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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Ireton Won't Admit That Labinal Will Only Leave 5 Employees Behind

Salisbury - Mayor James Ireton, Jr. reports this evening that he has received a response from Safran USA President and CEO Peter N. Lengyel.  The body of that letter is attached.  The Mayor notes that in the letter President Lengyel indicates that Labinal is “seeking ways which might allow some LPS employees to remain in Salisbury to provide technical support to our customers.”

“I know our Senator, Barbara Mikulski is in talks with representatives in the industry to try and reverse this decision.  Salisbury is grateful for her effort,” said Mayor Ireton.  “I am heartened by this correspondence in which Labinal/Safran has stated it may be possible for some employees to remain in Salisbury.  I am also proud of the efforts of David Ryan and SWED as they work to find every conceivable way of limiting the effects of the Labinal/Safran announcement.  I assure the community that all these efforts are genuine and in the best interests of our economy and those who are a vital part of it.”

Publishers Notes: Are Mikulski and Ireton trying to help Labinal KEEP the grant money by impressing upon taxpayers that Labinal is working to keep people employed in Salisbury?

The interesting FACT here is that there is NO mention of the grant, nor is there any mention of the 400 new employees Labinal assured the Feds they would hire in Salisbury if they got the grant.

My research has lead me to understand Labinal may leave as much as FIVE employees here for Technical Support, BIG DEAL! 

Notice how Labinal also ADMITS that IF Maryland hadn't been so supportive, they might have made the move sooner. In other words, either they SCAMMED Ireton and Mikulski OR Ireton and Mikulski KNEW they were packing up and leaving anyway. 

Either way, we deserve better leadership. No more, lessons learned. When you hand out MILLIONS to corporations, you secure their commitment as part of the contract. This is what you get when you elect life long politicians. No business experience. 


  1. Lol, 5 big savior liarton.

  2. Is Maryland going to give them millions of dollars to keep the 5 people here? Will those 5 people be in that big building all by themselves?

  3. Just how much "Technical Support" is required? I assume not much is required for the customers. 5 people full time?
    Not gonna happen.

  4. Maybe those 5 can use the MILLIONS given to the company and build a Swimming pool and basketball court...? Where is my MONEY Mikulski? ???????????????????

  5. How come David Ryan didn't know they were planning on closing.

  6. Joe can you please have our New governor Hogan do. Investigation into Mikulski office this is tax payers money and I as a tax payer want a fn answer.

  7. 9:00, Hogan was the first person I contacted about this situation, before I even published anything. I also let Congressman Harris and several other elected officials know about it just hours before they were sworn in. I can assure you, there is a TON of attention on this matter. Labinol isn't the only huge company having issues in Salisbury, there are others and Hogan is on top of that information as well and are doing everything they can to salvage yet another bad situation.

    I say, shame on Pollitt, Conway, Mikulski, Ireton and SWED for being so clueless and out of touch.

    Let me just say this to ALL of you. Obama stated last night that businesses were hiring in the MILLIONS and the business economy hadn't lookoed so good since the 90's. Well, THINK about that Ladies & Gentlemen. How come everywhere else in America things are looking up, yet the least expensive area in the Country, (our Eastern Shore) is shutting down like Detroit!

    It's because your Liberal leaders have been taxing and screwing local businesses like we were Montgomery County and other booming municipalities around Washington, D.C..

    And don't tell me it's because we;re so far outside D.C.. Look at DELAWARE for example. They too are BOOMING like there's no tomorrow.

    If you were watching the news yesterday you saw the Del Tech is holding a public MEETING to figure out how they'll handle the financial shortfall there. REALLY???? Fiscal responsibility, public input??? Are you listening FREDERICKSEN?

  8. 410 962 4510
    Mikulskis Baltimore office call her.

  9. what has Liberal Jim done for you lately?

  10. Kudos. I appreciate it!
    This is very interesting, You're a very skilled blogger. I have joined your feed and look forward to seeking more of your fantastic post.

  11. I am one of the many employees that are going to be out of work soon. If the company is talking of keeping some jobs here, why is this the first I am hearing of it. Sounds like somebody is blowing smoke.

    1. Yeah the mayor and Mikulski covering there Ads.

  12. Jim Ireton has NO business assuring anyone that efforts are "genuine." That word and Jim Ireton do not belong on the same planet, imho.

    I would lay odds you are right, Joe, about 5 employees buying Labinal some grace with the grant. I would love to see the terms of that grant. This is one smelly deal for a company to get a grant approved for expansion within a state when they already have plans to leave it. What do you want to bet the grant is for a Maryland corporation to expand with 400 additional jobs...but doesn't specify WHERE the jobs have to be. Keep a minimal state presence, and bingo!

    Just guessing, but my stomach is turning at the slickness, the common indecency of it all.

  13. The 5 people consite of the senior management that does not want to relocate. They will be east coast reps for LABINAL for boeing, Northrup grumman, and agusta. They will have 1 year contracts to assure the contract transition will be successful.

    LABINAL out.

  14. Anonymous said...
    How come David Ryan didn't know they were planning on closing.

    January 21, 2015 at 8:59 AM

    David Ryan is a worthless P.O.S. sucking at the government teat. I say get rid of him now.

  15. 12:37, Sure they will keep 5 people here until they get hold of the taxpayers money and then they will be no where to be seen. Some people in our government need to use a little common sense instead of that pea they call their brain.

  16. "How come everywhere else in America things are looking up, yet the least expensive area in the Country, (our Eastern Shore) is shutting down like Detroit!

    Because Obama lied about all those jobs being created and all the Kool Aid drinkers believed him. Chuck and Jimbeau included.

  17. If Labinol is taking the money and running with it then someone should be charged with fraud. There has got to be a way to bring charges against all that are involved.

  18. I just saw this interesting post on a "friends" FB page.

    Julia Glanz
    3 hrs ·

    My friend Josh Hastings is the Wicomico County Democratic Club's new President. He has many new and exciting ideas for the Club and our County. Our first meeting of the year is tonight at the Knights of Columbus at 7pm. Come help us rebuild our great party so we can be prepared for upcoming elections. Did I mention there will be a bartender? — with Jackie Wellfonder and 19 others.

    Like · · Share

  19. @3:17 PM Jackie Wellfonder is the current president of the Wicomico County Republican Club. What is she doing attending those meetings and why is she such good friends with the Democrats like that. I think the Wicomico County Republicans better wake up and realize what they have leading them.

    Joe is there anyway you can do a story and Jackie Wellfonder and find out if she is a RINO or a Democrat? She seems to be pretty close to the worst Democrats like Chuck Cook, Jim Ireton, Julia Glanz and Josh Hastings.

    I found these comments posted on this same post about the Democrat meeting tonight.

    Comment of FB by Jackie:

    Jackie Wellfonder - Not sure when I'll be back from Annapolis but Congratulations to my friend Josh and have a great meeting!!
    11 hrs · Like · 1
    Jackie's comment Liked by Josh Hastings.

    Yep the same Josh Hastings that told Jackie Wellfonder that he might switch parties if the Republican Club got rid of Joe Albero. The same Josh Hastings that campaigned telling numerous lies such as he was a Republican, an Independent, a Moderate, a Conservative Democrat and really an Independent, but had to register as a Democrat to run for office.

  20. You I sit here and read the comments to this situation on this site and others. People never seem to amaze me. Voters of Salisbury put Ireton in place. Are you telling me that ALL the people that are now complaining about him are county residents???? Hard to believe


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