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Thursday, January 08, 2015

The Sandy Hoax continues...


  1. MSM needs to do a full court press on this issue to either confirm or dispel.

  2. 5:40 - you're kidding - right...?!

    MSM is in the pockets of the government - they wouldn't do a full court press on a basketball game without Holder's permission......

  3. 7:53-Are convinced that the incident in question never happened?

  4. To fall for this is disgusting. How do you think these insane claims makes the families of the 26 victims feel? If this tragedy never happened as these sickos claim, what was the point?? What did it accomplish? How far has this county come with gun control since 2012, since wasn't this "hoax" an attempt at stricter gun control? The only hoax here is all on the extremists who believe this didn't occur.

  5. 11:14 Your attempt at alienating others for using their common sense is hysterical.

    I won't bother going into the evidence that has been gathered regarding this hoax because you aren't interested in the truth.

    You have a dog in the race and a agenda. And you realize that this attempt at stricter gun control has irrevocably damaged the movement to confiscate guns.

    This event will forever be used to down-vote each and every new law that goes in support of gun control. Your side took a calculated risk, failed and now recognize the absolutely idiotic error that was made.

    Let me explain how the public feels about the families of this perpetrated hoax.

    We believe most of them should be hung for treason for being complicit in the attempt at undermining our constitutional rights through the outright criminal fraud that was Sandy Hook.

  6. To answer the other issues you mentioned. The point was to try and motivate the public, through extreme emotional discomfort, to willingly give up their right to bear arms.

    The reason they want the guns is because they wish to enforce an agenda upon the people that the people will not accept. Mainly submitting to the UN declaring itself government of America and the world.

    It accomplished nothing because the idiots who acted in this theatre of buffoonery much like the creators of the plot have a sub 100 IQ.

    The country has gone no further in gun control because the hoax failed.

    Essentially, you're trying to use its failure as a reference to it being truth.

    This may sound harsh, but you're a moron. And while Mr Albero often shields mentally challenged people from painful truths I pray he allows me to the privilege of telling you how absolutely nauseatingly brain dead you are. Feel free Mr. Albero to edit the comment as you see fit.

  7. Wow 11:48/11:56. Perhaps you should go back to your doomsday shelter and continue scribing your manifesto.


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