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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Carla Moore Of Pittsvillle Will Be Facing Charges Very Soon

Back in September 2013 we published an article stating Carla Moore, (the President of the Town Commission's Daughter) has been terminated from her job.

We then did an article stating there had been an embezzlement and the investigation was heading to the States Attorneys Office HERE

I have been receiving quite a bit of messages asking just what the heck was going on with the investigation and today I followed up on it again. 

The Maryland State Police have assigned one of their Officers specifically to this case and YES, charges are in fact forthcoming. They have also assigned a Prosecutor from the States Attorneys Office  on this case. It is real and there will be charges on this case very soon.

It has floored me that NO OTHER Media source has done anything on it at all. In the mean time, more theft charges have been filed on Carla Moore recently, below. We'll keep you posted and now that everyone else has seen this article they'll now jump on board, since I have to do all of the investigative reporting for them and then they just steal is without giving SBYNews any credit.


  1. I hate those angles women use in photos. It says "Pay attention to my boobs, not the 400lbs all around them". Typical sow.

  2. theft of less than $100? that is a drop in the bucket

  3. Angles SOME women use in photos, 11:43. In order to not appear superiour I will not elaborate any further.

  4. I certainly hope they will investigate
    more than just her. this river of problems runs deep.

  5. I certainly hope they will investigate
    more than just her. this river of problems runs deep.

  6. Whether or not there are 400 lbs. "around them," the pics are sad commentaries.

    "Free rides."

    Okayyyyy. Lack of self-respect much? Or did you not understand what that meant?

  7. Anonymous said...
    Angles SOME women use in photos, 11:43. In order to not appear superiour I will not elaborate any further.

    January 21, 2015 at 12:21 PM

    Before you act "superior" please go back to school and learn to spell.

  8. Anonymous said...
    I hate those angles women use in photos. It says "Pay attention to my boobs, not the 400lbs all around them". Typical sow.

    January 21, 2015 at 11:43 AM

    These are the same types of pictures most women post on dating sites and then you meet them in person and it's like WTF!!

  9. The entire town and town council in Pittsville, Maryland is corrupt. This is one of the many reasons that municipalities in Wicomico County need to dissolve their charters and let the County take over. The first Municipality should be Salisbury.

  10. She also has a suspended license but I see her driving around Pittsville. She has no regard for the law.

  11. If Denver had any morals he would step down now...

  12. so 12:16 are you saying that it is ok to steal if the item is not worth much monetarily?

  13. This is unbelievable Joe! It's unfathomable you're the only one covering this huge story. I mean, the daughter of a podunk town commissioner steals less than a hundred bucks and rumor has it she's going to be charged for a previous crime and I can only get this headline worthy news story here? I mean all they have to do is call Jimmy Joe who works with a guy who's wife works at Food Lion who heard from a customer who lives next to a guy who's a cop to get the facts of the matter!!

    Spot on reporting old chap. Too bad you're the only one who's going to see this.

  14. I find it interesting that it is in fact only $100.00. I find it more interesting that a Town would not have the checks and balances in place to require two signatures on a check or any type of debit along with a monthly reconsiling of its spending and receiving at least by a third party. Obviously there is something that is not adding up. It seems that there's a witch hunt for one, when others I am sure were involved or even noticed if in fact anything really happened at all. Guilty until innocent? Or do we still believe in or judicial system and innocent till proven guilty.

  15. 5:48 it was more than a hundred u must be dumb look at the trucks and boats and nice things she bought in the past year or 2

  16. The picture is of an additional case that has happened since she was at the town. If you look at the date it says 11/08/14. She has NOT employed by the Town of Pittsville at that time.

  17. From what I've read from Sbynews through Joe's reporting and comments left last year, there was almost $300,000 missing from the town

  18. 5:17 No, I'm saying there is a whole lot more going on than just less than $100 of thefts from the taxpayers and residents of Pittsville. Plenty of skeletons in that closet!!

    You're welcome

  19. Wow Heroin probably got her too...Heroin is taking over the White community...sad!!

  20. Love the picture...thanks!

  21. I think she is dating a Salisbury career fireman that works today!! Deserving of each other

  22. Why has it taken this long to come to investigation when rumors have been flying for quite awhile about she does as she pleases with the TOWN OF PITTSVILLE's money? Why aren't the commissioners checking accounts? O wait probably because the Mayor won't allow them...Look what happen with the juror's money in Wicomico County? sometimes looking the other way is a crime also.

    1. The pres of the town council is her father Denver Moore. They tried pushing it all under the rug when he was forced to fire her. As we've all seen Sbynews is the ONLY place you will find the truth!!

  23. It is amazing how many here are ready to say guilty until proven innocencent. I know she's not completely innocent in this matter, but that is way to much money to get out in 15 months when checks are only dolled out twice a month. There needs to be a learning curve first before you can even start drawing out any money, the there is the need to have two signatures before they can be used. No, I think there may have been some money she took out, but I think someone else had their hand in the honey pot which is why this money wasn't figured out to be missing quickly and why she was let go after 15 months with the full amount of what is missing on her. She makes a perty scape goat, but it takes an old fox that can make people believe someone else did everything when in reality they did not.


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