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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Road Conditions In Wicomico County

The Main Stream Media likes to believe they're experts when it comes to snow removal. WBOC would rather spend 1/3 of their broadcast telling you how wonderful they are for bringing formula to one of the local islands and then go on about how horrible it must be to be stranded because of the ice. Am I to believe the people living on these islands never expected and or prepared for such a thing? Oh well, it is what it is. I just think they could have spent more time investigating what YOU are most interested in, why are the roads still like they are and when are our kids going to go back to school.

We've certainly seen a lot worse here in the 15 years I've been on the Shore but for some reason, ever since a Republican stepped into the County Executives Office, the Media wants to go after him because the roads just aren't good enough. 

OK, here's the deal with this storm and the road conditions. First of all you should know that the County's Snow Plows are still running 24/7. What I found interesting that NO ONE is telling you is, before O'Malley took away your Highway User Funds, the Roads Division had 60 full time people. Now they have 20! That's a really big deal. In order to clear the roads the roads division in the County has to borrow staff from the Landfill and guess what you didn't know, they only get them for ONE DAY, PERIOD! So the very first day of snow fall becomes the key day to get things done.

Now, did you know there are 700 miles of roads to be plowed in Wicomico County. Do you really know how huge that is? Oh, it's easy to talk about how the State Highway clears so much more but you have to understand the difference between plowing STRAIGHT roads down a highway verses side streets at 15 mph. 

Then there's courts in developments, which are usually done FIRST. The reason why is, once they clear them out and the snow can't be pushed down the road, they only want to block the residents driveway ONCE because they cannot go back and do it a second time. Here's what you don't know. These culdesacs/courts take at least 20 minutes each. Guess what, there's some 200 of them in the County. There's a LOT more to plowing then you realize. 
OK, so there's a LOT of people asking WHY there's still snow on the roads. Usually here on the Shore we get rain before the snow starts falling. That didn't happen this time. What's so unusual ever since this storm started is the fact that it has been so cold before, during and after. There's a science to how you clear the roads but this time around because of the cold temps, all you can do is keep going back over and over again.

Now remember what I said earlier. On the first day they have additional people from the Landfill helping the roads division out, that's not the case the last few days. The roads division has in fact been out day and night doing what they can and guess what, unlike what the local media is telling you, the County DID in fact plow all 700 miles of roads and continue to go out there and salt and plow them again and again for days now. On a side note, do you really comprehend how much 700 miles are at 15 miles per hour? The County also plowed 40 miles of dirt roads as well. 

HOWEVER, salt doesn't work under 20 degrees. Some say it doesn't work under 30 degrees, it just depends who you talk to. Because it doesn't LOOK like there's as many plows on the roads, (in which there aren't, compared to the first day) many are thinking the County isn't doing their job, not true. The City, on the other hand, is horrible. However, give them credit in the sense that they are experiencing the same problems with it being so cold. I can't say if they have cleared every single road and from what I've been told that's a big NO.

Now let's talk about the snow drifts like the image I've provided above. You should know that the County knows where they are and continue to go over those areas both day and night, multiple times a day. HOWEVER, what you're seeing on all roads that have the white stuff still on them is ice under that snow. Yes, they can salt those areas but remember, it's negative SEVEN degrees outside this morning. The salt will not work.

As for Dr. John Fredericksen stating his schools were cleared, why not the roads. Well, IF the man would have made the same call I did and asked an EXPERT, he would have learned exactly why. How he can shove 700 miles of roads in Culver's face and claim the City and County aren't doing their jobs, I'd like to know where the man got his degree in snow removal? He owes Ireton and Culver an apology. 

So now we're going to go one step further. Rather then all of you believing what I'm saying here, I've made arrangements this morning and throughout the day for the Roads Division Department Head Lee Outen to follow this Post throughout the day. He will look at every single one of your comments and questions and he will answer every one of them. 

