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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Jacob Day has a new job.

Now Platoon Trainer at US Army.


  1. He weasels his way in no matter where he's at!

  2. Wonder what the Trainer is teaching, if anything..

    1. 9:16. He teaches the course on how to fracture the law and get off the charges.

    2. How to lie convincingly while keeping a straight face.

  3. I thought he was supposed to be some kind of urban planner or something.

  4. I thought he worked at Perdue's.

  5. According to comments looks like nobody knows what he does for sure.

  6. I hope he deploys.

  7. cool, will he have to resign now?

  8. I guess this is proof that we all rise to the highest level of our incompetency. Hope he does well training because I have not been pleased with his other job performance.

  9. So is he leaving Salisbury?

  10. His dad is a big wig at Perdue. I don't think Jake has ever worked there.


  11. Coming soon to a platoon near you oval stickers saying 'army

    Q: What rank does he hold? With all his degrees assumed boy genius would be in a commissioned slot to better gild his resume for future assaults on the public treasury.

  12. Is he going to teach them to drive like he does?

  13. will he have time to "improve" his job with the council? NOT.

  14. I don't understand all these negative comments. What the heck is wrong with becoming an Army platoon trainer? Good for him!

  15. Does this mean he has no time fir the council? Hope so but a republican in already.

  16. 1203-An Officer should be someone enlisted personnel can look up to and emulate. He has multiple run-ins with the law. Thank God he's just a "weekend warrior" and not real brass.

  17. Anonymous said...
    I thought he was supposed to be some kind of urban planner or something.

    January 19, 2015 at 9:41 AM

    He used to work at the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy. Same place as Josh Hastings and RINO Wayne Gilchrest.

    All three LOSERS!!

  18. What experience does he have? See one, do one, teach one. NOT this clown. All I see on his FB page is him playing GI Joe. He takes all these pictures of him in uniform and pictures of helicopters like he is in the middle of a battle, but the clown has never seen a battle field.

  19. Anonymous said...
    I don't understand all these negative comments. What the heck is wrong with becoming an Army platoon trainer? Good for him!

    January 19, 2015 at 12:03 PM

    AW... Someone is coming to his defense. How sweet.

  20. I saw that on LinkedIn.

    Whoop dee doo!!

  21. So much soldier hate on here. You people are a disgrace.


  22. 2:17 I don't see disrespect for military in the previous comments.

    I see comments from folks alarmed or unenthused about this particular individual since he crawled out from under his rock and ventured into public life.

    It appears that his interest in a military credential coincided with his interest in 'public service'.

    Speaking for myself, I'm disappointed he was accepted into reserve service but conjecture that other factors were at play.

    My nephew-in-law is deployed in a role that keeps him and the people he commands totally out of contact with family for extended periods.

    He also has multiple degrees but has always conducted himself in a manner that is a credit to himself, family, service branch and country. Guys and gals like him are plentiful in the service and that is why pure opportunists are worrisome in positions of responsibility.

  23. 11:19 - I don't think he's ever worked.

  24. Served with him after I came off 8 years active duty, and transferred into the National Guard. Also did a tour with him overseas, which was a giant joke that unit never left the "green zone".

    He was part of the reason I left the National Guard. This post says US Army, which is a bit deceptive. It should say Army National Guard. As there's no way he could hack it in the normal Army. The proof of that is the fact that he is commissioned in the National Guard, and the commission did not come from the regular Army. If he wanted to join the regular Army his commission would most likely not transfer over.

    Getting an "active" position in the Maryland National guard is all about who you know and hangout with. The entire organization puts any volunteer fire departments good ole boy politics to shame.

  25. 5:10, thank you for an honest explanation, and for your years of active duty service.

  26. Jake is a fine young man doing great hangs for this area and you bottom feeders just throw mud at him.
    You should be thankful that he cares and backs it up.

  27. Steve Harvey on Family Feud would have a good time strightening that tie!


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