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Sunday, February 08, 2015

Obama at National Prayer Breakfast: Hey, Christians did things just as bad as ISIS, you know

We shouldn't "get on our high horse" and think we're better, America.

My God. While ISIS is burning people alive, our president wants us to know we shouldn't get all impressed with ourselves and think we're any better than they are.

Put your hand up if you voted for this guy. Now lower it and smack yourself hard in the back of your head. Seriously, while the best he can say about ISIS is that he wants to "degrade" the possibly most sadistic killers the world has ever seen, he sure as hell wants you Christians to know that you've been pretty horrible yourself throughout human history.



  1. The man has a mental illness. Hitler has been reborn.

  2. How is it that Obama still has a pulse?

  3. This man is worse, way worse, than Hitler ever dare be. I wonder too how he still has a pulse or why his tongue doesn't fall out of his head.

  4. I'm not surprised but I am stunned that after all the criticism directed at him for not calling terrorism what it is he actually insulted Christians this morning at the National Prayer Breakfast for goodness sake.

    If he isn't a muslim sympathizer I don't know what qualifies.

    I can't WAIT until 2016

  5. Cranial-Rectitis personified!

    Let's hope this country survives until the next election!

  6. If this country can last until. 2016.

  7. Why don't people take this for what it is... fact. Religions go through cycles, and Christians have done their fair share of killing in their god's name. What's the difference?

    1. This is 2015 you liberal idiot they isis are in the stoneage as are you.

    2. You're right 12:54. Many people have used religion to perform atrocities throughout the centuries. It just so happens that CURRENTLY it is the muslims doing it. Again. If there were Christians doing these acts of barbarism today then these would be relevant topics for Obama to bring up. Since it's not it only begs the question of 'why'. Why would anyone with class do this at the National Prayer Breakfast? I used to give Obama the benefit of the doubt about his faith(even though I absolutely loathe him). From his actions I can now clearly state that this man is a closet muslim and a radical sympathizer. Nobody does something like this unless they're trying to send a message.

  8. keep your head buried 12:54...make excuses ... typical

  9. so we have the Jordan king personally leading the bombing mission to revenge his pilots death. Then we have this clown telling us ISIS is not that bad. This guy is rotting us from within.

  10. 12:54 That was about 2000 years ago. We've become more civilized.


  11. Trying to justify something by comparing it to events that happened 2000 years ago is the sure sign of an intellectual cripple.
    It's amazing how many people still support this evil degenerate. Yes, he can be compared to Hitler and for the African American community he is much much more dangerous to them than the KKK ever was and they would best be served by dismissing everything he says and does.
    Unfortunately democrat insider Jonathan Gruber explained it brilliantly, Obama supporters and voters are "stupid."

  12. Just saying... Christian history is riddled with the same blooshed as current Islam. Yes, the Christian faith may be more civilized in their actions, but not their thoughts. Wishing death on a President, death to other religions? Do you even recognize your faith?

    The Middle East is is the stone age, they are not America, nor will they ever be.

    Channel your energy to be a better person, for yourself and those around you. Let them do what they do, their time will come.

    The death threat people are no better than those who they condemn. Animals.

  13. 1:06 By your logic, they will...in the year 4015.

  14. "Let them do what they do, their time will come."

    NO! If the civilized world sits back and lets "them do what they do" this will allow them to proliferate and their tentacles will reach the entire world which is their goal. This isn't about revenge for our presence in the Middle East, it's about an interpretation of the Koran which states islam is to take over the whole world. Convert or die. No middle ground. No living peacefully and coexisting with "non believers." Convert or die. To them islam is the religion of peace ONLY if and when ALL submit, THEN peace will come.
    No one wants anymore Boston bombings. At least one of the brothers traveled to Chechnya where he learned how to make bombs.
    It would only be feasible to "let them do what they do" IF we had a stricter policy on foreign travel. As it stands now any American can go to a country that supports terrorism and then walk right back into the US no questions asked.
    We won't even go into the unsecured boarders which isn't limited to the southern one. The Canadian boarder is just as porous.

  15. Of course Obama is no better but I am and so are a lot of people.
    Obama's ghetto, whose mother ran around sleeping with men, doesn't know who his father is and dumped him off with relatives. He as well as his wife lie and are poor excuses for parents.
    Yes, Obama you are no better, but I am.

  16. Clueless Muslim POS.

  17. 1250 go live with ISIS. The difference we live in a modern world. The people of ancient times fed Christians to lions alive. Today isis on video murders tons of men with a knife blade to the kneck & CUTS OFF THEIR HEAD ON LIVE VIDEO. WHat do you mean what is the difference? The people who kill others like this are inhumane, barbaric, and plain EVIL. If you must have it spell it our for you must be a traitor like OBAMA is.