This has NEVER been done before but the County wants you to understand exactly what we're experiencing and what they plan to do to resolve it. So leave your comments or questions and watch what happens.
In closing I want you to know that County Executive Bob Culver has been with the Roads Division Crew since the first night of snow fall. In fact he not only rode with the crews all night, without any sleep he went to the Civic Center very early the next morning to help resolve the break in the pipe there and worked with them throughout the day. NO ONE fell asleep at the wheel. So whatever anyone else is telling you, it's not true. Ask your question and you'll receive answers. There's nothing to hide or be ashamed of. 


  1. Okay, here's my question, since ALL 700 miles of road have been plowed in the county. I live on Bennett Rd/ Cannon Drive, Cannon Farm area, and have not had any of our streets plowed. This will be the third day without mail, as the mail truck got stuck the first day of snow.

    When do we get a plow in our neighborhood? (County)

  2. Thank you Joe for informing the public of what this operation entails. The information provided a clear understanding of the challenge our county and city has to deal with.

  3. Maybe those of us who have snow plows can volunteer to assist with the road plowing...I'm in

  4. 9:25, Until it warms up everyone would be wasting their time. The snow on top of all 700 miles of roads has been cleared. I hate to say it but from what I've learned it's now a waiting game. That's an awesome offer though. Maybe when it starts to melt though.

  5. Thank you Joe for informing the public of what this operation entails. The information provided a clear understanding of the challenge our county and city has to deal with.

  6. Have your sidewalks been cleared as required by city law? If not why.

  7. I saw a county truck trying to plow Mt. Hermon Church Rd. this morning around 7AM. The plow could not do much about the drifts in the road because it was all frozen so hard. When the plow hit the ice on the road all it did was glide over it and sparks would fly from when the plow hit the open portions of pavement.

    Also its fairly unsafe to use salt when it this cold. The salt can potentially thaw a small bit of ice on the surface but not all the way to the pavement. This then creates a water surface over the ice making it extremely dangerous to drive over.

    We all just need to take our time driving. Just because your road may seem to be clear of ice and snow does not mean you won't suddenly hit a patch of ice that was blown unto the road due to wind blowing across an open field.

  8. BAM! This is how real investigative journalism is done!!! Thanks Joe!

  9. I am so impressed that Culver is so hands-on. He really does things quietly, but I think it is important for the citizens to know just how involved he truly is. He is a breath of fresh air. Proud to have voted for him.

  10. This is so informative. I have been following this blog and thought some of the comments and complaints were foolish about the road conditions. This really explains why things are the way they are. It's Mother Nature for the most part. Hope all get it now.

  11. Why doesn't the city of Salisbury and Fruitland have a dump truck and a plow?For as many taxes as we pay this is ridiculous.

  12. Joe, thanks for clearing the air on this. Other media has tried to act like the county was not doing their job, playing the blame game. Hope Frederickson reads this. Heck, this even gives Ireton a little bit of a pass. LOL.

  13. 9:49, Please don't expect Mr. Outen to answer that question. He works for the County.

  14. I pass one of the high schools every day AMD yes it was cleared the other day. Now yesterday with the blowing snow all the sidewalks where covered over, back to square one and re shovel.

  15. Keep pounding the local media Joe because they are not letting up on Culver.

  16. How great is it that a county person will be monitoring comments and responding to them?! This is how county government should work. No other media site has the ability to do this. Wonderful idea!

  17. I'd like to ask all of you, if you live by a school, please take a cell phone image of the sidewalks and parking lots so I/we can see if they are in fact as clear as Frederickssen says they are. 410-430-5349 or alberobutzo@wmconnect.com

  18. I live in Fruitland and the City of Fruitland plows my street. Part of it is down to asphalt. I have no complaints with Fruitland.

  19. "Roads Division had 60 full time people. Now they have 20"

    Isn't that the reduction in government you go on and on about

  20. the roads are fine.. people up north live with snow on the roads for months because it can't be cleared due to the cold--we on the other hand are babies--whiney eastern shore--can't handle 2" of snow.

