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Sunday, February 22, 2015

CEO Of Hebron Savings Bank Gregory Johnson Resigned Today

We're not sure why but we figured we'd put this up for those in the community who know him to offer their best wishes.


  1. Greg has done a lot to support the local business community. Best wishes and good luck Greg.

    1. If you all really knew you would be shocked. He was such a fake. He has a lot of people fooled. ALL show!!!

    2. You reap what you sow. How does it feel now Greg? You laughed and made inappropriate comments about others and now you get to see what people really think of you. Happy to say goodbye and no more worries about if you are in a bad mood who you wanted
      to fire next. Good riddance. I think there needs to be a few more cleared out. Way overdue.

  2. Get the popcorn, this is gonna get good! Board told him resign or be fired! He has hidden more bad loans than the mafia.

    1. He should of been fired and not given the opportunity to resign. I only hope FDIC nails his ass to the wall.

  3. Craig brought the bank to the verge of receivership, the executive board had no choice.

    1. Well the board us stacked with his buddies. Time for Brian Twilley and Scott Tawes to go. They knew what he was doing and allowed it. Scott Tawes was allowed by Greg Johnson to purchase foreclosures at ridiculous low prices. This should be illegal and should be investigated.

  4. HSB is out of control. Try to buy something online...nope, HSB doesn't allow debit purchases in those states. Try to check your account online....nope, the website is down. Try to pay your mortgage....nope, can't authorize a payment of that size. HSB is holding the money of the account holders hostage!

  5. He should have been fired when his right hand stole all the money two years ago.

    1. Leave her out of this. She protected him and the dead best husband of hers. Amazing isn't it-husband dead and Greg resigning (polite way before you are fired). Just makes you wonder. I have more respect for her than Jimmy or Greg.

    2. I don't think that has anything to do with what has happened to Greg. His shady real estate deals that led to huge losses, over spending practices, and open druckenness at bars when he should have been working-just to name a few things has led to this. It was a matter if time.

    3. 8:34 it has been longer than two years. Leave her alone, he has done this all by himself. He is cocky and obnoxious. He is a user and not very loyal to anyone!!

  6. Finally, its about time. Craig cuts back door deals with his buds, now he pays the price. Hopefully its not to late, my stock can't take another hit.

  7. Everyone knew this was coming. It will be covered up to avoid a mass exodus of clients, if the truth comes out. When's the last time a bank President steps down abruptly, no notice, no comments?

  8. Wow I'm in shock. Greg helped my husband and I from losing our home when I was out out of work.He has done a lot for people in the community when other banks wouldn't. I will surely miss seeing him at the bank.

  9. A contract dispute. Don't know the details, but when the big boys draw lines in the sand, things happen. Greg guided the bank very well. HSB has done very well in these times. Wish him well and hope the board has made the right choice. Compare Hebron , to Farmers Bank of Willards and Bank of Delmarva . Hebron looks like a super star. The HSB team have been a major asset to all Communities , hope that does not change.

    1. Contract dispute my ass. He has robbed the bank for years on real estate deals to his buddies and abusing his expense account with LARGE expenses entertaining his
      "community buddies." I guess they will miss him.

  10. In my heart. I will always feel like he had something to do with the "fraudulent loans" from several years ago and instead of him taking the hit, his right hand did her time in prison. It just did not all add up and after meeting him in person about a year ago, I definitely sensed something "shady" about him. Time will tell!

    1. Very shady. His right hand protected his sorry ass. I think he is a back stabbing two faced giggling loud obnoxious idiot.

  11. 9:01 BINGO, we have a winner!

  12. Lets think about this logically. Do you think his right hand women and VP Wanda Henderson did all of that fraudulent loan work without Greg knowing? If anything, he should have went down for such a big time scheme. This is WAY past due.

    1. This is NOT about her. This is about Greg. He has been a walking time bomb. His ego and abuse of power has led to his downfall.

  13. Greg should have been fired after the Henderson theft, he dam well knew it, and didnt hide it when drinking.

    1. If I recall it was not theft but loans made to her husband Jimmy Henderson. Amazing how he left her filed bankruptcy came back to her and left her again when she decided to not turn over evidence on his involvement. But this is not about her.

    2. You hit the nail on the head with that one 11:21. If you want to mention Wanda let the truth be known. She made a mistake by trusting two men, Jimmy Henderson and Greg Johnson. When she defended and protected those two losers they let her accept all the responsibility as she did without bringing their sorry asses down. Should she of have YES. She took the high road and accepted the consequences. Jimmy lied on her and walked away free and clear. BUT he paid a higher price for his lies, adulterous behaviors and abuse. Greg is now going to pay for his lies, abuse and criminal behaviors. They both are getting what they have deserved. Can you say KARMA baby? How many times did I hear Karma when Jimmy died. He and Greg are cut from the same mold, cold hearted obnoxious arrogant pieces of shit.

    3. Both let her take the fall. I bet she regrets not telling what she knew on those two. Maybe she will get her chance to assist the FBI in Gregs investigation. We can only hope. Henderson has a higher authority he is having to answer to. Is it hot yet?

    4. Jimmy is dead, he has a family who is still grieving what happened. I'm not saying anything about what happened to wanda is untrue, but he has a mother, a father, a daughter, and grandchildren. Give them the respect if not anyone else.

    5. Jimmy alwaya thought he was indestructible and beyond approach by the law. Yes he is dead but his family were his worst enemies. They shut their eyes to his immoral actions. They wanted to blame everyone else but the real culprit, Jimmy. Sorry but this is the truth. Don't make him out like a good guy now. He was the poster child for evil.

    6. 10:00 his daughter deserves the respect. He learned his immoral behaviors from his mother and father. Sorry but this
      is true. His mother has hurt more families, mine included with her inappropriate vixen behavior. So he learned from example.

