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Sunday, February 08, 2015

Detroit man with marathon walking commute surprised with new car

(Reuters) - A Detroit factory worker who has walked more than 20 miles (32 km) during his daily commute to work for a decade was surprised on Friday with a brand new car, donated by a suburban car dealership.

The unexpected gift is the latest in an outpouring of donations from supporters across the globe who, touched by James Robertson's plight, have raised more than $310,000 to help him buy a car.

Robertson has told the Detroit Free Press that his car broke down a decade ago and, making $10.55 an hour, he has been unable to save for a new one.

"I don't like it, I love it," said Robertson, 56, who appeared baffled as he sat behind the wheel of his 2015 red Ford Taurus. "If only my parents could see me now."



  1. Here's the real social disaster. Look at his face in these pictures, and it tells everything about it.

    The guy makes $10.55 an hour, or about $21,000 per year, and after taxes maybe can get $17k to take home.

    His insurance was negotiated down from $15,000 a year to ?

    So, the reality is that the leftover two thousand might buy his gas to drive to and from his job, leaving absolutely nothing for the mortgage or rent, food, insurance (health) or the ensuing Obamafine.

    And he won't be able to park it on the "skreet", as jealous gang thugs will just shoot out a window or something, which he won't be able to afford to get fixed. So then if he drives it to work, he'll wind up with a fine he can't pay.

    He is eternally grateful for the outpouring of kindness from the community, and appreciates this huge gift from all, but knows he can't honor the givers by actually keeping it and driving it.

    So sad, too.

  2. Although Americans have gone overboard on this, as we often do, it is great to see someone rewarded for a good work ethic. Too often, rewards are doled out in the US for being lazy.

  3. What about the #310,000 that was donated?

  4. Hopefully the money donated will go to the IRS so he don't get hit with 50% gift tax.

  5. To me personally this is a great story.None of us should take our personal success for granted.I'm getting ready to look up the current status of Ted Williams because this situation brought him to mind.Just curious how "The Man With The Million Dollar Voice" is coming along.

    1. Back living on the street smoking crack.
      You can't fix stupid.

    2. So right and your the perfect example

    3. "your" the perfect example? Maybe I am LOL

  6. 10:32 Perhaps a nap is in order for you to relax.

  7. Nice to see that there are good people in the world. You don't hear much about them but there are. Overwhelmingly more good people than bad.

  8. I hope someone sets up a trust and helps him deal with the IRS. They will come knocking for their part of the pie. Good story and serious work ethic. People can live next door and call out of work for nonsense reasons. He is still in a lot of shock at all of the attention. I pray someone is looking out for him.

  9. Can't help but feel that he could have helped himself by finding a house or apartment closer to his job?
    Guess it's just easier to wait for a handout.

  10. 5:23, that is just stupid. NO ONE subjects themselves to that kind of commute because they want to.

    Some of you folks just can't accept that here's a guy with a great work ethic and kind people stepped up to help.

    I'm sure he is in shock from all the attention, and I hope he has a good head on his shoulders or good help for managing this new windfall. Instead of bashing, I will pray that all of this turns out super great for him.

    1. I think 5:32 has a point. He works a $10 an hour job. I too find it hard to believe he couldn't apply that great work ethic a little closer to home. Let's face it. $10 an hour jobs aren't that scarce.

  11. I just hope this doesn't turn out to another scam like so many others.


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