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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Rumors & Lies About County Executive Bob Culver

Today I was contacted about a certain someone who is on the Internet spreading lies about County Executive Bob Culver, which are simply not true. It was said, "A dozen County Employees were in the GOB on President's Day laying hardwood floor along with some contractors".

For the record, (setting it straight) there was NO hardwood floors installed in the County Executive's Offices. I strongly encourage ANY one of you to please drop by the Government Office Building tomorrow and see for yourself, since someone obviously doesn't have enough energy to do so. 

Bob Culver is doing an outstanding job for the taxpayers and the new Liberal Dream Team are attempting to do anything they can to defame Mr. Culver. 

Keep up the good work Bob and thanks for doing an outstanding job on County roads. 


  1. We love Bob not the fat slob.

  2. ROFLMAO I was told about that stupid post and knew it wasn't true. Jonathan - you've been had!!! Just like with the rest of your sources, you are peddled lies and buy them. Shame on you!

  3. The pictures you find Joe just crack me up! Keep up the good work!

  4. Hey Taylor, your liberal buddies must REALLY be desperate to bring down Culver to set you up like that. How stupid can you be?

  5. JON you have been FLOGGED i mean BLOGGED.

  6. Looks like standard gray office carpet to me. Anyone who knows Bob knows how conservative he is. Jonathan Taylor just proved what he is. NO ONE should read his blog again.

  7. Don't read the fat guy but checked it out after reading this. What a fool he made of himself. I would love to know who told him that garbage. They must really not like him to pull that on him. Sure it is about Culver, but it is such a bare-face lie they are out to get Taylor too.

  8. As much as he has accused you of lying, this takes the cake. It is hilarious. The photo, the headline and the text ALL LIES! I'd like to buy the person who set him up a beer. Still laughing at his stupidity.

  9. My, my, my - the liberal cabal must be circling the drain to stoop to this. Great work Taylor for proving what we already knew - they are liars...or is it just you.

  10. Bob has more common sense in his little finger than most of our leaders have in their whole body. The statement you posted from that other blog is so ridiculous. Go Bob - we support you!

  11. Johnathan Taylor = Investigative Reporting RALAMO LOL What a Douche.bob please release a pic of your office New floor LOL,

  12. Thanks for clearing up yet another Taylor lie. He has been struggling to "get it right" forever but since he has allowed himself to be used by the anti-culver groupies his site is a zero, not worth visiting.

  13. Greg Bassett and Mikey Dunn are just as culpable as blubber boy.

  14. joe can the mayor shovel the county handicap ramp tomorrow so fat boy can go get a first hand look no need for traction going up plenty of weight on that concrete...LOL.

  15. That whole group that thinks they are the "elite" and the "smartest people in the room" can't stand that Bob is supported by the public and is keeping his campaign promises. He is just getting started too. We have four years for him to clean up the malfeasance left by the prior administration and those prior to the Executive position. Can't wait for it all to be exposed and the citizens take back our county and our government once and for all.

  16. Jonathan Taylor = humiliation at the hands of one of your sources. Priceless.

  17. Taylor is standing by his story as he has commented on his own blog. "the facts are clear a dozen workers were laying floor on presidents day". He is nuts.

  18. Unreal. I hadn't been to Taylor's site for months until I received a call of how he was allowing himself to be used by Culver haters, Prettyman, Strausburg, Dunn, M.Holloway, Beauchamp. Yes them and others that aren't worth spending 1 minute on. I was very shocked to see Taylor allowing himself to be used. He was smarter than that. What happened?

  19. Joe why is culver keeping strausburg and Morris on if he is conservative?

  20. BOB keep firing these pollitt loyalist scum, Who is NEXT.

  21. 6:51 I have thought the same thing, but he has only been in office a little over 2 months. He has plenty of time to make changes. They are too connected to the old regime to stay. Can't trust them.

  22. 6:51 I'm thinking of talking to Bob to see if he'd be willing to hire ME and get rid of Wayne. I'm confident I can do a much better job and actually bring jobs and industry back to Wicomico County.

    Now mind you, everyone in the County would have to take a pay cut to bring me on board but I'm confident no one will mind.

    Look out Wayne, I'm coming for your job and bar stool at Goin Nuts.


