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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Do You Have Faith?


  1. I am happy they are attempting to help the affected employees. My thoughts are that we should be trying to save the jobs so they could continue to work.

  2. Sure it is nice but without other industry hiring in the area this is about as useful as a fart in the wind!

  3. how much is mr. ryan getting paid and by who? Seems he's been there (SWED) for an awful long time and nothing ever gets better around here! Maybe time for some new blood?

  4. 10:22 people is losing there jobs and you talking about farts? Nasti!

  5. Closing was a done deal BEFORE the Press Release to officials, MSM and employees. At least the company is offering help for the employees. With dedication, hard work and luck the Chamber and officials possibly find a business to move in the building.

    Remember though the layoffs will occur over the next several months, so it will be at least two years before the building is available to a new employer. That is a hard sell to attract new business.

  6. and then we have the IDIOTS that continue to bash Perdue and Dove Pointe. Both employ hundreds, if not more and they continue to bash. go figure.


  7. 11:37's comment is accurate.

    There are other vacant facilities locally that could be filled in the interim. But OweMalley's legacy will haunt us for some time to come.

    The legislature will need to take proactive steps to reverse the worst of his misdeeds before employers look more seriously at Maryland or the Shore. Much too soon to speculate. Check back after the session ends for hints of progress or lack thereof.

  8. Dave Ryan has been asleep at the wheel for a long time.

  9. Jake Day taking a picture of Dave Ryan and posting it on Instagram as if Dave Ryan is some kind of Savior. Guess what? Dave Ryan has been here for years as the Economic Development director and hasn't done anything to save any jobs. Guess what? He hasn't done anything to bring jobs to Salisbury. LMAO. He has been around for many failures and idiots like Jake Day idolize him.

    Jake Day is another Look at Me" chump just like those firemen are.

  10. Anonymous said...
    how much is mr. ryan getting paid and by who? Seems he's been there (SWED) for an awful long time and nothing ever gets better around here! Maybe time for some new blood?

    January 19, 2015 at 10:51 AM

    He is getting paid way to much. I think Salisbury and Wicomico County contribute to his salary.

    Either way a new SWED director is long over due.

    Dave, do us all a favor and resign.

  11. Can someone please tell me what SWED is an acronym for

  12. Salisbury Wicomico Economic Developemnt

  13. We can all thank mr albero for keeping us in touch with all current sby events.
    I do not know what i would do if i could not come home and ck out sby news for breaking news and allowing joe citizen to vent.
    Thank you Joe for all you do!

  14. 534,Your statement ten times over. Thanks for reminding us.

  15. Dave Ryan is 71 years old. Time for "new blood" & fresh, new ideas!


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