    The roads are fine--the people driving them are not--plain and simple

  21. Wait a minute folks, we live on the Eastern Shore, it snows her maybe once or twice a year, do you expect our Government to spend a fortune in snow removal equipment for maybe one or two storms a year, so the roads can be spot clean within one day of a storm so you can not be in the least bit inconvenienced. it is 5 degrees out. snow will not melt, ice will freeze, and snow will blow. it is a fact of life and deal with it. if you cannot handle don't go outside. I cannot imagine it if we actually got a foot of snow. I am sure the public works people are doing the best they can so deal with life, enjoy the beauty of it and please stop whining we are the USA

  22. I agree with commenter about Culver doing things quiet. We need to know what he is doing on things like this. I can't picture Pollitt going out with plow drivers or inspecting broken pipes. I like seeing my county executive being hands on. That is what we elected him to do.

  23. 9:55 the lack of state road funds has been crippling. It is beyond a reduction in government.

  24. 9:55, ABSOLUTELY.

    However, the MONEY we are talking about was stolen by the Governor and delivered to Baltimore City.

    These were YOUR tax dollars that should have stayed in Wicomico County.

    So IF you want to get upset at why there aren't 60 county employees on the road day after day, that would be your LIBERAL leaders who took that away.

    The local Media has NO RIGHT going after Bob Culver. Its almost like a set up.

    FUNNY how ALL of the local Liberal media conveniently forgot a couple years ago when funding was so bad under Pollitt how our INCREDIBLE Farmers came together in their communities with their own plows and cleared the roads. HOW CONVENIENT the Media forgets all this.

    Now they want to go after Culver while he had all the roads cleared, all 700 miles of them.

    One anonymous commenter came on here and said they were going to call the roads division and complain about roads that weren't covered as a HOAX. I think we can ALL figure out who that is. What a shame that someone would do this as the people who work in this department take their job so seriously that they would have to go out to areas that were plowed. This person SUCKS!

  25. I think Culver is doing a fine job, but all of the county roads have not been plowed.


    I've learned they keep record of ALL of the roads they cleared.

    You're anonymous, so why wouldn't you name the road/s?

  27. JT has posts up complaining about Culver and the county about clearing roads, yet less than 24 hours prior to that post he did a post complaining that the roads aren't that bad and schools are closed too much? What a moron.

  28. Joe.... please alert your readers to a bait and switch that is going on. I called Comcast because my service is not working and scheduled a service call. When checking my e-mail they had sent me an order for a whole other service than what I had discussed with them and jacked my bill up double. When I called today they were rude and would not help me at all. Beware when calling Comcast that you may get something you do not want and you did not ask for.

  29. Bob Culver is doing a fantastic job for us. I am so glad I voted for him. Keep up the good job and don't let the "nay sayers" get you down.

  30. The Folks of Tangier Island VirginiaFebruary 20, 2015 at 10:35 AM

    Thanks to the crew of Virginia National Guard who flew in to bring in yesterday with the, prescriptions, supplies for our store, from Crisfield Maryland Food Lion (milk, eggs, bread and other essentials) and a week’s worth of mail and papers. AND Thanks to WBOC. for the formula. Diapers and for letting the outside world know we were iced in.

  31. You've got Bob Culver and Lee Outen-- two of the best men in the county on the job here.
    You can be SURE they're doing the best they can do.
    And if others can jump in and help locally with plowing and clearing, well, that's what 'community' is all about, isn't it?
    So don't fuss. Try to help.

  32. With such windy and freezing conditions, snow continues to blow over the roads. Went by a truck yesterday that was off the side of road in a ditch, on a Md state highway, due to such conditions. I offered assistance, but a tow truck had already been called.

    The point is, Culver, the state and all crews are doing a good job. Use some common sense, drive carefully, there is not a road in Wicomico County that cannot be traversed.

    I cleared my mailbox area, took about 15min.

  33. 10:20 What does Comcast have to do with this post about plowing the roads?

  34. Thank you Joe!! Again you are helping the public and making sure that someone is on watch. Mr. Culver is a genuinely good person who I have known for over 25 years and although we did not keep touch I know him to go out of his way for his fellow man. The year of the back to back blizzards was different. Our subdivision had areas that an ambulance could not get down to reach if someone was in need. The people in the neighborhood responded with 4 wheelers and tractors to take care of business.

