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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Fonda: ‘Hanoi Jane’ Moment Was A ‘Huge Mistake’

Actress Jane Fonda issued an apology late Friday for her infamous visit to North Vietnam in 1972, a moment that earned her the dubious nickname “Hanoi Jane.”

Fonda called it a “huge mistake” during a speech given at an arts center in Frederick, Maryland, the Associated Press reports. She made her comments in response to protests against her appearance.

“But those people out there… I’m a lightning rod,” Fonda told the audience, according to The Frederick News-Post. “This famous person goes and does something that looks like I’m against the troops, which wasn’t true, but it looked that way, and I’m a convenient target. So I understand.”

However, Fonda still considered her trip to the communist state at war with the U.S. a “great experience.” While on the trip, she took publicity shots manning an anti-aircraft gun used to shoot down American planes and publicly criticized the war effort against North Vietnam.



  1. Doesn't matter - she should not have gone the in the first place...my father served in 7th cav, 101st...I did my tour with the 75th in the first go round in the sand box with the durka durkas...she prospered and we suffered...keep your relative apology...means nothing more than she is a traitor and sold out her country for money and fame...disgusting....

  2. You signed up for war. You bought into the rhetoric. Just because you chose to believe doesn't make it true nor does it mean everyone should march in line with you to the sound of the jingoistic drum.

  3. I speak as a Vietnam-era veteran.
    It does not matter how sincere or how many times Ms. Fonda apologizes. She made a grave mistake - a grave error in judgment. One that will follow her through all her life.
    What she did is no different than the person that drinks that one extra drink and gets into a car and drives and kills someone. An unfortunate lack in judgment.
    Some things are just too serious, along with the results, that make apologies worthless.
    It was a bad decision. She knows it and regrets it.
    And so do I. Personally - and I know I speak for many veterans - there is no forgiveness, and never will be, for what she did.

  4. 3:54, because of the efforts of our military you have the right to spew mindless clutter. You owe 3:42 a big apology. By the way, get off your parents couch in their basement and try to be useful to society. I' m sorry your philosophy degree isn't helping your job prospects. Also, you're president that you think is so great......he's a loser like you.

  5. Her first apology !

  6. Who gives a crap about this twitt. OLD,OLD NEWS!!!!!!

  7. She wasn't on a trip to entertain troops,or at least it does not appear so.An actress really had no business going to Viet Nam.This trip was very poor judgement on the part of she and her husband.Any time an entertainer steps into the political fray expect the worst.

  8. She belongs in prison.

  9. As a Christian, and of the Viet Nam era, I state that when one is sorry for their sins, they are to be forgiven, just as our Father forgives us.

    It's in the Lord's Prayer, and to be abode by.

    Here you all repeat every Sunday, "...and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us,...

    Those of you who refuse are not following God's will.

    Pretty simple stuff, really.

  10. Wars may end - but hating Jane Fonda is forever!

    USMC retired!

  11. Forgiving her is one thing. Forgetting is an entirely different thing. As a Vietnam era Vet, I will NEVER FORGET

  12. Why is the media still beating this dead horse.??


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