was, it chose SELBYVILLE because "Salisbury didn't have their market."

    Selbyville is at least close enough to O.C. to be worth it, but for heavens sake, SELBYVILLE over Salisbury.

    Until something of substance in employment comes to Salisbury/Wicomico, faggedaboudit. Pollitt did NOTHING. Ireton bragged and bragged about Salisbury's growth. Yeah, it grew, but not in MONEY.

    The Centre's only chance is to figure out what to put in there that will draw from a very broad area. When it opened, it had little competition and offered something people drove 50 to 75 miles for. They'd make a day of it. Unless the Centre can do that again, they are screwed. Lots of malls are dying out nationwide.

  72. Tired of hearing people talking about the white junkies. Shooting heroin in the parking lot. Just shut that mess up. They are only endangering themselves, unlike the thugs in the mall. Lock 'em up.

  73. What about a Hooter's??? Us guys like to look at good looking girls, and the religious nuts won't let us have any strip joints in town.

  74. Bad Move all around except Cracker Barrel

  75. Someone mentioned "mom and pop" businesses at the mall. This country was built by mom and pop. Don't remember a mom and pop business at the mall. Enlighten me.
    If you will shop local and eat local it will keep what money we make here on the shore.

  76. Just tear it down n rebuild another that can accomodate everyone

  77. 8:07 - I think you are talking about Harris Teeter.

    To be honest, TJ's, Whole Foods, Bass Pro will NEVER come to the 'bury. There are not enough people here who could actually afford to shop at these places.

    Thank god I don't have to worry about it. I work across the bay and can go to all of these when ever I want!

    The 'bury is a dying town, get out while you can. Leave it to the hood rats and old timers wishing for the 50's back....

  78. so many suggestions for getting stores in the mall, when it's not their choice of who goes in or not. The big stores already know about this mall, they have done demographics and many have passed on that option all together...We just aren't a very attractive place.

  79. I think a strip bar would be great there!

  80. Wegmans.
    But they will not come here.
    They do not build in the ghetto

  81. Tear down the whole thing. It's outdated. I saw a prediction just a few years ago that said 1) malls are a thing of the past 2) salisbury mall would be gone within five years...
    Here we are....
    You have a large area filled with stores that draw nothing but the young
    Good or bad
    The stores are over priced and not many adults want anything that's lies within its walls.

    Why do the city planners (and government officials) continue to think that art, museums, bands, free wifi etc is the way to quality foot activity?
    It's not working downtown, it's not going to work here.
    NO ONE is going to drive out there, park, get out to walk ANY dustance to go look at second rate art.
    And what music?
    An orchestra? Doubt it.
    Local bands? Will draw drinking drugs and ultimately some sort of brawl or violence or crime.
    No one here wants to shop at Boscovs or JC Penny any longer and Spencer's is (yawn) old news. I went in there at xmas time and they were asking $29.99 for a tshirt so thin you could see through it.
    Get decent stores
    DECENT adult stores
    Quality security
    And add a decent open area to it that holds a quality food court and ample room for shows/presentations etc.
    Have events that draw in quality people.
    And yup
    Use metal detectors
    Just meets with how things are today.
    That would make too much sense...go ahead and continue with the way things are and eventually it's going to have an outcome just like the last mall that was here....
    And do not get me started on Wicomico Youth And Civic Center.....I don't know if I have the stomach to hear about yet another Bingo Mania or a religious conference......

  82. white people will not shop at the Centre after 4PM on Fridays and Saturdays. Without that middle class money nothing is going to save that piece of junk

  83. Outlets? Half outlets half regular stores? Another book store? Trader Joes, Cabella's Get more security on the rolling things and give them tasers, lots of tasers. Take the mall back for the non troubled.

  84. ,massive midget stip club.

  85. We need to build a skate park so the local skaters and bikers can have a place to be instead of in front of businesses and in the streets. I feel bad for them I really do cause so of them are very young doing there thing right in the bad parts of Salisbury. I say we help them

  86. We need real strip clubs, then the girls at the colleges could have good paying jobs. The average stripper make over $60 an hour!