    That is what this area needs... people who just get in and take care of business and that is what you are seeing here. If you can help then do it....if you can only complain than get out of the way for someone who is willing to roll up his sleeves and work like Bob.

  35. Bob, you are doing a good job and don't let local tv stations get to you. Joe, thank you for putting this information out there for folks in the county know how this works. Lee, thank you for being there to answer questions.

  36. I am thinking that the roads hare the best I have seen them in many years after a storm like we had. Yeah, some of them still have some snow and ice on them, but you can see where the county has tried to service them. Common sense should tell most intelligent people that no matter what the plows do, they need warmer weather to finish up. Thank you snow plow drivers!!


  37. Dear God,
    Please stop making the wind blow. Its blowing over the roads and people are having a hard time grasping the fact that wind blows snow over roadways, and that ice happens when its freezing out.

    Wicomico County Residents

  38. If Bob rode all night with road crews and went to the civic center that same morning to address the pipe bursting, that is more than Pollitt did in 8 years. Hands on is what we need, not someone to institute a study costing taxpayers a lot of money with a whole lot of blah, blah, blah all talk and no action. Backbone and getting the job done seems important to Bob Culver and I'm glad I voted for him!

  39. Thanks bob , rick pollitt couldn't get up into one of those snow truck vehicles.

  40. Joe,
    Thank you for the opportunity to allow us to answer questions that people may have regarding our snow removal efforts. There were two comments so far that I can respond to.

    9:14: Cannon Drive, Bennett Road, and Forest Plains were plowed on Tuesday Feb. 17 at approximately 2:30 AM. It is very possible, however, that a driver may accidentally miss a road or snow may accumulate once a road has been plowed, so we do encourage the public to call and inquire if you feel your road was missed. I will have someone check those roads to see if there is more that can be done. The number to call is 410-548-4872.

    9:33: Yesterday, we began compiling a list of roads that were experiencing drifting, some severe, due to the wind. The list, which reached 48 roads, was separated geographically and divided among the crews that worked last night. The roads were checked and plowed many times through the night to make sure that they remained passable. The drifts are generally a powdery snow that can be moved from the road if done in several passes. The ice that had built up on the roadways as result of the drifting was salted this morning. Despite the cold temperatures, the salt, combined with the sun and traffic should melt the ice and it will be plowed off later today.

    Thank You,
    R. Lee Outen
    Superintendent of Roads
    Wicomico County
    410-548-4875 ext. 14

  41. 9:58 said "I can't picture Pollitt going out with plow drivers or inspecting broken pipes. I like seeing my county executive being hands on. That is what we elected him to do."

    I did not elect Culver to do that He has trained people to do that work. His job is PR, deciding on services and fixes and figuring out how we are to pay for these services and fixes.

    Also, people will never change. Every time it snows there are those people who complain on and on about why the roads aren't clear and why the kids are not in school. Yesterday Worcester County opened when no other County did. Immediately they were attacked on twitter for endangering the children. They are closed again today. It is funny for those who appreciate irony.

    Also this whole business about what they do up north compared to what we do here is silly. I was in Albany NY one year during a snow storm. The first thing they did was close the schools. The morning they closed we were out on the road driving around. The next day they were closed again. We also saw some NYers in a snow related accident while we Eastern Shore visiters just tooled along.

    Oh, did I mention up there they were complaining and arguing about whether the schools should be open or closed? All this nonsense whining on all sides is more about human nature than anything else. Next week everything will be back to normal and the people whose whole lives is complaining will have to find something else to complain about

  42. People, people, lets use some common sense here. The state plows all STATE roads, roads that are numbered such as Rt 50, Rt 13, Rt 12, Rt 346, Rt 349 etc. These roads are all nice smooth asphalt roads therefore, they can scrape the snow right down to the asphalt, in most places. The COUNTY on the other hand has tar and chip or slurry seal on the roads, that is why they are rough and not smooth like STATE roads. To scrape them clean would cost the taxpayers a small fortune because they would be scraping up the tar and chip or slurry seal along with the snow. Come spring and summer all the tar and chip or slurry seal would have to be replaced again. A vicious, and very costly circle. The county is doing a fine job with the little they have to work with. If you live in a rural area you made that choice. If the roads are not scraped down to black top you now know the reason why. Would you rather pay more in taxes to have every road smooth asphalt and maintain it? Stop complaining and use your heads. It could be a whole lot worse than what it is. Be thankful we don't have what Boston has. It could happen. Before you start in, I DO NOT work for the city, state or county, I just use good old fashioned common sense. Have a nice day.