    7. I agree 10:00. What truly amazes me is when I went to Jimmy's funeral service out of respect for Wanda and Elliett I did NOT see one picture of Wanda who his wife of more than 30 years and the mother of his only child who defended and supported him. BUT in the obituary there was a special friend, Phyllis Elliott listed. Someone he had been dating a few months who list on her Facebook
      page that she is in a relationship with Henderson. I asked this to my wife, how can you be in a relationship with a dead man who was married? This is an
      example of the kind of family Jimmy was raised by. Common decent people would have handled that circumstance with more dignity. Shame on them!!

    8. I felt the same way 2:05. I was appalled by Connie and Jim Henderson's behavior. Very inconsiderate of her granddaughter and grest grandsons. Also to Wanda who supported Jimmy whe he himself was facing serious criminal charges for inmate abuse. Very distasteful for Connie who thinks she has this upstanding position in the community. I was mortified of such actions and so were many others.

    9. Take that poll in Crisfield and I don't think you will find that she is considered upstanding. There may be other more appropriate words for her. She has the audacity to think she is a pillar of the community. She is a w $#&e. Plain and simple. Mr. Henderson needs his head examined. To be a doctor in education, he must be one of the dumbest men I know.

    10. All the make up, jewelry and nice clothing cannot hide what she is. The woman needs to act her age. She is a hypocrite by sitting in church professing to be a christian and then you see her sloppy drunk in Peakys. She should be ashamed. Grow the hell up Connie.

    11. Mr. Jim needs to be pitied. I agree for someone so smart he really is stupid. He is her puppet and she is the puppeteer. He is her paycheck. That is one high maintenance woman. Thank God my wife loves me and not every man in Somerset and Wicomico County. Ms. Connie has been around that is for sure.

  14. Gregs loan has been called.l

  15. If he were half as good as he thought he was all would have been well. Unfortunately for the bank, he was not!

  16. $217,538.04 22C15000091 Bank Of Delmarva vs Anything Cars LLC, et al
    $123,862.62 22C15000090 Bank Of Delmarva vs Car Rehab L L C, et al
    $402,983.37 22C15000089 Bank Of Delmarva vs Blue Sky Farm LLC, et al
    $ 83,205.33 22C15000088 Bank Of Delmarva vs Car Rehab L L C, et al
    $188,355.15 22C15000087 Bank Of Delmarva vs Car Doctor L L C, et al
    $ 72,786.90 22C14001902 Bank Of Delmarva vs Jet Fleet Services Inc, et al
    22C14001621 Bank of Delmarva, Insley, et al vs Anything Cars LLC


    I'd like to meet the genius(es) at the Bank of Delmarva who thought it'd be a great idea to lend the same guy operating under at least 6 different company names over $1mil.

    I believe Delmarva was also in trouble with the feds for quite a few months for their bad loans, etc.

  17. 826- they block online transactions and high withdrawals to protect you....all I had to do was call them and immediately had the transaction approved. ...have never had a problem with Hebron savings.....I want a bank to question out of state transactions.

  18. Why the negative comments? Appeared to be dedicated and contribute to the well being of our community. Let's wait to hear the factual details.

  19. The mayor of so called Hebron himself better be worried..No more pulling your butt outta the hole Mr.. Get Your Money for nothing and your checks for free..Ha I think not .

  20. You can dance a long time but one day you will have to pay the fiddler and i hear there is a orchestra out there waiting.

  21. 9:38 because many know the negative first hand. Greg slept with dogs and got fleas. It has killed the stock value when others (Calvin B Taylor) have flourished. I have lost a small fortune while this crook ate,drank,and hunted on my dime.

  22. I told Craig two years ago this was coming. He thought he was untouchable. The list of 2nd rate businesses he has carried will be closed by year end. Mostly drinking friend's, the house is crumbling down.

    1. He will see just how many friends he has now. No more free food and cocktails. Boo hoo.

  23. HSB has a history of fraud and embezzlement. It was only a matter of time.

  24. Would hate to be one of his "community buddies" as I am sure they knew what was going on or at least some knowledge of such, especially when his VP at the time was found guilty of embezzlement. Have to agree with others that he just had to know what was going on with that but yet he came out smelling like a rose!

  25. This post is up to offer best wishes, not to tear the man apart.

    1. I really don't think too many want to offer best wishes. He deserves what he gets. Lets hope he gets what he finally deserves.

  26. Hebron Savings Bank has been a Godsend to me...they worked with me with my mortgage when many other banks would have foreclosed. We are now in a position to make things right and thanks to HSB we still have a roof over our heads...sometimes things just happen, people get sick, people lose jobs...thank you HSB for being kind to us...

  27. @8:54...me too...if it weren't for HSB, we would be out on the street. We are now doing well, but if it weren't for HSB we'd be living in a tent...

  28. I agree with 10:42 p.m. - THis is to Wish him well - not tear him apart!!! THe negative ones, must of been denied a loan or defaulted on theirs and they are taking it out on him!! Good Luck, Greg!!!

  29. Greg has always been an outstanding businessman and amazing asset to our community. Sad to see him go and thankful for his help in growing HSB to the biggest and best local bank on the shore. If you want to see the stats on how well he ran this bank then attend the shareholder meeting in sharptown where HSB is compared to 20 same sized banks on the shore. It's astonishing what he guided this bank through. HSB got rid of bad debts early in the recession and took a beating unlike a lot of other banks on the shore who are still burying these bunk purchases at stupid book values.

