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Monday, January 12, 2015

When Will We Wake Up?

The three Muslim gunmen who killed 12 journalists in Paris targeted not just those people and their satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, but a core ideal and human right of the West––the right to free speech in the public square defined by tolerance for different opinions. That’s why the killers, after they had called out the names of their individual victims before they shot them, bragged as they made their escape that they had “killed” Charlie Hebdo. That’s why they also cried, “The Prophet has been avenged,” since the magazine had frequently spoofed Mohammed, most famously in its reprinting in 2006 of cartoons parodying Mohammed. Apparently President Obama was prescient, at least in the case of the twelve dead Parisians, when he warned in 2012, “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam.”

Our leaders regularly scoff at the notion of a “clash of civilizations” between the West and Islam, as Secretary of State John Kerry did when he said the attacks were “part of a larger confrontation, not between civilizations, no, but between civilization itself and those who are opposed to a civilized world.” The jihadists know better, and like all enemies, they get a vote. They don’t just want to brutally kill people in order to terrorize us into appeasement of their demands. They want to kill our fundamental principles.



  1. America this is your wake up call AGAIN.

  2. Obama is part of the problem.There is no free speech with this Muslim idiot. In point of fact he has thrown the Constitution out of the window.

  3. Let the Crusades begin. We need a cleansing. Time to thin the herd in God's name. The japs had Kamakazies you saw what happened to them. We will turn the middle east into a giant amusement park for Americans to play in. I say it would be a great water world.

  4. 3:14PM
    Not only has he disregarded our Constitution but he has furthered it's disregard in LE, the Supreme Court, the DOJ, he's supported the disregard of our Constitution within the EPA, Congress and every other agency that wields an iota of power over the people.
    For the life of me I cannot understand why he is still in the WH. Maybe it's that the 'broken windows' law enforcement policy doesn't extend beyond 'the people'.


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