  18. 1:54 "Trying to justify something by comparing it to events that happened 2000 years ago is the sure sign of an intellectual cripple."

    Uh guys, the crusades ended about 700 years ago. 12:54 is a moron and so is Obama. But a little knowledge of history would do a lot of good before calling people "intellectual cripples". Your off by about 1300 years.

  19. Another reason why the civilized world can't let ISIS do what they do is because of the refugee problem they are creating. People are fleeing the regions they enter in unbelievable numbers. Jordan alone has taken in somewhere between 600,000 to a million refugees. The question is how many have or will end up here? We can't afford it, not to mention a lot of the refugees do not want to leave their homes and their work, but are forced to because of the brutality of ISIS if they don't completely submit. Iraq pre the overthrow of Hussein and while under US occupation was secular.
    ISIS is estimated to be around 40,000 strong and they are gaining more and more territory and converting (some forcibly) more jihadists.

  20. 3:40-700 years ago, 2000 years ago who cares.
    The point is, you don't attempt to justify an atrocities happening today, because something similar happened even yesterday.

  21. US has just committed in the last day or so 1 billion to Jordan to aid in the refugee crisis.

  22. 4:09

    I agree with your point wholeheartedly. As I said, I couldn't believe Obama said that, and the earlier poster is a moron for calling it fact.

    My point is that people should not be so quick to call others dumb, or in this case "intellectual cripples" while at the same time saying something incredibly stupid. Whole pot calling the kettle black thing.

  23. You what he is right. Christians did things that are just as bad, WHEN THEY WERE HELL BENT ON RULING THE WORLD AND WIPING ISLAM AND MUSLIMS OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH!!!!!!!!!!! None of us are those Christians now and have not been in hundreds of years.

    So muslims ARE doing these things.

    Guess what their plan is. WIPING INFIDELS OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH.

    Start seeing things for what they are.

    Just because we dont want a holy war doesn't mean one is not on its way, or more likely here already.

  24. Looks like it's time for Christians to pick up the sword once again.

  25. He misquoted history.

  26. Treason treason treason.

  27. 1:56 That is same attitude the world had with Hitler and the Nazi party, are we to sit back and let history repeat it it self and realize to late that ISIS should have been stopped in February of 2015! You are some kind of history stupid!

  28. This is what the liberal elite, mostly Ivy League, colleges have done to America.

  29. He should be banned from the National Prayer Breakfast next year.

  30. Anonymous
    The truth about the Crusades? Scholars are still working some of that out. But much can already be said with certainty. For starters, the Crusades to the East were in every way defensive wars. They were a direct response to Muslim aggression — an attempt to turn back or defend against Muslim conquests of Christian lands.

  31. The Crusades were in response to the Muslim atrocities.

  32. 8:53, Historians are coming out saying Obama used a poor example because of what you suggest. The problem is he can misrepresent because the fact stands that his supports and democrats in general aren't exactly the brightest bulbs in the pack. Democrat insider and obamacare architect said it so eloquently when he stated the passage of obamacare depends on the "stupidity" of the voters, meaning the democrat voters. They are intellectually inferior in every way, history being not an exception.

  33. 1:56.....you are of the same ilk of those who said (like Chamberlain) just give Hitler what he wants. Try to "understand him".
    You're pathetic, ignorant, and apparently very uneducated.
    "Be a better person"??? You really think THAT is going to make these people stop?
    And how, exactly is "their time" going to come?
    All your Age of Aquarius, peace and love, lets just all get along BS is just going to lead to many, many more deaths of innocents. You are one of the ones they want to burn alive because they are NOT interested in "getting along" any more than Hitler was....
    Sometimes, ya just have to start throwing haymakers.

  34. This guy is just as ignorant as Jim Ireton.

    This discussion should have been discussed at every pulpit this morning and if not the preacher/pastor/priest should be ran out of town.

  35. Anonymous said...
    I'm not surprised but I am stunned that after all the criticism directed at him for not calling terrorism what it is he actually insulted Christians this morning at the National Prayer Breakfast for goodness sake.

    If he isn't a muslim sympathizer I don't know what qualifies.

    I can't WAIT until 2016

    February 5, 2015 at 12:33 PM

    He isn't a Muslim sympathizer HE IS A MUSLIM and you people at to stupid to realize it. You are to lazy to do anything about him.

    "I can't wait until 2016" LMFAO. You dumb idiots were the same ones saying "I can't wait until 2012." LMAO. You idiots just don't get it. This illegal Muslim from Kenya does not deserve to finish the term in Office. He needs to be led to the gallows with a bag over his head and handcuffs behind his back.


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