    1. His figures are good because he has been fudging the past due percentages by increasing loan balances to pay past due payments which increases customet payments. If they can't pay the normal payment how in the hell could they afford an increase. Think about this people. He could make the figures look anyway he wanted by juggling figures. He was the master of deceit. Hsb was stil taking a beating on losses, real estate loans over appraiseded values. He was warned to stop and his arrogance has led to this. FDIC has made more visits to HSB in the last few months. I wonder why. Not because they were in stellar condition. They were close to being SHUT down.

  30. The only one's saying anything good are his drinking buddies or crooks Greg has slept with. There are a lot of pissed off people that know what kind of person he is, and couldn't say anything for fear of a loan called, or being fired. What's the comments so far, 5 for, 40 against. Doesn't matter, executive board was unanimous. If he was so good, do you think he would be leaving "abruptly"?

  31. I can make this comment anonymous because I work at HSB. Greg Johnson is a narcissistic, power abusing, thieving man. People think he saved their houses well let me tell you it was only because he did not want another loss. If it was going to behoove him in anyway your house would be gone. He would foreclose on a house allow his trusty lap dog board member to buy the property and profits would be split between them. He did the same with stock sales of stockholders who thought Greg was helping them sell their stock. He tell them a low price and he would be the one purchasing the stock without the persons knowledge. Sellers do not know the buyers name. I worked with Wanda and this is not about her at all. She should have NEVER covered up for him. She protected him more than anyone would ever know. Her fault wad trusting and believing in two worthless individuals that betrayed her loyalty. I remember her defending Jimmy when he got into trouble at the Somerset County Detention Center. We thought at the time she was delusional. But she was loyal to him as she was to Greg. Her loyalty did not get reciprocated by Jimmy or Greg. Greg will NOT be missed. Life at HSB just got better.

    1. Stock fraud could be serious. Anyone with real estate foreclosure issues need to be asking some serious questions. This SHOULD NOT be sweeped under the carpet. He needs to be held accountable for his actions. He should be investigated as anyone else should be. Lets see if the board has the balls to do what is right. Scott Tawes and Brian Twilley I would be sweating if I were you guys. Especially Scott Tawes. How many of those "foreclosed" properties have you bought?

  32. Joe -- Please warn the HSB board about Ron Pagano, who will likely apply for the job vacancy.

  33. Joe,
    You need to do a followup to this story and put it at the top of your page. There is a lot more to this story. Johnson was given the choice to resign or be fired. It is no small secret that HSB was there to serve his needs and not those of the customer. He has stacked the board over the years and his ass has been covered. You must know he did something so bad the board could no longer ignore his schemes. Somebody earlier commented on the properties he has acquired. I'm positive many of those transactions were questionable and would jeopardize the bank if discovered.
    Run with this one Joe. I think it may be a big story. I'm sure WBOC and the Daily Times will ignore it.

    1. I only hope the federal government looks into this case. There are some dirty going ons here. First person I would question is Wanda. I think she knows a whole lot more than anyone realizes. Pay back could be a bitch. Maybe she has kept silent long enough. Speak up girl, let the truth set you free!!!

  34. 8:20, I am not your states attorney. I published information I thought worthy of attention and comments seem to have taken a life of their own since.

    I do not know this man. I do not use Banks. Perhaps if we had the resources the other media you mentioned have we could do more research, we do not.

    I'm afraid you'll just have to read comments and see where the story goes.

  35. Good luck Greg, you are a good man, father, husband, businessman and community leader. All the best!

  36. 9:38-My thoughts exactly.I don't even know this man & would venture to guess that a lot of negative commenters don't know him either.

    1. Keep thinking that 8:58. I think we do know him all to well. He is crooked as they come.

  37. Being a "nice person and a good father" is commendable......but hoping that those qualities will over shadow the possible wrong doings as the President of the bank won't garnish any brownie points. Laws are blind to right and wrong.

  38. If I recall, Greg Johnson was voted Best Personal Banker in the Metropolitian Best of the Eastern Shore
    2014 Magazine. Wow, how did that happen?

    1. Because the Metropolitan is a garbage advertisement magazine. Pohanka is #1 every year because they have their staff filling out multiple surveys. I worked there and filled out these surveys too.

  39. The post was put up for people of our community to offer the best wished we could for Greg,
    These comments are the best this community can offer him in light of his arrogant corrupt career.

  40. I do know him and of his many shady business dealings. He even helped his best friend hide assets while filing bankruptcy on a business (all while the friend was screwing over many other local companies)then offer him a nice loan to open the exact same type of business, using the exact same inventory moved over/hidden from the bankrupt business. Not to mention the out of control parties he throws, the HSB tent at the clam bake every year is nothing but a drunk fest. He's a loud, obnoxious drunk that likes to flaunt himself and thinks he's all that and I assure you he is NOT! Bye Greg, HSB will be much better without you!

    1. Ohhh some nasty dealings sure going on by best buds. I love it when anonymous has all the dirt, post it on a blog expecting authorities to run over and start an investigation. Hey,anonymous hows about putting your anonymous proof in an envelope, and mailing it anonymously to ones who can attend those out of control parties and see what the best buds are up to. Sounds like you didn't get an invite, so I am still wondering how you know the parties are out of control -- aha the PEEPING TOM

  41. It happened 9:14 because magazines were gotten in bulk and filled out by a certain person and employees were TOLD to vote for greg. When it was not done a certain employee took it upon herself to fill them out for Greg to win. Entrys are never checked. Another misdoing by HSB. This is truth. As any employee.

  42. exactly, that's the only way anyone wins at that stupid waste of print metropolitan magazine contests, have your friends and employees vote continuously. they're all rigged, even the one in coastal style.

    1. It grieves me that you have never received enough votes to be a WINNER in metropolitan magazine. Post the name of your business and we will rig it so you are a winner this year.