  43. I don't think the BOE wanted to open schools anyway. It will cost them a small fortune to heat all the class rooms. They're just trying to blame "someone" for the school closings to take the "heat" off of them.

  44. I remember the blizzard of 1978 I believe, my parents lived in Jesterville, near Bivalve. Our road was covered with 3 to 4 foot drifts and we couldn't get out until road graders could make room for the snow plow trucks to pass three days later. Be prepared, StuFF happens!

  45. I appreciate all the late hours our county employees put in when these weather conditions exist. This is a big Thank You from Delmar.

  46. 11:44 I think it is important that the County Executive is engaged in what is happening. It is well known and stated by Executive Office staff that Pollitt was rarely in the office before 10 a.m., that he wasn't engaged and others were really running the County. I voted for a man who would be "Hands On", who would get to work on time, who would be engaged, who would show the County employees that he supports them. True leadership is many things - not just PR.

  47. This is so great. Thank you LEE OUTTEN for answering questions on this blog. THIS IS HOW COUNTY GOVERNMENT SHOULD WORK. The TRUTH - what an amazing concept!!!

  48. I am assuming (yes, I know what happens when you assume) that Culver agreed to this in some way, i.e. having Outten answer questions. I just want to say THANK YOU for doing so. Thank you Joe Albero for doing this service.
    It is a great idea and hope to see more of this type of thing.

  49. Don't know lee but it refreshing to have someone in the know answer questions from the people.

  50. If Brown and Pollitt had been elected last year, Slick Rick would have been in Annapolis this week begging for a state job.

  51. Someone told me that the county and municipalities don't plow in developments. They said it's the responsibility of homeowner's associations to hire someone to do it. I'm not sure if that's true or not.

    1. Not true the county guys did a great job day 1 in nevins pl, thank you.

  52. 11:44, I agree with you. Maybe someone is more comfortable doing the hands on jobs. Not everyone is suited to be in charge.

  53. I think the county roads division and Mr. Culver did a great job. I commend Joe for allowing a forum to voice our concerns and give credit where credit is due. Great job to all in this deep freeze it is so appreciated. Melson Road neighbors thank you all.

  54. 12:36 completely agree. Pollitt was MIA a lot of the time. Trying to get a job in Annapolis I've been told. He was a blow hard figurehead. NOT what a true County Executive should be. The intent of the Charter Review Committee was for checks and balances not a figurehead. Thank God the people have put someone in office who is doing the job the right way. Culver is the FIRST TRUE COUNTY EXECUTIVE.

  55. 11:44 You forgot to mention the people who will be complaining this summer that their children are still in school because of all the snow days.

  56. Middleneck Drive was never plowed nor were the streets around it.

  57. Thanks for the great job Lee and Culver.

    Hopefully Walston Switch Road on the Wor Wic side is on your watch list. Saw two different vehicles stuck on the side of the road in the different areas. The wind has been blowing snow across it pretty bad.

    Beaglin Park Drive across from old mall also had bad drifing but not sure whether that is city or county.

    From a fellow WiHi class of 91

  58. I could care less and everyone is a liar, including the puffed up author who is blowing smoke and making excuses, because my neighborhood;
    N Saratoga, Bell Ave, Phillips Ave, never saw a plow, and is an icy bumpy disaster.

    And most of the sidewalks on E Church St have not been shoveled.

    I walked in the street, like many other, up to the deli.

    My attitude, screw the city, because that seems to be their attitude towards our neighborhood.

  59. I think the Islands should have known better and prepared for the weather.

    What a waste of resources to a bunch of lazy people who do not have enough sense to stock pile food staples thru the winter.

