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Sunday, February 08, 2015

7 States That Are Next in Line to Legalize Marijuana

During a series of YouTube interviews Thursday, President Obama demonstrated a remarkably laissez-faire attitude toward marijuana legalization experiments in the states. And he signaled strongly that the Obama administration wouldn't be taking to the hustings to try to beat back legalization efforts, as previous administrations had been wont to do.

"What you're seeing now is Colorado, Washington through state referenda, they're experimenting with legal marijuana," the president said in response to a question from YouTube host Hank Green. "The position of my administration has been that we still have federal laws that classify marijuana as an illegal substance, but we're not going to spend a lot of resources trying to turn back decisions that have been made at the state level on this issue. My suspicion is that you're gonna see other states start looking at this."

Indeed. Legalization bills are already popping up in state legislatures around the country, and while it's unlikely—though not impossible—that any of them will pass this year, 2016 looks to be the break-out year for freeing the weed. One state is going to be the first to legalize it through the legislature, and next year seems reasonable. And the presidential election year is also likely to see successful legalization initiatives in several more.



  1. I got throat cancer 4 years ago fromm cigarette smoking. Smoking ANYTHING is going to mess you up whether morally right or legally right NO MATTER. Do not put anything into your lungs other than air, people. PERIOD. End of stupid argument

  2. I think more states should legalize. Look at how much money colorado made this year, so much they have to give some back to the people. Crazy thought.

  3. 7:05

    You do know smoking is not the only use?

    1. That's the problem with pot. Ignorance.
      The world is full of changes in the last 50 years. Good and bad. One thing that stays the same is the old mentality and myths of this miracle drug that god gave us.

  4. " One thing that stays the same is the old mentality and myths of this miracle drug that god gave us."

    How true. And that mentality and those myths were created and promoted by none other than our United States government from 1930 onward, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary all along the way.

  5. Please read the updates on Colorado. Initially, everyone was happy in Colorado because of one thing...."money, money, money". More recently, Colorado is taking a turn for the worse. Now higher than ever saturated with crimes including robberies and death secondary to the Marijuana Business. Even more recently, the majority of deaths related to the legalization of Marijuana. Most recent a college student. It is scientifically proven that marijuana leads to brain damage, lung damage, deaths!

  6. lol @ 9:04 that's not the only myth created by the government!

  7. 9:06
    Do you want to talk about alcohol? I'm sure the impacts of legalizing alcohol were far more dramatic (and continue to be).

    You can't have an argument AGAINST weed if you SUPPORT the continued legalization of alcohol.

  8. Maryland needs to be the first on the east coast so we can get the tourism and taxes. Like gambling the first states reap the most benefit. Once everyone does it the profit to the state falls off.

  9. Yes, Marylanders....let's bury more people...who cares??? Who cares how many more deaths occurs! Let's just bring in the money and tourism. The argument with alcohol is ridiculous. There is no scientific medical studies to prove that occasional alcohol is harmful to humans. There are tons of research that "recreational Marijuana" use has proven deaths. Let's get educated before we SUPPORT or NOT SUPPORT the legalization of Marijuana.

  10. 9:55 Marijuana causes death? But alcohol doesn't, what a lying twist of facts.

  11. 9:56
    Talk to me about alcohol-poisoning deaths in teens and young adults. Talk to me about how 31% of all traffic deaths last year were alcohol-related. Talk to me about liver, throat, stomach and pancreatic cancer. Talk to me about criminals that rob liquor stores for the substance, not the money.

    Why don't YOU get educated. Marijuana legalization is the right thing to do. It's a plant. It's more natural than alcohol. Hell it's more natural than tobacco at this point.

    Even if marijuana has been linked to a handful of deaths (other, more significant substances were present in ALL of these incidents), please enlighten us all about how it is somehow WORSE than alcohol.

    People that argue against legalization can often have good arguments. You have brought up NONE of them!

  12. To pass the Legalization of Marijuana, is NOT based on the arguement of one drug vs another, i.e. alcohol vs marijuana. If that's the case let's legalize heroin, etc. Have to draw the line somewhere and those lines have already been drawn. Medically, it is VERY HARMFUL to humans. You choose your own demise!

  13. Heroin is a plant! Very poor arguments!!

  14. 9:56 am. It's illegal for teen adults. No argument there! The "teen adults" got alcohol illegally and consumed it illegally. Duh! That's why it's illegal for them.... The laws are already in place to prevent deaths. Government/State can not STOP BAD CHOICES! We can only put laws in places in hopes to deter such bad decision making!