  43. I understand he has a job with Provident Savings Bank in Cambridge.

  44. Something tells me there is more to the story... Hmmm.

    1. hmmm ... something tells me the some fools on here like to make up stories

  45. Greg, has been nothing but fair to me. When banks like PNC called my loans it was Greg's team that got the deal done. He made it right and saved us for going to judgement! Personally and in bushiness he has been an asset to me and for the community. "Haters are gonna hate"! (T. Swift)

  46. Is it Greg or Craig? Who is Craig?

  47. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    A contract dispute. Don't know the details, but when the big boys draw lines in the sand, things happen. Greg guided the bank very well. HSB has done very well in these times. Wish him well and hope the board has made the right choice. Compare Hebron , to Farmers Bank of Willards and Bank of Delmarva . Hebron looks like a super star. The HSB team have been a major asset to all Communities , hope that does not change.

    February 18, 2015 at 8:58 PM

    Yep, especially the ones that got the pink arm bands to get past the armed guards at the J.M. Tawes party tent.

    1. Yep, especially the ones that got the pink arm bands to get past the armed guards at the J.M. Tawes party tent.

      oh oh oh sounds like you did not get one of them ----jeal - ou- sy imust be eating you alive

  48. Anonymous said...
    I don't think that has anything to do with what has happened to Greg. His shady real estate deals that led to huge losses, over spending practices, and open druckenness at bars when he should have been working-just to name a few things has led to this. It was a matter if time.

    February 18, 2015 at 11:33 PM

    WTH is druckenness?

    1. come on, fill us in -- what bars, at what times -- what real estate deals -- what spending practices -- what other things -- druckeness
      sounds to be a terrible sin, but I am not sure as I cannot find it in the dictionary-- come on baby cakes fill us in

    2. Lets name a few Backstreet Grill. Adams. watetmabs was the biggie when it was open. market street. How many of us saw him drunk at Doug Marshall's auction. The list goes on and on. Using the bank credit card to fund these drinking afternoons. I have lots more soi do know what I am talking about English scholar.

  49. 8:58 and others that have made the same comment:
    It was not a contract dispute. It was illegal and unethical conduct by the CEO. Greg was covered by a couple of board members for a long time but his transgressions could no longer be overlooked. It was a firing with the cover of a resignation. It is likely somebody within HSB uncovered his misdeeds and finally brought it to light.
    The board could no longer ignore this problem. Either Greg goes or the bank eventually goes down.

  50. Tawes better get ready. He was profiting on most of these back end deals. Its time to pay the piper for your past deeds.

    1. could you provide proof Tawes profited. We can accuse anyone of anything but without proof it just a bunch of worthless spiel --
      Tawes cannot pay the piper for his past deeds if no one has the balls to report his back end deals. Since you appear to be well informed, get off the blog and carry the evidence to ones who can make Tawes pay the piper.

    2. There is proof and hopefully in time it will surface. Be patient.

  51. Funny how there are comments saying this is not about Wanda. Wanda is that you?

    1. It is not about Wanda. She could have put him in a bad way 4 years ago. apparently she chose not to. Why drag her into this. Leave her alone. I am her friend and was a co-worker of hers at HSB for 10 years. AND this is NOT Wanda.

  52. 10:02... YOU are 100% correct!

  53. Anonymous said...
    Stock fraud could be serious. Anyone with real estate foreclosure issues need to be asking some serious questions. This SHOULD NOT be sweeped under the carpet. He needs to be held accountable for his actions. He should be investigated as anyone else should be. Lets see if the board has the balls to do what is right. Scott Tawes and Brian Twilley I would be sweating if I were you guys. Especially Scott Tawes. How many of those "foreclosed" properties have you bought?

    February 19, 2015 at 9:05 AM

    Sweeped? WTH is that word?

    1. Perhaps with your inside knowledge of crooked dealings, no investigation will be needed. Please turn all your detailed information over to the proper authorities and they can arrest these thieving scoundrels.

    2. Oh they will be. Lots of copies and documentation has been steadily saved knowing or praying this day would come

  54. As far as the Metropolitan Magizine and him winning a puppet nomination it's because he was pumping them with money! The Chamber of Communistic business dealings is after one thing MONEY. Cut them off with the money and parties and you will never be in that trah magazine again! I was in it one year and can only hope they NEVER print my name on anything ever again. What a serious waist that was. The only thing it increased for my business was the amount of dead end phone calls we had to answer at a huge cost of time and resources.

    1. Magizine trah waist When you correct spelling errors could you post proof "he" was pumping them with money. We can accuse anyone of anything but without proof it just a bunch of worthless spiel --

  55. sounds to me there is just a lot of jealous idiots on here ha ha

  56. Hebron Savings Bank has been a wonderful asset to my business. They are so easy to work with and have made my business life easy. Whatever Greg Johnson did or didn't do don't take it out on the bank itself. They are wonderful to deal with. I also know Scott Tawes personally and let me tell you he gives a lot to his community. I have witnessed him helping unfortunate people on more than one occasion. Don't be throwing his name around and dissing him until all the facts come out. Can't imagine him being a part of any illegal scam. He is too smart for that!

    1. LOL that is funny. Believe me he likes to boast about his "good deeds." There's a reason for all his good deeds. Another womanizer! !

  57. Is the Scott Tawes that is mentioned have anything to do with Accounting/Insurance in Princess Anne? Or is that another Scott Tawes?

  58. The metro is pay for play. Its that simple. You pay to advertise and you win best of awards. Next year notice how many people win that do not advertise in the rag.

  59. 10:23, That's the best comment I've seen in a very long time.

    It always amazes me how people see red meat and go right for the throat all the time, anonymously.

    Thanks for commenting.