    Even I have a small stock pile and I am only a few miles from Walmart.

  60. 12:57:

    Unless your subdivision is a "Gated Community" or Private Subdivision, the County is responsible for plowing your subdivision.


    Middleneck Drive area was missed the first day of the snow but a truck did go through the area the next day. Unfortunately, the snow was already packed ice and there wasn't too much that could be done.

    Thank You,

    R. Lee Outen

    Superintendent of Roads
    Wicomico County
    410-548-4875 ext. 14

    1. Mr outen tbank you and you're men / women for a great job.

      Nevins pl.

  61. N Dulany in Fruitland never seen a plow.

  62. 1:51,

    Fellow Classmate, those areas have been on the "Watch List",

    Thanks for checking!
    If anyone is having an issue with drifting snow, please contact the Roads Division so that we may take care of it.


    I can't speak to the issue with your streets, they are not in the maintenance jurisdiction of the County Roads Division.


    R. Lee Outen
    Superintendent of Roads
    Wicomico County

  63. Lee,
    You may have already had a crew over there today but at 11:30 only 1 lane of Friendship Road (between Rt. 50 and Old Ocean City) in Pittsville was passable due to drifting and blowing snow.

    Thank you for all the work you and the roads division has done this week.

  64. No Brains of TangierFebruary 20, 2015 at 3:45 PM

    2:17 Alas we had a stock pile also - but weren't thinking the VA (abbreviation for Virginia not Veteran's Admin - wasn't sure if your pea brain would know) Ice Breaker would go down for repairs - so there were some mail order prescriptions sitting in Crisfield - our store ran put of staples (Not the kind carpenters and secretaries use) but like bread and milk and other necessities.(not Toilet paper , got plenty of Toilet paper) - So how much do our lazy's a$$es with no God given brain owe you for the your wasted resources? Do you own all of the resources or just a portion? Certainly want to pay the fair amount. Our (now) heroes and friends at the VA (Virginia) National Guard and WBOC wouldn't let us pay them for their delivery service, saying our very grateful thank yous was sufficient. We will pray your Walmart don't close if you run out of stock up in the next snow storm.

  65. I am not 10:09 but I can tell you a road that a County snow plow has not been on and I'm not picking on Culver since I voted for him. The Sharptown/Delaware Line Road has been plowed, but it didn't belong to the County. I've lived on this road since 1970, and I can count on one had the amount of time I've seen a County plow.

    Jack Bennett
    Sharptown/Delaware Line Road
    Sharptown, Md.

  66. Many of our city and county roads are still icy and that is to be expected. It is obvious that too many on here have no knowledge or understanding of what those crews do and how many hours they have put in this week to serve us. I, for one, am quite grateful.THANK YOU TO ALL THE ROADS WORKERS - CITY, COUNTY & STATE!

  67. This is the first time I have ever seen the County out plowing so fast. Everyone of them has done an outstanding job. When Pollitt ruled, the plows didn't come until much later.

    A great job amid terrible temperatures, and all manner of grief. I have talked to several folks in my neighborhood and NO ONE has anything bad to say about Mr. Culver.

    Keep up the great work. It just goes to prove, when you are doing a great job, the hecklers get nervous and start to stir up trouble. We all know the players and their corruption. Their oily words have no meaning to any of us.

    Again, thank you county roads and Mr. Culver for a job well done!

  68. Joe, a thank you goes out to you as well for this report. Great job! Can you imagine WBOC, WMDT doing this sort of thing??? This is real reporting. Maybe you could teach them how to do it! Thank you.

  69. 3:45 MARYLAND State Police Aviation regularly picks up patients from Tangier Island and transports them to PRMC. They are the true heroes. No I am not a member of the State Police, but I am someone aware of the number of trips they make to Tangier. Just saying MARYLAND resources regularly help the Islanders. You didn't even mention them. Are you that unappreciative?

  70. So impressed with all of this. Especially with Lee Outten answering questions and concerns. Joe, this is the coolest thing on your site in a long time. Not trying to insult you, but this is the real deal! Congratulations on changing the conversation from b#tching to action!