  15. It's illegal to drink and drive! These aren't arguments whatsoever! States puts laws into place to protect the public! That's already illegal. Sad that it doesn't stop people from still doing them and causing their own death/demise but that is human choice!! Let alone drinking and driving causes innocent children/adult deaths!

  16. There another argument Eric. Your very own statement "other, more significant substances were present in ALL of these incidents". History has proven that Marijuana is a gateway to more serious drugs!

  17. Demonizing pot without adressing the problems with alcohol is hypocritical. However there is pratical problems because of the nature of the drug. For instance the THC can stay in your bloodstream for a month. Lets say you have an auto accident two weeks after toking up. Do you think the insurance company is going to pay when they recieve the results of the blood test? There are many unaddressed issues associated with the legalization of pot.

  18. It's already happening in Delaware. Case where they tested a young (21yo) drive and he was positive for Marijuana. He was charged driving under the influence. He had smoke approximately 3-4 weeks before him being stopped for speeding. There aren't any parameters, or laws on the books what "legal limit". So true 11:39am. There are so many legal, moral, ethical arguments. Way too many to mention!

  19. Dumb down the herd.

  20. 11:19
    Poppies are plants. Heroin is a synthetic extract.

    Cocoa leaves are plants. But the cocaine is a synthetic extract.

    The marijuana you smoke LITERALLY GROWS on the freaking plant. No alterations necessary. I can't take you seriously since it doesn't seem like you know what you are talking about.

    Interpretations of bad decisions are different. By that logic you could argue that we should be passing laws that limit the number of animals we kill or soda we drink. So that makes no sense at all.

    Its no more of a gateway drug than cigarettes or alcohol. I smoke weed sometimes. I don't drink or smoke cigarettes or use any other drug. Same with a lot of my friends and family.

    You know what actually is a gateway drug? Prescription pain killers. They literally emulate stronger, more illegal substances that a person's brain is fundamentally designed to crave. The truest definition of a gateway drug wouldn't you agree?

  21. Still no argument. Abuse of Prescriptions Drugs is illegal! So, your talking in circles. Just the fact your statement "I smoke week" doesn't make you an expert. Medical Research has stated it is the "gateway drug" to other more serious drugs! Overwhelmingly supporting data. The number of dogs is of course irrelevant in this case. What I think is great, is that people are talking about pros and cons of legalizing marijuana.

  22. 1:31 & 2:06

    FYI, marijuana "research" is largely outdated and recent studies are difficult to have faith in because marijuana is still a Schedule 1 substance, which makes it nearly impossible to conduct a clinical study.

    All that "research" should be taken with a suspicious grain of salt, no matter what side of the argument you are for.

  23. 2:06 What dogs? Please leave them out of it. Now the cat, thats a different matter. I got one that when it gets buzzed on the catnip, it tears up the curtains in the kitchen!

  24. Research is NOT out of date. They published huge Research in Colorado at the end of 2014. The report concluded that Risk of Motor Vehicle Accidents doubled with the use of Marijuana. That same study discovered the use of marijuana caused severe impaired memory. There are enormous amount of literature/research (old and new) that is out there for the public to view/study.

  25. Hilarious comments as usual. Legalization does not lead to increase crime whatsoever as many commenters stated. Google the subject and you'll find many articles outlining how false and silly that assertion is. I've seen at least 5 commenters say marijuana is a gateway drug. The number one gateway drug for youths and young adults is ALCOHOL. Always was, always will be. Ask 10 people who smoke or smoked pot and I guarantee you 9 will tell you they drank alcohol first.

    9:56 and several others apparently actually believes that marijuana will kill you. Sure, it's definitely not good for you over time. Any halfwit should know that. But it's not killing people outright. 88,000 Americans died per year from 2006-2010 from excessive alcohol consumption related deaths. 88,000. That number is from the CDC. I suggest many of you get a clue and search for some real information, instead of spewing your own beliefs with no substance to back them up. Marijuana is very often easier to obtain than alcohol. It is everywhere. There is extremely little to lose by considering legalization, and very much to gain for the state. Would you rather the state profit, or all the so called dope dealers many of you hate so much?