  60. Let's eliminate many of the comments by this formula! If you meet one or more of the following withdraw your comment!
    1. You have been denied a loan by HSB.
    2. You are a former or currently a disgruntled employee.
    3. You have been foreclosed on by HSB.
    4. You work for a competitor of HSB.

    Now that takes care of most likely 80%-90% of the negative comments. The bank has continued to make significant profits throughout the down economy while many local banks have eked out minimal or no profits. Paid dividends to stockholders each year. Answered to the feds by created new positions to scrutinize existing and future lending and met the conditions required by the Feds without exception. The hiring of new employees, raises and annual bonuses to existing employees, health insurance coverages have remained intact at minimal increased cost to employees, built multiple new branches throughout the lower shore to better serve the customers and the list goes on. This was accomplished by a team of over 100 employees not by Greg Johnson, but under his guidance using a very skilled team from the communities it serves. HSB is in compliance 100% with the Fed or certainly we would all know about it. Rumors and uneducated people making personal attacks based third hand information from disgruntled employees or customers does not change FACTS! Lastly I do not work for HSB nor does anyone related to me so don't even bother going their I actually work for a large institution in the lending business directly in competition with HSB and they are kicking our butts now and have been because local people are discovering local banks do business where they live not in another state or another country!

  61. 10:02 am Is the Bank going down?

  62. Follow the money. I bet kickbacks were involved. It isn't just the CEO that needs to cover their back.

  63. 10:28
    HSB has been around for a long time. I don't think they will go down now that they have taken steps to fix an obvious problem.
    Despite the misdeeds they are a valuable business on DELMARVA.
    There are great employees at HSB. Hopefully the morale will improve now.

    1. Bank of Eastern Shore was around for a long time too. See what happened to them. Same thing with HSB. IF he goes to Provident they will be next.

  64. 10:28 I applaud your post! As I said in my post (10:23) this is a wonderful bank. Being a local bank affords them the option of working closely with their businesses and I feel that I have more than benefited from them. I just hate to hear the naysayers on hear putting down the bank! They got rid of Greg Johnson and followed through with prosecuting Wanda Henderson. They are proactive in keeping their reputation. And the people on here making negative comments about Jim Henderson are atrocious. He is dead and has grieving family. Let them alone!!

  65. I always wondered how scott tawes acquired the land in somerset that the proposed wind farm is supposed to be built on

  66. and here come the Johnson supporters with all of their adolescent comments

  67. the real shame is we could potentially lose a local bank and be stuck with BOA or even worse PNC.

  68. No peeping required. I and many others have been at these drunken out of control parties, where he and his best bud do plenty of bragging about their shady dealings

  69. In my only dealing with him, and it was only on a minor matter, I came away with the "feeling" he was a "shyster" kind of guy. Nothing warm and fuzzy about having anything to do with him.

    1. Anyone with that loud obnoxious laugh is hiding something. Shyster is a kind word for him. Scum is a better word that describes him.

  70. Greg has a wife, children and family. Whatever has happened, they have a right to a certain amount of privacy and respect. It is sad that people love to pile on and kick people when they're down. Don't you think enough has been said? Based on the illiterate writing and spelling in some of the comments, I would say the bulk are NOT coming from professionals who would be "in the know" about what truly occurred. So, if you know nothing - say nothing.

  71. I've had a couple direct dealings with Greg and I've had several indirect dealings with him, and I've had many, many dealings with Hebron Savings Bank. All, ALL have been good. I'm not sure what has happened, but I'm willing to wait and not jump onboard this attack wagon. HSB is a very good and profitable bank. Not one, but many people have made it that way. I'll stand behind the bank and until I learn different, I'll stand behind Greg.

  72. Hebron Savings Bank has been a generous donor to many charitable causes in this community for years. Their contribution, in many ways, has always been outstanding and one other banks should model. Whatever HSB is going through now, I only wish them the best. Thank you for all you do to support local charities and other organizations.

  73. The board has gone years without reigning in Johnson. I wonder who in HSB had the courage and the hard facts to finally wake up the board. Something drastic must have happened recently to bring about this sudden "resignation" (firing).

    1. Wonder how Johnson likes his buds now on the board that voted unanimously to fire his ass. LOL

  74. wanda should look to talk and see if she can get a reduced sentence by turning evidence to the state.

  75. My understanding is Wanda is home enjoying her family. I saw her several weeks ago and she is moving on with her life. She looks great and is trying to put the ugliness behind her. She is a good person who trusted the wrong people or persons. I agree with previous post she does not need to be drugged in this fiasco. I am sure she does know more than we realize and I commend her for doing what is right. She made the error in judgment and took responsibility. More than I can for others. she paid the price and did it with dignity. I have known her for 40plus years and my support for her has not and will not falter.

  76. Wanda is a really nice, living and caring woman. I have known her for years and was absolutely shocked when she was arrested. She has served her time and should be left alone. She is enjoying life helping her daughter with her grandchildren. Leave her out of this. She paid the price for her transgressions and should be left alone!

  77. Greg hasn't changed a bit since high school apparently.

  78. Directors of HEBRON SAVINGS BANK--

    Charles R. Smith, III
    Chairman of the Board

    Mark S. Holloway

    Robert E. Holloway

    Charles W. Kelly

    Victor H. Laws, III

    E. Scott Tawes

    Thomas C. Thompson

    Brian T. Twilley

    Edward Q. Wilgus

  79. Kudos to those men listed above. Sounds like a truly difficult decision since Greg did run the bank amazingly through the worst financial times any of us should ever come across in our lifetimes. Tough decisions like these are what separates men from the boys.

    1. Kudos go to Donna Defino. She has run the bank for the last 7 or 8 years not Greg. He was to busy socializing in bars. When HSB wad robbed twice in one day where was Greg? Drunk at one of Doug Marshall's auctions. Drunk by noon!! I was there and saw it myself.