    1. Joe, go for it. It would be an asset to have you and Bob working together as a team for the good of the County. Does Wayne's job have a stipulation that you would be required to work in Wicomico. Bob Culver you need to take Joe up on his offer.

  23. Wayne needs to worry for many reasons.

  24. Bob Culver is a decent and honest person. He cares for his family, and he cares about the state of affairs of this county. Thank GOD he does care and thank GOD he is doing something about it.

    We have had YEARS of over spending, lying, and perverse contracting deals. It is more than time for this to come to an end. Bob is cleaning up the mess left by the tax and spend Pollitt and the rest of his circle of thieves.

    Bob has done more in a few short months than the rest of them did in years. He is a leader, and a straight shooter.

    Bob takes the time to study the problem, seek input from those involved in the subject matter at hand, then makes an informed decision. He actually thinks the problem through to its conclusion. Not like Pollitt, Ireton, and Day the only thing they can think to do to solve a problem is raise taxes on the rest of us. Don't bother to dig deep and find out what is wrong and what needs to be corrected, then actually fix the problem without raising taxes. These three people have never done it. The reason they haven't is because they aren't leaders, and they never actually held a real job and had to make a payroll.

    Bob has experience and this will go a very long way to help all of us taxpayers who have been put through the ringer over the years. And those who still live in Salisbury are still having the screws put to us by the Ireton/Day/City Council.

    I support Bob and think he is doing a great job. Keep on and don't let the b******s wear you down. You are on the right track!

  25. Culver needs to surround himself with people he trusts and supports his ideas. I wouldn't want to work with people who I knew supported the person I beat in the election. Can't believe they will last long.

  26. Here are some of wicomico countys so called govt elite...........

    #1-STRASBURG = Arrogant snob. His buddy Mackes got him the job thru Ricky P .Force behind the big 10 k and 5 k raises at the civic center pushed in and hid from council by Ricky P also.

    #2 RAY M -IT MANAGER- Givin 5 k bonus when Ricky P took office total a$$ wipe noone knows more than this brainchild. Just ask him.

    #3 ANDY WISK - DD OF WCRP -Mackes breed thru and thru golden boy.Alot of good people were trampled to put this dork to the top of the list.

    #4 PAM OLAND-CFO-WCRP- This lil firetop is as sneaky as they come. Bob needs to make sure Roser keeps a eye on her books. She will probably make Bernie Madoff look like he has wings.

  27. Don't know the guy real well - only met him once. But I like his name. CULVER

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    We love Bob not the fat slob.

    February 18, 2015 at 5:51 PM

    That is an awesome tag long. I recently saw the fat slob(former county executive) at a function and he was very disheveled looking. He needed a haircut and his jacket and shirt and tire needed cleaning and pressing.

  29. Anonymous said...
    Greg Bassett and Mikey Dunn are just as culpable as blubber boy.

    February 18, 2015 at 6:22 PM

    You can bet Mike Dunn is involved in this.

    Someone else you forgot to mention who walks by Bobs Office every time he goes to the bath room. What about Jim Ireton? What about Tom Stevenson? What about Chris Demone? They all work on the 3rd floor and the GOB 3rd floor bathrooms are right across the hall from Bob's office. So are the stairs if those lazy asses decide to use them. Those 3 are definitely suspects for being the Moles for the fat blogger. Who else could we name? Anyone that works in the GOB or anyone that visits Gay Boi Ireton on the 3rd floor of the GOB.

  30. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Unreal. I hadn't been to Taylor's site for months until I received a call of how he was allowing himself to be used by Culver haters, Prettyman, Strausburg, Dunn, M.Holloway, Beauchamp. Yes them and others that aren't worth spending 1 minute on. I was very shocked to see Taylor allowing himself to be used. He was smarter than that. What happened?

    February 18, 2015 at 6:44 PM

    Bob better wise up and get rid of Strausburg while he can. I can tell Wayne thinks he still solely runs the county by him self, but he catches him self at times and tries to back peddle.

    Bob needs to get rid of him right after the budget is passed and then he needs to make sure Sharon and the rest of the girls in the office are gone. Should try to convince the Council to get rid of Holland and Creamer as well.

  31. I wonder if you all go to church on sundays

  32. He also needs to get rid of that guy in purchasing rick Conrad. That would be political pay back for the states attorney train wreck.