  87. Hope they don’t lose Sears. They actually continue to offer a lot.

    Boscov’s are/continue to be actual merchants. If they move they’ll be successful still. First saw them in 1973 in Reading.

    Scenario is complicated. We are still mired in a recession, at best, for many local consumers.

    OweMalley jacked sales tax by 20% so incentive to shop elsewhere is now embedded. Then he put a super tax on alcohol – another disincentive.

    National chains devote a lot of time and effort to whether to stay in a location, and whether to put a store in an area. Bad choices are tough to fix and a drag on earnings….for a long time.

    Tough to imagine food chains building if local economy can’t support stores like Penney’s, etc. And, yes the internet has made getting many items cheaper if you can wait for shipping. Some purchases are more time sensitive, may require trying on or actually touching, etc.

    But there has to be a concentration of folks with discretionary cash to support a lot of local and chain dining choices.

    An area on the grow creates a magnetic attraction for many businesses and their competitors. But an area in decline can quickly become an economic death spiral. Look how fast Salisbury Mall tenants emptied once a viable alternative was coming.

    Seen anyone using the Tesla chargers at the far end of the Centre? Until there are fistfights jockeying for space at a charger much of the high end wishes others have suggested will not come to fruition.

    Hang in there, Sears.


  89. I would like to see upscale retailers and restaurants not Cracker Barrel.

    How about PF Changs?
    How about Carabbas ?
    How about Whole Foods or Harris Teeter?
    How about Brooks Brothers?

  90. Sears is not going anywhere, it is actually a successful store for it's size and volume level. Cracker Barrel is def coming, they wanted to go where zia's was but gander wouldn't share parking, (dumb, it would have been win win) furniture store is def gone, Vicki's and a pink will take it's place, charming is moving to vikis spot, and barbs is moving to wet seals, h&m is going into the barbs/charming area (not sure how exactly) best buy wants to move into the Pennies area, and expand. There are no real plans for the "cultural" projects that were talked about. There are plans for renovation. The "Gang" issue is actually just an anomaly. The mall has been much improved over the last five years. (I've worked there, I know) this was not riot, it was a bunch of dumb kids. Jc Penni's left because there company was in trouble, and the consolidated some lower vine stores. This is all from mall management. No Dave and busters, they decided to go witn another locale. ( they were interested though$

  91. Ideally, I believe a Burlington Coat Factory would be a good anchor for this demographic. Based on the median income for the area, education and social activities this seems to be a feasible fit. Also an H & M which would bring in a bit more fashion forward merchandise @ a lower price point that would be feasible for college students. Both of these stores could probably utilize the JC Penny location

  92. "Then the mall officials want to make the center section an arts & entertainment section for music concerts, plays, etc."

    I thought this is what the plan was for Downtown Salisbury was where the city and county have a tax free enterprise zone?

  93. Can we get a Lego store??

  94. Cracker Barrel is on this months planning and zoning commission agenda. They are going out int he parking field between Longhorn and Penny's. That is pretty much a done deal.

  95. There's to many racist close minded people on here. You have not because you don't ask or can't even imagine better. Get caught up in 2015. They need to bring change here and give kids an open mind to do better. Have you every thought, if you bring Arts and Entertainment it will allow more kids to do more in their local community. They have nothing to do there and that sometimes means trouble. If given in opportunity they might just prove all of you wrong. Stop pointing the finger at certain race groups and embrace change, because clearly the city is now seeing that they have to do more. Wake up on do more in your community and stop sitting on here complaining. Change is a good thing. I am for these changes.

  96. I loved Christiana Mall in Delaware. They have a policy that NO children under 17 are allowed without the supervision of a parent, or an adult 21 years or older, after 5pm on Friday and Saturday!!!!!!! It is a wonderful idea and would keep down problems in any facility. It's time to take control of our younger generation and get them back on track. We have no one to blame but ourselves as parents. Reap what you sow? It really does not matter what stores are there, it is the employees and the patrons that make the facility. Make it right, be part of your town and make your children of ALL ages be part of your town also!!!!!!