  80. The Board was split on the decision, 5-4, pretty easy to figure out the defenders. Look to see who now jumps ship or if they hang around to keep spreading the kitty litter

  81. 2:58 the worst times we would ever come across ? You need mental help! Those fat rats listed would not know what bad times were! They have been handed evrything they got and use other people's money to make more for themselves! OK we know Greg was good at what he did but it was not 1929 Give us a break!! Not one of them listed has EVER been poor! We are not stupid!!

  82. Two things I see reviewing these comments. How can anyone defend Wanda Hendersen?, She pled guilty to felony theft. Come on, really, and now's she's some "nice, sincere, community minded person" now that's funny. Ad far as Greg Johnson, he made a LOT of bad intentional bad decisions looking out for himself, and a few board members, and now it's time to pay the piper. Is HSB a bad bank, NO, but it HAD one bad apple, and hopefully now can move on. Oh, last thing, to those that claim this is not true, just wait until the next round of bad loans get called, then you can connect the dots.

    1. Well I might add Wanda Henderson, spell it right, had and still has a tremendous amount of support. She was never arrested and felony theft?? Where did you get that from? Another idiot who does not know what the are talking about.

    2. I for one will continue to defend Wanda. She is a friend and has admitted she made a mistake. Most of you have no idea the meaning of the word friend. Your friends consist of posting silly shit on facebook who would not wipe the sweet off your brow if you fell from grace. Fair weather friends who like what you can do for them and not for YOU. So yes I will defend her because she is not petfect and at the end of the day she would be there for a friend. That is a friend. Try it sometime.

  83. To those that know the truth, and have first hand knowledge of Greg's dealings, and you know exactly who you are, we are going to enjoy watching your sorry butts go down when your dirty deals come out. I know who you are, and I am ashamed not to have come clean long ago. With a wife, 3 children and debt myself, I just couldn't afford to rock the boat.

  84. 2:49
    The board should have removed Johnson long ago. One or more of the following people probably notified the board of what has been going on with the CEO.
    Who do you think made this happen?

    Donna K. Defino, CPA
    Executive Vice-President & Chief Financial Officer

    Cathy D. Brinsfield
    Senior Vice-President & Chief Operating Officer

    W. Trent Pusey
    Senior Vice President & Chief Credit Officer

    Ellen P. Vandegrift
    Senior Vice-President & Chief Retail Lender

    Melodie E. Carter
    Vice President - Business Development

    Sue E. Greene
    Vice President - Internal Audit

    David H. Leonard
    Vice President - Business Development

    John M. Murray
    Vice President - Business Development

    Deborah H. Nelson
    Vice President - Branch Operations

    Constance L. Raynor
    Vice President - Operations

    William R. Riggin, Jr
    Vice President - Information Technology

    Mark D. Sewell
    Vice President - Business Development

    Richard H. Vangelder
    Vice President - Business Development

    Deborah A. Vanzandt
    Vice President - Loan Administration

    Lori W. Walker
    Vice President - Human Resources

  85. 3:23
    It was a unanimous decision for Greg to go. They gave him a choice: be fired or resign. The board can no longer cover for him.

  86. And the 4 that supported him, "whatca gonna do when they come for you? " Maybe this will finally open the door where key stockholders will demand answers. I don't know for a fact that the FDIC has anything, but every time I turn around they are here. Yes, I work for HSB, and there are a lot of good people, and customers, however, Craig Johnson wasn't one of them. I have first hand knowledge, and I pray they will come to us "little people" with a promise of confidentiality for facts, because be careful what you ask for.

  87. Sounds like sour grapes!

  88. Damn 125 comments already!!

  89. 3:25 We are not stupid! Really!!
    I own HSB stock and don't want
    poor people on the Board of Directors!

  90. 3:51: If you worked for HSB it would seem you could get the name of your former boss correct.
    It is Greg, not Craig.

  91. Craig? That person definitely works for Hebron Savings Bank.

  92. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    And the 4 that supported him, "whatca gonna do when they come for you? " Maybe this will finally open the door where key stockholders will demand answers. I don't know for a fact that the FDIC has anything, but every time I turn around they are here. Yes, I work for HSB, and there are a lot of good people, and customers, however, Craig Johnson wasn't one of them. I have first hand knowledge, and I pray they will come to us "little people" with a promise of confidentiality for facts, because be careful what you ask for.

    February 19, 2015 at 3:51 PM

    If you worked there you'd know his name is Greg Johnson dipshit not Craig.

  93. JoeAlbero said...
    10:23, That's the best comment I've seen in a very long time.

    It always amazes me how people see red meat and go right for the throat all the time, anonymously.

    Thanks for commenting.

    February 19, 2015 at 10:26 AM

    Which 10:23?? There were three(3) 10:23's?

  94. Hope they check into the deal that Scott Tawes got for the purchase of the Plantations in Hebron. That was a HSB foreclosure.

    1. Go to real property search for maryland. Put in the county and address. It will show seller and new owner and price sold for.

  95. This resign or get fired thing is what OC did to their former city mgr. He retired, collected his pension, and ran for a council seat. Now, he's double dipping and OC is paying more for a new city manager.

  96. I'll just say this, if he had a better offer somewhere else he would have certainly announced it and not let everyone speculate why he resigned.

    I do agree that he should have been let go during the Henderson fiasco because HE was ultimately responsible for what his direct employee was doing.