  26. 2:06--
    There is no such research, just our government insisting so, over & over. Another ill-informed person on a soapbox! It's a PLANT with healing powers, should not be in the same class as a drug such as heroin, but not according to our government! Big pharma is the reason it hasn't been legalized so far, as their sales/profits would plummet, Check into how much money they throw at our politicians; always follow the money. Same reason Dupont is against legalizing, as they own the patent on the chemical process for making paper. Introduce hemp paper back in, stop using dangerous chemicals in vast amounts,stop deforestation, allow the farmers to actually make a profit. IF the government were so concerned about our safety & welfare, they would have outlawed cigarettes, a known carcinogen with thousands of chemicals, mostly designed to keep people addicted so they'll keep buying them.

  27. I encourage you all to do research from appropriately. The latest research is in Colorado. Get educated.
    3:32 pm. "google it". that is so uneducated comment. you believe "googling" something is research. Good God Wicomico County, can't be this dumb! Hard fact Scientific Research. Go to any college or On-line Researchers and it's there. Dear God..."google It" Crazy that people believe that is the "end all answers". Believe whatever is on the internet. COME ON PEOPLE ...GET EDUCATED!!

  28. The people that is for the use of marijuana. You obviously are smoking it!!! Your comments are hilarious! You must be hi!!!!

  29. Us working folks (4:44 & 3:32) are winding down here at work and reading these comments wondering "what the hell..." Don't listen to the crazy telling people weed kills. They are just wrong. Dead wrong perhaps.

    Legalize it so we can get on with our lives. I'd love to buy an ounce on my way home from work.

    1. You obviously don't have a serious job!

  30. 3:32 ....I don't know where you live that "marijuana is everywhere"

    You need a change of address!

  31. I would want a bus driver "under the influence" of marijuana while carrying a bus full of kindergardeners!


  32. 5:49

    Where do you live? Because if you live on the Eastern Shore, or just about anywhere else in the country for that matter, that is the case. Whether you know it or not. Doesn't have anything to do with addresses or zip codes.

  33. It certainly does . Apparently people with "Marijuana" all around them needs new friends. As for as for 5:47 "the working folks" as you say. What job do you have that you can go to work after getting hi the night before ??!!! Please tell me. Certainly not medical, nor tractor trailer driver, operator of heavy equipment, bus driver, surgeon, etc. You are "under the influence" and if tested which companies will have to do randomly when they pass this law...you are now jobless and doubt any good future jobs in store for you!

    1. You've obviously never worked construction. Id estimate conservatively that a good 30 percent of heavy equipment operators are smokers. The idea that you can't function and turn into an idiot if you smoke is a foolish stereotype used by people that don't know any better and choose to judge. And tractor trailer drivers are notorious for using other drugs, stimulants, to stay awake on long drives.

  34. I'm neither for or against marijuana and passing the law for legal use. But 10:56 pm I believe is correct. Companies are going to have to test all the time, are they will be liable. Saw operating a fork lift and there was an accident on it. Mandatory that you be tested. Marijuana can be in your system up to 30-45 days Now "you're under the influence" and charged with wreckless endangerment,et etc god knows what else. Scarey! Got to watch the sneakinest of government!!!

  35. 10:56 "Apparently people with "Marijuana" all around them needs new friends"

    Jesus people. This is a very simple concept. Even one the dumbest "stoner" should be able to grasp. "Marijuana" is very prevalent in today's society. If you said alcohol is everywhere because there is a liquor store or bar on every corner, and I said well maybe you need a new address or new friends, you'd probably think that was a pretty stupid thing to say. No matter what your address, or who your friends are, those bars and liquor stores will still be there. Is that simplified enough for you to understand?

  36. I drive great when I'm stoned... smash things driving drunk... all the evidence we need, LEGALIZE MARIJUANA

  37. I have heard all the arguments for and against.Yes I have used it in my younger days but I can tell you that legalization NOT good.Decriminalize but do not legalize.

  38. 5:49...you better stop eating Ambien for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
    I can tell you -- for sure -- that they are lawyers judges, and prosecutors who go home every night and smoke a joint. Do a line or two.
    Go to work the next day and IMPRISON people for the same thing.
    I see I made an error in my statement. I forgot to include police officers.
    5:49 is hanging on to the myth that only louts and bad guys smoke marijuana. That's so far from the truth you'd need the Hubble telescope to measure the distance.
    Put the Ambien away, son. That stuff can erase your memory, make you do things you won't remember, and probably lead you to Valium, and seemingly, lower your IQ.


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