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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Five things to watch in Obama's State of the Union address

President Obama will deliver his penultimate State of the Union address Tuesday night, with the White House envisioning the annual speech as an opportunity to parlay promising economic news into momentum for a populist agenda.

In an unusual move, the White House unveiled most of the major new proposals ahead of time, in an effort to win headlines as the new Republican Congress took control.

The president is expected to unveil legislation that would overhaul the tax code, providing credits to middle class families funded by hikes on the rich and big banks. And Obama will highlight or propose plans to expand broadband Internet access, offer free community college tuition and provide guaranteed paid sick and family leave.



  1. Raising more taxes on the rich to pay for the lazy welfare crowd.

  2. Guess who's pay for all this!

  3. I've already seen the Pinnocio movie.

  4. I would rather watch 2 donkeys fornicate.

  5. Just got back from red box.

  6. Makes no difference what he says. He is a proven liar.

  7. Pay attention, this will be the Democratic Platform for 2016. All a set up for Hillary.

  8. Raise taxes on the RICH and the Middle class pays. they have the businesses so they jack up the prices we pay. Have you ever heard the Rich getting poorer?
    How come they classify the Rich having incomes that are always higher than their income. Politics at it's best. Ignorance at it's best from a population of followers who knows nothing about common sense.

  9. Since I don't want to destroy my tv set in anger, I will wait for the final talking points of this propaganda speech! I love the way the media has spun this by saying the economy has improved and a public poll is showing that Americans overall feel better about the economy! BS!!!!!!
    I think I'll see what is on Netflix tonight!

  10. not watching here.

  11. More welfare for the lazy useless thugs.

  12. Be Chillin on da White Mans MoneyJanuary 20, 2015 at 8:46 PM

    Yo, he givin out Free Cell phones again?

    1. Not for long punk your boy is heading out the WH doors, WORST PRESIDENT EVER.

    2. PS I sense you are going Nowhere in live just like your parents did.

  13. I'm watching the Cartoon Channel.

  14. Obama is the prez I still voted for Shirley Chisholm.

  15. 6:08 PM: But in this one his ears grow and looks like a wingnut.


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