  97. Why don't we get a Whole Foods? Or an IKEA.

  98. Boscovs looks like a casino and they wont be around much longer look at who shops there. Its older persons and they do not go after a younger clientele so they will be the next anchor to go

  99. We really need another choice in grocery stores. I would like to see, either and Acme, Safeway, Kroger, Wegman's, or Trader Joe's.

  100. Ikea would be Awesome.

  101. Outlets would draw people. That's what a lot of people look for when shopping. Most shop on line, outlets or specialty shops. Harry and David, Carter's, Nike, etc. Like Tanger outlets. Imo.

  102. It's really sickening to read half of these opinions and replies. So much ignorance being displayed throughout this feed. I feel anything is better than a blank. Many of these businesses that are vanishing were not prosperous. They didn't met there quotas so they bailed out gracefully. Stop finding excuses to become modern day racist by choosing to be anonymous. It's really easy to say these things behind a blank face. And the sad part is half of these people speaking this way are people who may even hold titles within the county. The only color that should be mentioned on this post is green because this is what the city is losing and trying to replenish. Wake up people. Dave and Busters isn't a bad idea if that one of the only options. That's a billion dollar company. Let's talk money instead of finding ways to throw shade on a community of people. Every race has their own issues.

  103. God is the only hope we have in this CORRUPT world....
    How many times have we heard Cracker Barrel is coming to Salisbury? I would like it if they did...Never had bad food from there...

  104. what's the latest on tow/joe?

  105. WOW this certainly did get a lot of comments so here's mine. WHO CARES I haven't been in the mall in years.

  106. Whole Foods!!! For crying out loud -come-on - this is Salisbury. Same goes for Harris Teeter.

    Look - if McDonalds couldn't make it at the Center, then what do you think will happen to the 'high end' food suppliers. Also, Radio Shack is closing to.

  107. They need to become private clubs so they can control the clientele they want inside.

  108. I haven't been in the mall in a long time.I'mgetting on in years (80)is it safe to go there alone?

  109. I thought big daddy J.R. Warbucks was building an indoor skatepark?

  110. Anonymous said...
    Also don't forget we get the discharged inmates from ECI. For some reason Somerset Co has an ordinance that once an inmate is released into the public he CAN NOT live in the said county.

    Guess where they move to......

    February 5, 2015 at 11:00 PM

    Can you please cite your source. Many us don't believe this dumb comment.

  111. Anonymous Armah said...
    It's really sickening to read half of these opinions and replies. So much ignorance being displayed throughout this feed. I feel anything is better than a blank. Many of these businesses that are vanishing were not prosperous. They didn't met there quotas so they bailed out gracefully. Stop finding excuses to become modern day racist by choosing to be anonymous. It's really easy to say these things behind a blank face. And the sad part is half of these people speaking this way are people who may even hold titles within the county. The only color that should be mentioned on this post is green because this is what the city is losing and trying to replenish. Wake up people. Dave and Busters isn't a bad idea if that one of the only options. That's a billion dollar company. Let's talk money instead of finding ways to throw shade on a community of people. Every race has their own issues.

    February 5, 2015 at 11:50 PM

    Well guess what dumb@ss, you are anonymous and race is the issue here. If you don't like it go back to your country or your ancestors country and things will be much better. To you it's all about greed isn't it.

  112. Anonymous BSquared2 said...
    Ideally, I believe a Burlington Coat Factory would be a good anchor for this demographic. Based on the median income for the area, education and social activities this seems to be a feasible fit. Also an H & M which would bring in a bit more fashion forward merchandise @ a lower price point that would be feasible for college students. Both of these stores could probably utilize the JC Penny location

    February 5, 2015 at 12:57 AM

    I think this is an ignorant post and not given much thought. How many coats do people wear? Only 1 at a time and maybe the same one for several years especially with this economy. I tell you what, you open the Burlington with your money and I will take a wager that you don't last past Christmas.

  113. Anonymous said...
    Whole Foods!!! For crying out loud -come-on - this is Salisbury. Same goes for Harris Teeter.

    Look - if McDonalds couldn't make it at the Center, then what do you think will happen to the 'high end' food suppliers. Also, Radio Shack is closing to.