  33. Joe - re your 7:05

    Has Wayne shifted his watering hole of choice to GN? It used to be Back Street Grill, as you disclosed a while back.

  34. I'm on board with you working with Culver. Go talk to him today Joe. You would make a great team & help this county out. That's a whole hella lot better than being just a Mayor of an inner city.

  35. Taylor is consistent...he can always be counted on to lie about good people.

  36. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I wonder if you all go to church on sundays

    February 19, 2015 at 6:01 AM

    Some of the biggest hypocrites and crooks I've ever met go to church on Sunday. Church is all about fleecing money out of the gullible. There is no reason why a "church" needs a $200,000 sound/light system.

    No thanks, I live my life in a godly way and don't attend on Sunday. Unlike those who sin all week and think all is forgiven by going to church on Sunday. You'll notice how quick they are to throw that in your face as well.

  37. Regarding the watering hole chatter, millions of people have 2 or 3 after work to unwind. Perfectly legal and acceptable. If that's all you've 'got', you've got nothing, and should probably crawl back in your puritanical hole.

  38. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Joe why is culver keeping strausburg and Morris on if he is conservative?

    February 18, 2015 at 6:51 PM

    Strasburg knows where the bodies are buried.

  39. 9:52, That may be true but I know how to dig them up, get to the bottom of it and give them a proper burial. Once unearthed we can get the County back on track and gain the trust of the taxpayers once again. Leaving them buried does none of us any good.

  40. Joe, no offense. He should hire Campbell. She knew where to look for every tax dollar and knew how to hold departments accountable. Her problem was that Ireton, Smith, Tilghman, Dunn and the rest didn't want transparency or reform.

  41. 10:39, I can't argue that point. Debbie Campbell would be perfect for that job.

    As for me, I think the majority of you know I was only kidding. I have a job. I get to stay wherever I so choose every day and night. I set my own schedule and at the end of every day it is rewarding.

    Besides, wouldn't all of you miss me?

  42. I have the upmost respect for Mrs. Campbell however the city never moved forward with her. I own a business downtown. You will never convince me and other property owners in the city why she would be perfect for the job. Come on Joe your a business man. Look around you.

  43. 10:55, You're a fool.

    The ONLY reason few items moved forward was because Debbie was not only a hero, she was an underdog with Mayor Tilghman and Ireton HASTING the woman. I should add Dunn, Comegys, Cathcart, Shields Smith and Mitchell.

    Come on now. It would have been just as bad on ME if I had become Mayor. I'd propose incredible and positive things for the City and that same group would shoot everything down simply because they don't like me.

    Now, then you have the media like WMDT who manufactured the "Council of No's", yet 90% of ell legislation was passed and 100% of the funding was passed. Do tell me how that is a Council of No's???

    ALL that being said, do ANY of you realize how successful Debbie Campbell is in her real job? Yeah, I didn't think so.

    She'd be incredible for the County. Yeah, another ANONYMOUS hater.

  44. Ms. Campbell was a real loss to the City. With that said, I believe it should be YOU, Joe, to be the right & left hands of Culver. He needs a man's man to help him get rid of the dead weight. Go for it Joe & you can still do your blog, too.

  45. I think we should give Mr. Culver some time to get the rest of the deadwood removed. After all, I'm sure he has some pressing projects he is currently working on.

    I trust Mr. Culver, and I respect him. He is more than capable of getting the job done.

    Let the heathens sweat for awhile!

  46. I think Culver knows who needs to go. Let him fill his current open slots and then see what happens. If he got rid of all the deadwood and good ole boys at once, you all would be screaming about that. Patience people - sit back and watch. Tick Tock.

  47. Will you please do a story on the Bennett Middle School tear down Idea... Ive heard that teachers are making the kids write a letter to our county executive on why they need to keep Phase3, the facebook site was created by Dustin Mills or at least he's been pretty vocal on social media about it. Also check out Bill Duck's facebook page today they are bashing Culver for the roads not being cleared. If you have been out at all & been down a city street, it looks like it was the drivers first time plowing. Terrible. These liberal loosers are so vocal, its making me sick.

  48. Keep up the great work, Bob.

  49. I'm hearing that Jim Ireton, Chuck Cook and Josh Hastings from the Democrat Club are fueling this fire.


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