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Monday, January 12, 2015

German paper that re-published Hebdo cartoons firebombed

Authorities in Hamburg have two "young men" in custody after rocks and an "incendiary device" were thrown through a window of the regional daily newspaper Hamburger Morgenpost.

The paper, known in the region as MOPO, had published cartoons on Thursday that appeared in Charlie Hebdo, showing solidarity with the slain cartoonists.

"Rocks and then a burning object were thrown through the window," a police spokesman told AFP.

"Two rooms on lower floors were damaged but the fire was put out quickly."


  1. And we call this crap freedom?

  2. Time to start throwing some back.

  3. If they are in custody, then they should be executed publicly, immediately. And, I suggest they be put naked in a cage with ravenous tusked wild bores to be devoured. It's the ONLY thing that these vermin understand.

  4. errr., maybe it's 'wild boars', that I meant. At any rate, "Death By Pig" is the idea.

  5. I'd like to see every newspaper in America attempt to publish it, Obama would have a fit!!

  6. water board those punks


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