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Thursday, January 08, 2015

Court Ruling Against Obama Sends Shock Waves Across the Country

As a country, we all knew that President Barack Obama’s amnesty plan was about as unconstitutional as appointing Hugo Chavez’s corpse dictator for life. However, the general consensus was that it might take a while for the courts to recognize what everyone else did, at which point it might be too late to stop major damage being done.

However, a major ruling in a Pennsylvania court sent shock waves throughout the political establishment, as it became clear the legal system was catching up with Obama’s very illegal executive action.

Suddenly, it seemed as if amnesty by fiat could disappear just as quickly as it came about.

Judge Arthur J. Schwab, a federal judge representing western Pennsylvania, described parts of the plan as unconstitutional in a test case involving a single illegal immigrant facing a drunk driving charge.


1 comment:

  1. And indeed, I certainly do hope, Obama finds out that his pen was not so almighty after all.


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