  97. I don't know what his salary was but I do know that he lived high on the hog as they say.

    1. Nope he gets to keep that mansion on the water. Maybe Scott Tawes will give him a loan. Now that's funny.

  98. Greg is the only reason HSB has flourished as other local banks are all about to crumble. He is a wonderful person and the reason so many of us local businesses have survived.pnc called loans and he saved us by believing in us I for one had never met him and he helped me and many more. The comments are from jealous ten cent millionaires that don't know him or the situation. Scott Tawes is the true meaning of inspiration and as genuine a person as they come. Wanda,who you love to defend bought her son in law a workboat and a house and was a thief so unless u know first hand keep your mouth shut.

    1. Apparently you have no idea what you are talking about. Public records show a mortgage on the son-in-law and daughter house dated 2010. So you have no idea what you are talking about. Another loud mouth supporter of Greg Johnson. I guess he lined your pockets too. Maybe you should ask ToniTawes what a wonderful inspirational person Scott Tawes is. Another adulterous SOB.

    2. Your gain by never meeting Greg Johnson. He tried to out do all the local banks and it backfired on his ass. Arrogance everytime will get ya. Karma has had his address for a long time. It was a matter of time. There will be more to follow.

  99. Board members should recluse themselves from foreclosure sales, after all THEY approved the loans, not just Greg Johnson. There has been a "tight group" that has profited from these types of deals for years, and yes, Greg was at the wheel. In the end, the small guy will lose, either by making it tougher to get legit loans, stockholders losing out, or just the simple fees increasing. Greg, and his few supporters I hope your proud of yourself.

  100. What LLC is Scott Tawes hiding behind with the purchase of the Plantations in Hebron? I would like to look that up in the land records to see who he is partnering with this time.

  101. Many know Greg Johnson's drunk and suck up friends. Tawes, Lloyd's. Riley, Adams, birds of feathers ...... Good riddance to them all!

  102. Now I knew it would be an interesting (popcorn) topic, however didn't expect this. Clearly, I am not the only one that saw this coming. This much smoke should show the naysayers, be careful which blind eye you use, you to may fall victim next time.

  103. GREAT, another bank scandal uncovered. This will just make it more difficult for the honest people to ever get a break.

  104. Plain and simple..he was a crook..I caught him in a shady deal with my business partner several years ago and he settled out of court. He's a scum bag.

  105. You negative guys are jealous trailer trash that don't have balls to risk it all be in biz for urselves.and u see those that do and are successful after years of hard wrk, as flawed . You are the ones with your hands out and the ones ur bashing pay ur way.

  106. Two cent millionaire's, you just signed your name Bill. Tic tock, your next.

  107. He used to be a regular at Watermen's on Snow Hill Rd.

    Just like Rod Flowers from Suntrust, before he fell from grace. I met him when mortgage shopping and felt something was amiss. Did some research and kindly called him out on his offer. He got really $hitty with me, boasting about how he was a big deal banker. I went elsewhere and shortly later he took the fall.

    What he was, was a big liar and crook.

    Birds of a feather...

  108. PNC Bank is the worst bank in the world, and hung a lot of honest people. The difference was they made a hard business decision to cut losses sooner than later, and get out of the construction, real estate, and hotel/motel business. If you fell into any of those, or did not have the income to support your line, they dropped you like a bad habit. Mean, despicable, hard, whatever you want to call them. HOWEVER, they weren't crooks ...... They did not have insider deals, and today could by HSB 1000 times. HSB, led by Johnson were no different than the wall street banks that cut deals, rode the gravy train, and looked out for themselves. Johnson had it coming a long time ago.

  109. I don't ever remember the resignation of a President of a local bank making news like this. Tells me there is a whole lot more behind the story. I don't know Greg Johnson from Adam, but I did know Wanda, and I never believed she acted alone. Makes you wonder, just saying.

  110. No successful businessman would be on here talking trash and bragging, much less defending Greg Johnson. I'll bet a buffalo nickle your one of Greg's shady deals with your doomsday light flashing. You know anyone with a recent DWI? Bet so.

  111. Anonymous said...
    Well I might add Wanda Henderson, spell it right, had and still has a tremendous amount of support. She was never arrested and felony theft?? Where did you get that from? Another idiot who does not know what the are talking about.
    February 19, 2015 at 4:35 PM

    You must be kidding! Exactly what do you call “borrowing” over $600,000 with forging others names etc? The FBI saw it as a felony, and she pled out. Go ahead, continue supporting her, Al Sharpton, and Obama need a few more brainless wonders like you.

  112. And hes in cahoots with john w tieder

  113. 6:33

    4:35 would call it "spreading the wealth" silly. I agree with you, "a tremendous amount of support"? Yeah, from her family that enjoyed her thefts, and they were thefts ...... when you take something that doesn't belong to you. BTW, I sure hope you don't work for HSB, I think we have had enough already.

  114. Hey Greg, I told you that your time had come, and for the last time, allow me to say to your arrogant ass "I told you so". Your friend from last Friday.

  115. Six figures x3 = salary

  116. 6;08,your right PNC screwed a LOT of people and add used car dealers also.

  117. All things come around. I fell victim to Johnson and his cronies in 2008 when I was owed a lot of money (well to me) Johnson enabled a absolute crook to avoid a valid debt with insider deals. I hope you rot Greg.

  118. @9:47am...It's Greg!...Idiot that supposedly did business there called him Craig numerous times. Innocent until proven guilty!!...He must have done something right for them to keep him on board this long.

    1. If the businesses and customers of hsb really knew how Greg talked about them and tried to find ways to destroy them financially they would be devastated. Once you wronged him look out you were on his target list. so these businesses that are so appreciative of him taking their business you are idiots. How many of you could not even get him to call you back after he reeled you in. I worked for him for a while as a business development officer and I have stories that would shock you. I so often wanted to tell my customer the real truth rather than a fabricated story. I apologize to all my previous customers for the lies.