    February 8, 2015 at 8:51 AM

    No Dummy Radio Shack is GONE!! Pay attention before you comment. Other than that I agree with you.

  114. Anonymous said...
    Sears is not going anywhere, it is actually a successful store for it's size and volume level. Cracker Barrel is def coming, they wanted to go where zia's was but gander wouldn't share parking, (dumb, it would have been win win) furniture store is def gone, Vicki's and a pink will take it's place, charming is moving to vikis spot, and barbs is moving to wet seals, h&m is going into the barbs/charming area (not sure how exactly) best buy wants to move into the Pennies area, and expand. There are no real plans for the "cultural" projects that were talked about. There are plans for renovation. The "Gang" issue is actually just an anomaly. The mall has been much improved over the last five years. (I've worked there, I know) this was not riot, it was a bunch of dumb kids. Jc Penni's left because there company was in trouble, and the consolidated some lower vine stores. This is all from mall management. No Dave and busters, they decided to go witn another locale. ( they were interested though$

    February 5, 2015 at 12:29 AM

    "The "Gang" issue is actually just an anomaly."

    No you idiot the "gangs" were here 20 years ago when they murdered a rival in the mall and shot up the place. Gangs are here today and for the last 3 weekends they have created noticeable problems.

    "The mall has been much improved over the last five years."

    The Mall hasn't done shit in the last 5 years except watch good stores bale out because they charge way to much and the current anchor stores haven't renovated or updated in 25 years.

    I can't stand to see keyboard geniuses get on here and spew their lack of knowledge like they are someone of importance. Anyone that claims to work in the mall is an underpaid/low paid employee with out ambition to excel. Legends in their own minds.

  115. 8:26 There is an active Arts and Entertainment community already here. The Downtown area puts a lot of effort into the various events, despite the loss of the Salisbury Festival. The "troubled youths" have not shown the slightest interest in participating in these activities, never have. When they do make an appearance, it's not to browse, shop, learn, or enjoy the entertainment, it's to steal, swagger around, yell profanities and start fights.

    Who is this "they" who you seem to think is responsible for bringing "change" here, and why should you be entitled to it? Seriously. If change is needed, it may not be the "change" you think you want. The people who claim to want "change" so much, are too often the ones who cause the problems that create the need for "change". The behavior of the "troubled youths" will only "change" when parents start being parents, and not condoning uncivilized behavior.

    "The city is now seeing that they have to do more"...for WHOM? And with taxes taken from WHOM? As businesses fail, and law abiding families move away from neighborhoods, tax revenue drops, and less money is available to do anything at all.

    Uncivilized, violent behavior does not deserve to have "more" done "for" them, unless it's a billyclub upside the head, and more jail cells further away from here. There's "nothing for them to do here?" Nobody's stopping them from keeping themselves busy the same way most "non-troubled youths" manage to do.

    "Change" the slovenly, sullen, degenerate "parenting", and raise literate, respectful, law-abiding, considerate, productive, well-mannered, employable kids. You like change? Start there, and everyone's quality of life will improve.

  116. Do any of you REALLY think Cracker Barrel will move to Sby??? I've got some oceanfront property in Arizona to sell to you at an exorbitant price...

  117. 3:33 you are an idiot
    burlington coat factory also sells clothes. they are not an exclusive coat store.

  118. To 3:34 Poster - Radio Shack gone.

    I was just in there about thanksgiving - I did not realize they have closed the doors to. I knew McDonalds closed, but Radio Shack is a surprise. How about the one on the south end near Ace Hardware on College Avenue - are they still open?

  119. Smh, how the mall changing turns into racial comments is crazy. Some people are just pathetic.

  120. I have spoken with a Boscovs Employee who says this is all rumor. Boscovs is NOT moving anywhere. Dave's BarBQ didn't survive because it was impossible getting in and out of the parking lot during busy times. Although I only see Olive Garden doing any business on the outpads.

  121. Sadly it sounds like George Wallace was right.

  122. This town needs more like a Dave n Busters! It will bee a good fit.

  123. I say go with it. It'll give us something to finally do and i might actually start going to the mall.


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