    1. During the Rick Pollitt and Tamara Lee-Brooks administration, Mr. Outten would have been fired for posting such a reply on SBYNews.

  71. 3:59 Well Said! The people will trounce the hecklers. We know who they are and the methods they are using. Someone made a comment somewhere about truth. The hecklers can't stand the fact that the truth is coming out. They've survived on falsehoods. Those days are O V E R!

  72. 3:52 - its their job. So it doesn't matter what it takes, just do it.

  73. 3:45 doesn't matter if my Walmart closes I have enough to last me, including extra prescriptions.

    Unlike you all, I plan instead of making excuses.

    The island herd will be the first culled come a real disaster. I suggest you learn from this lesson and quit making it everyone else's issue to solve.

    Your response is typical of a taker. Sarcastic and insulting, unable to admit fault. How did that little hoarding of TP work out for ya?

  74. until we until we start complaining to the advertisers on WBOC DT and this new independent toilet paper rag...nothing will change they need to be put out of business!! and the only way to do that is hit them were it counts in the wallet...Dunn needs to crawl back into his hole...we dont need his incompetence again..he is all about stealing from state county and city coffers for him and his buddies...

  75. Take away the advertishers from these disfunctional libtarded commies so called journalist....WE ARE ON TO YOU AND YOUR MISINFORMATION... LIES...DECEPTION and failed policies...WE AINT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE

  76. 80,....Keep pounding them bob.

  77. Dear Mr. Outten,

    Bennett/ Cannon Commenter here. (#1)

    Thank you for your response, and thanks to Mr. Culver for his teamwork with you. Also, thank you for sending a plow to my neighborhood today! This time, the plow cleared the 6-8 feet of snow between the path I thought was just automobile snow pack and the mailboxes and driveway entrances at the curbs, This had proven to be a monumental obstacle to most residents who wanted their mail, as each household would have had to clear approximately 250 cubic feet of snow for each mailbox, and the Postal driver would have had to zig zag to deliver each one.

    Maybe if the same amount of plowing could happen a little closer than 8 feet from the curb, it would save some complaints. I don't mind doing the "trim" work, but I can't do the major work. Please pass this along to your crews.

    Again, though, this is the first time in 25 years in Wicomico County that I've been asked for my take and answered and serviced and felt like I and my neighbors are even recognized by the Management!

    Thank you, Lee & Bob!

  78. 6:53 Thank you for your excellent comment. This just reinforces to me that Bob is a man of the people and recognizes that government is here to SERVE the people. Thanks too to Joe for providing this platform for people to comment, ask questions and get answers. Lee was very articulate in explaining things too. Job well done by all!

  79. I don't travel on all the back roads mentioned but the few I have were not that bad. I have seen pictures of some there looked a mess. Those I avoid.

    Quick question for your readers, how many of you were out riding around when the state police asked you not to?

    This packs the snow on the roads and makes it more difficult to remove.

    How many are still tailgating and not giving themselves enough time to stop? How many are cutting people off who do leave enough room in front of them to stop safely? That space is stopping distance that is increased on icy roads, not come on over, I'll let you in.

    Leave earlier and you can take the time to be safe to reach your destination. Help each other out. We are all in this together.

  80. Someone on the inside is obviously bashing County Executive Bob Culver on the fat guys blog. Bob needs to find out who that mole is and eliminate him.

    Anonymous said...
    The plows are doing as best they can. Even if hampered by thrill seeking ridealongs.

    February 20, 2015 at 4:07 PM

  81. I think that the county roads have been cleared better than I've ever seen in the past. I live in Nanticoke. Of course the
    drifting is a problem that is hard to deal with , mostly a waste of time for the trucks.
    I have spoke with Lee Outen about another issue and believe he is a productive asset to the county.
    Wayne Earp.

  82. The county has done a great job , however the state appears to be doing less. At least they haven't played the mailbox game so far.
    I do see them driving along with the plow up and it should be down in areas they pass. 3 men in a truck , maybe too much BS.

