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Sunday, February 08, 2015

Habitual Beggar Nick Parks At It Again

Although Nick Parks was recently and finally arrested, (as seen HERE) moments ago the second image was taken on Rt. 13 where he is right back to his old tricks. 

Salisbury Police, Maryland State Police and even the Sheriff's Office have been cracking down on this in a big way, especially near WalMart north and the Sam's Club area. However, Nick, who lives IN a home in Delmar and drives a new car couldn't care less about getting arrested.

Please people, STOP feeding this guy money.  


  1. He was in Walmart getting taxes done the other night.

  2. This is getting annoying!!! If people would STOP giving him $, he would stop begging. If he is hungry feed him.

  3. I wonder how much he is costing taxpayers via enforcement. Surely there could be a more pressing matter for law enforcement. Yea the guy is an ass but I think it's more absurd to put resources towards stopping him (and others like him, regardless of their situation).

    Just a thought.

  4. Is he the 'will work for food' guy??
    He just needs to get a job in a restaurant,.,
    its called an 'employee meal'.
    Salisbury definitely has its share of dirtbags.

    1. His says homeless please help. He doesn't accept food.

  5. I saw him by Pohanka yesterday

  6. Unreal,
    The Salisbury police where just there yesterday and removed another male and female from the EXACT SAME SPOT.

  7. Hey judges throw the book at him he is a FAKE.

  8. At one point some time ago, he had posted on his Facebook that he was going to stop using drugs, because going out on the streets begging for money for his drug habit was so humiliating or something along those lines. It's clear his commitment to stop using drugs was short lived.

  9. He is at the light on Zion by pohanka almost everyday smh. His sign says "Need help God bless" oh he needs help alright

  10. 4:46 really? I wonder what your opinion will be when someone gets hit or injured because they are in the median of a highway.
    The issue is not simply begging.
    It is an unsafe action and puts him and others at risk.

    Actually look at the second picture and here he is standing. It is not a street corner. He is in the middle of the road.

  11. Where is the enforcement Chief Duncan ?
    Pizza maybe.

  12. He'll be on Fox news next along with the guy who walks 21 miles to work.lol

    1. The hell he Will nick is a fn scam artist and that AA man walked 21 miles to go to a JOB.

  13. He's good friends with Duncan and ireton.

  14. His mom is the one that has a dog that used to sit by sams. She bought the dog just that reason. They are pathetic. They live at greenway apartments in delmar. Look him up in facebook.

    1. Curse them out when you see them.

  15. He is a worthless p.o.s. Everyone needs to stop giving his dumb ass their hard earned money. Karma is a bitch and he will be truly homeless one day when karma comes back to collect the money he took from people trying to help but were actually being hustled

  16. If you keep giving , he will keep begging , I would. Stupid is , as stupid does.

  17. "His" taxes? Are you serious? I will never understand how people who do not work steady or often get thousands back in "taxes".Furthermore, he should be audited because the income he reports to get "his taxes" is maybe a third of what he actually takes in by begging.Thats fraud!

  18. You people have no life. Leave the man alone. There are beggars all across the world. He's not hurting you.

    1. Actually, we do have lives. Lives that we have to work for to enjoy so with all due respect, I'd like to be able to go about my business without some deadbeat looking for a handout.

  19. I'm always amazed when I insee these guys at the side of the road. They can put the effort into standing outside all day holding a sign in any kind of weather but they can't work? There's a woman on 50 right by Perdue that saunters up to vehicles asking for a handout...while smoking a cigarette. I don't smoke but what are they...five, six bucks a pack? Business must be good. Maybe all us saps actually working for a living are the ones who have it wrong.

  20. He'll be on Fox news next along with the guy who walks 21 miles to work.lol

    February 5, 2015 at 7:02 PM

    Really 7:02PM? I know a man who walked further than 21 miles a day to work. He had to walk because his car needed repairs that he could not afford and he was supporting a child as a single parent. Many people of the Community would go out of their way to pick him up. He walked in the rain, snow, heat for almost a year!! But he maintained his apartment, food and needs for the child while saving to fix his car!! I'm quite sure you have never had to work for anything. Born with a silver spoon or spoiled, right?

    1. What a ridiculous comparison! The guy on Fox news commuted 20 miles to WORK daily without a car. That is to be commended... This Libtard and his comments just show his ignorance.

  21. It needs to be reported on the news where everyone can see it and not just on Facebook. Maybe that would stop ppl from giving him money.

  22. 10:09, This is NEWS. In fact, I'd challenge ANY of the local media to try and prove they have more local traffic than Salisbury News, they can't.

  23. Here's a lead: There is an entire tent city in the woods behind north industrial park. They have tents, bicycles, generators, the works. Entire families live out there. It's at the end of industrial parkway, where the daily times building is (I believe it is Beam Street). I was riding bikes with my dad and 7 year old son. Couldn't believe my eyes. My son calls them "the tent people". This very well could explain why there is such an influx of beggars on the north end of Salisbury. This must be their HQ.

  24. although this man is a fraud, there are people who are less fortunate and actually need help.people like this make it harder for those tht actually do need help, to ask for help, because they are afraid of the backlash tht has been inspired by people who take advantage of others

    1. You are correct....there are genuinely people that need the help...not everyone needing a handout is a fraud!

  25. His mom has the dog?
    I gave her a load of crap in the summer, gave her a bottle of water and told her to give the dog a drink.
    Her reply was the dog was fine, my reply was, no it was not.
    Thankfully she was under a tree but really, she has the dog out there in 90 degree heat.

    What a POS.

  26. 1:06 and what was your point of revealing where they live?
    So that they can be harassed?
    Isn't life hard enough for them without their location being outed?

    Sad that you thought big of yourself to reveal that secret.

  27. If you can afford tattoos and ear plugs you don't need my money. Plus I have seen plenty of cops drive right past this guy as he stand in the middle of 13. He's a pig.


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