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Thursday, January 08, 2015

Sandy Hook School Shooting Hoax Exposed Sellout Medical Examiner Dr. H. Wayne Carver


  1. I find the choosing of this buffoon by the government to speak as a refreshing practice of honesty from our government. They are directly telling you in a fun and jovial way that they believe you are as dumb as dog turds.

  2. You and rest of america could never fathom how or what the govt thinks of us and this political crap going on in this country...

    They say ti is only a game to them... A damn game... They look at you like a resource and not as a person or human... you are a resource and a number...

    All you need to know is look at the quotes from Henry Kissinger where he said the military is nothing more than a pawn in a political game....

    Meaning you go and kill and start wars all for political purpose nothing more nothing less...

    It is just a shame you people are to stupid to realize all this and what has happened for the past 60 or 70 years is a damn game top these people all because they THINK, they THINK they will be safe once they unleash hell on earth so they can make a one world govt and do you want to know why they want a one world govt?????????????

    Because there is not enough food on this planet and we keep having more and more kids, especially america, and soon there won't be enough... also to make you a slave if you can survive the cops and martial law that will soon come...

  3. 8:58-But miraculously I somehow always manage to remain overweight in spite of the shortage.


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