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Sunday, January 25, 2015

To Serve And Protect?


  1. lmao! maybe he ought to worry about saving his own life!

  2. hey 5:35
    From now on that's exactly what we are doing , Ferguson and all the other protesters can rot in hells kitchen. All of America will become the "HOOD".

  3. Statistics prove that in a life or death situation if you wait for the police to save your life you'll be 100% DEAD!

  4. Love the shirt. So true.

  5. 8:04 it's a jungle out there and you kops have shown us who you protect and work for and it ain't us! So we hunker down and protect our own and you can continue to take your chances out there all while generating revenue for your masters. Cause you sure ain't bringing the crime rate down any!

  6. clueless 8:56 crime rates are at all time lows in the US

  7. Does anyone want to share a time that the police "Saved their life"? I personally don't know anyone that has that kind of story to tell because it doesn't happen. I do however know plenty of people that have been harassed, taxed and assaulted by the police. Kind of makes this T-Shirt a load of B.S....yes an XXL pile of crap wearing an XL t-shirt.

    Police serve themselves first, the govt second and corporations third. Citizens are not a concern.

  8. How can a cop save my ass when they always come twenty minutes after the crime happens. Seems more like your job is to take a report.

  9. This is good because it appears in several cases around the country the police feel it is their job to actually shoot your ass.

  10. 10:18 what freakin planet are you living on? The one where there are no drugs and gangs? How can someone be as clueless about whats going on around them as you are?

  11. 10:18 The crime the police REPORT is at an all time low.
    But they lie.

    1. They would look foolish reporting themselves.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    8:04 it's a jungle out there and you kops have shown us who you protect and work for and it ain't us! So we hunker down and protect our own and you can continue to take your chances out there all while generating revenue for your masters. Cause you sure ain't bringing the crime rate down any!

    January 19, 2015 at 8:56 AM

    A cop hater that doesn't have the balls to sign his name.

  13. Anonymous said...
    10:18 what freakin planet are you living on? The one where there are no drugs and gangs? How can someone be as clueless about whats going on around them as you are?

    January 19, 2015 at 2:15 PM

    That was Jake Day or Jim Ireton.

  14. Lol if the cops quit working today you would not be blogging. You would be looking out your windows for the low life m.f.ers that would rob steal and rape at every chance. I am ready for them but I am also glad the cops and military are out there. You haters have obviously committed crime and got what you had coming. I was a wild kid and had a load of run ins with the law. I was wrong every time they got. I grew up and realized they dont bother those who live a good life. So you couch potato cry babies think about it. Most of you haters are pill popping drunks. Sorry just how I see it.

  15. sorry fools former usmc and I wouldn't be waiting for your sorry asses to show up late to take the report! get over yourselves you're not Gods although you'd like to think you are. You are public servants act like you are supposed to! Leave the average joe and his family alone and actually go chase and apprehend some felons. OK? or is that asking to much? do what we are paying you to do!

  16. Every SPD cop should wear that shirt and sit at a council meeting directly in front of Methadone Mitchell, the one who insult the entire department by implying they were either corrupt or incompetent by enabling Joe Albero to get a bottle from an evidence locker, doubly laughable since all Joe had was a photo someone gave him and not an actual bottle.

    Has that twit ever apologized to the department and Joe for her false accusations?

    Then why is she still in office? Why is she not recalled?


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