    2. If the businesses and customers of hsb really knew how Greg talked about them and tried to find ways to destroy them financially they would be devastated. Once you wronged him look out you were on his target list. so these businesses that are so appreciative of him taking their business you are idiots. How many of you could not even get him to call you back after he reeled you in. I worked for him for a while as a business development officer and I have stories that would shock you. I so often wanted to tell my customer the real truth rather than a fabricated story. I apologize to all my previous customers for the lies.

  119. Isn't it amazing how EVERYBODY has all this information about WHY he resigned? I only have one question....why have you been quiet all this time knowing all that you THINK you know. I suppose as long as he was standing you were afraid to open your mouth?? I suggest we ALL wait to see the outcome before you continue to jump to conclusions about a topic you know nothing about.

    Suppose it was your family member or friend, would you automatically say they were guilty without ANY details at all? I am certainly glad God will be my judge.

    I wish you luck Greg, hope you have a great future and don't let the comments get to you. It's been a pleasure doing business with you.

  120. 167 comments already. Dang this is almost as bad as the corrupt Farmin posts.

  121. 8:09 The majority of the executive board either was part of his corruption, or was afraid of the publicity. Most of the downfall was after the recession, when it was clear that Greg couldn't cover up the mess any longer. Yeah, even now look at the trolls that said Wanda was "innocent until proven guilty"

  122. Complaints and documents should be sent to the FDIC, the regulatory agency for the bank. There should also be a specific request for the correspondence and attachments to be placed in the bank's public CRA file. If you saw something, say something, but the place to do it effectively is through the proper enforcement channel. Depending on the nature of a complaint, a copy to the proper legal jurisdiction would also be prudent.
    Local banks are valuable to communities...if there are ill deeds let's get them taken care of. If there are criminal acts, let's get the criminals prosecuted. Let's wish the honest hard working people at the bank well.

  123. I wonder how many of these foreclosures Scott Tawes has scarfed up? Seems like being on the board that approves and then forecloses on loans that you then purchase for pennies on the dollar is a pretty lucrative scheme. Shouldn't there be laws on the books to protect people from sharks like this.

    1. Conflict of interest. I don't think that FDIC would view it favorably.

    2. You can bet your ass that they will know. Making a point of it myself. Have properties that Tawes purchased from foreclosures and original owners. Take a guess who one of the foreclosures he purchased? Bank took a good loss on this property too. Shady deals people.

  124. 4:35 if Wanda Henderson didn't do anything wrong why did she spend over a year in federal prison. You are the one that should get their facts straight. There are a lot of nice people that are just not honest when it comes to money, she was one of them.

    1. This post is about Gregory W. Johnson NOT Wanda Henderson. Why constantly bring her or her family into this. What happened with her is old news and she is moving on with her life. i am so glad that all of you have such clean closets. Most of you have had some sort of ugly encounters that you are hiding. So be careful what you say because KARMA is a bitch and when the shoe is on the other foot remember your ugly words. People in glass houses should not be throwing stones.

  125. This puppy is gonna hit 200 comments.

  126. I guess Greg, got, uh, "Harpooned"

  127. What goes around comes around......and they seem to always finally fall from grace. Greed is still one of the devils biggest trick!

  128. This story has legs. Dig up some facts Joe.

  129. Anonymous said...
    Yep, especially the ones that got the pink arm bands to get past the armed guards at the J.M. Tawes party tent.

    oh oh oh sounds like you did not get one of them ----jeal - ou- sy imust be eating you alive

    February 19, 2015 at 10:53 AM

    Um ----No I've been to everyone of them. You know why? Because I have money in that bank. Probably more than you do ----jeal - ou- sy imust be eating you alive

  130. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    No successful businessman would be on here talking trash and bragging, much less defending Greg Johnson. I'll bet a buffalo nickle your one of Greg's shady deals with your doomsday light flashing. You know anyone with a recent DWI? Bet so.

    February 19, 2015 at 6:17 PM

    When you morons comment why don't you make reference to which comment you are commenting about. When you don't your comment makes absolutely no sense.

  131. Anonymous said...
    Go to real property search for maryland. Put in the county and address. It will show seller and new owner and price sold for.

    February 19, 2015 at 6:50 PM

    WTF are you talking about?? Are you that stupid that you can't make reference to what you are talking about?? Everything you are talking about is lost because we have no clue what you are talking about.

  132. Greg Johnson has created many good business relationships as we see in several post and Greg Johnson has created quite a bit of jealousy as is also obvious by several post and Greg Johnson has created a couple enemies as seen in just a couple post. Sounds like the results of being the final yea or ney at a business that deals face to face with the public on a daily basis!!

  133. The plantations in Hebron show Terra Firma Holdings LLC as the purchaser.
    Here is a link. https://mdlandrec.net/main/dsp_viewer.cfm?cid=WI&q=CE&sr=100&ssu=3296&sp=93&ep=99&di=y&status=a&view=bookview&ImTyp=current&srtyp=L&id=863FF405-E9A3-C631-6DF6A35A67463DAD&first=true

  134. Here is a link to info for Terra Firma Holdings.

  135. I would say some of you have been to the " Hunting Lodge " If a Bank Director can buy a Foreclosed Property from the bank they serve and its OK, then ALL BANKS are shady!! As for Poor directors I have never known one! It will come out set back and wait! I cant wait and I am disgruntal!!

  136. Here is a recent deed transfer in the plantations.

  137. If it wasn't for you Joe,local elitists wouldn't be exposed.

  138. The HSB employee that finally exposed Greg to rid the bank of this cancer deserves a big raise.

  139. Exposed for what, being elitist? Oh, the never ending want of the have nots. Stop the envy and work your way up, just like Joe did.


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