  83. Should have allowed county employees to work and give them a shovel.

  84. 9:26 that is a lovely thought unless you are behind some idiot that doesn't know how to drive in it, doesn't need to be driving in it but insists on driving in it.
    I have had several morons in front of me. Stopping when they should not, only to get stuck. Going 10 MPH because of their inability to handle it, only adding risk to those around them. And those getting stuck and thinking that stomping on the gas pedal will get them loose.

    And what an insult to ask.. were you out before they plowed?? Well in my neighborhood they never plowed and I had to get to work. So yea, I had no choice.

    So don't put it on me to coddle the feeble that should have stayed inside and didn't. I know how to drive in it and did with out getting stuck, having an accident or annoying others around me.

  85. The corruption levels in County government are through the roof! In only a matter of months. Burn it to the ground, Bob!

  86. 11:41, you are so full of crap. Your probably the same person who said the county was getting ripped off on salt, bu couldn't say where they could get it cheaper. What corruption, believe it or not, the county employees all try to do a good job and save the taxpayers money everyday. Bunch of conspiracy theory paranoid people. State the corruption or shut up.

  87. 11:41 you're are probably unemployed, uneducated and couldn't provide one example to back up your libelous statement. Don't show your ignorance go on the other guys blog.

  88. 1:58

    I am not 11:41 but I am the salt person.

    And just to show what an absolute idiot you are, when I address the salt issue it will not be on a blog, but will be to those of whom it matters.

    And that is not you.

    Just because I did not shout out my source publicly, does not mean it doesn't exist.

    You are an idiot, not even a first class idiot, just a simple idiot.

  89. 6:54, if you truly had such a source, why didn't you state it as you were so quick to say they could get it cheaper? Still trying to find one? Besides, no government agency can buy it unless your "source" bid on it. If it is over $5000 it must be bid. Either your source can't be bonded or was too stupid to bid on a million dollar contract with the State and all the local governments. Looks like you and your source are "simple idiots". lmao

  90. 8:08 what ever you say..... but I have the last laugh. Choke on the extra $10,000 you the taxpayer coughed up on salt.

    In the meant time, we are still getting it for substantially less. Can you read that? WE ARE GETTING IT FOR SUBSTANTIALLY LESS.

    Talk to me when you have a clue.

    I never said - that I could not say who or what, I chose not to.
    I stated a fact, clear and simple, and INFORMED you that
    a. we are getting it for less and you paid too much.
    b. it is none of your business
    c. I will talk to those that matter.
    d. you do not matter.

    If you had any intelligence. You may have noted that the county's response was that they chose to go with the state contract. They didn't have to, but at the time, for whatever reason, they felt it was a good deal.

    That does not mean that there is no one out there selling it for less.

    Your ignorance is boring me. So you go on and continue spewing your trollish garbage. I am going to go back to doing important things.

    PS. I am getting a laugh out of your cluelessness, thank you.

  91. 8:08 you do not know what you are talking about.

    "The state and all local governments"??

    All local government do not have to buy from the state. And who would want to spend their day filling out bids for every municipality?

    Just because the state is buying it for $114 doesn't mean there are not other suppliers selling it for less.

    I believe the commenter you are harassing clearly said, that their source was none of your business. Why would anyone breach company confidentiality and reveal a source publicly? Any business person with half a brain would talk to the county directly and not have a conversation with some nitwit a$$ on a blog.

    I wouldn't tell you either if it were me.

  92. And what an insult to ask.. were you out before they plowed?? Well in my neighborhood they never plowed and I had to get to work. So yea, I had no choice.

    So don't put it on me to coddle the feeble that should have stayed inside and didn't. I know how to drive in it and did with out getting stuck, having an accident or annoying others around me.

    February 21, 2015 at 9:08 AM

    I don't know how you consider that an insult. The STATE POLICE asked people not to drive in it, not me. ( except for essential personnel).

    A good driver will know and allow for other people who don't have much skill driving, and will drive and include extra time for their trip.

    You sound emotional and angry, which leads to accidents. I'm glad you didn't have or cause one, ( your words) but being aggressive and angry at others only makes things worse.

    Take your time and allow others their little imperfections. All of you will reach your destinations.


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