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Monday, January 12, 2015

Brigitte Gabriel gives FANTASTIC answer to Muslim woman claiming all Muslims are portrayed badly


  1. Weekly Jihad Report
    Jan 03 - Jan 09
    Jihad Attacks: 61

    Allah Akbars*: 15

    Dead Bodies: 745

    Critically Injured: 337

    *Suicide Attacks
    This is but one week of carnage committed by Muslims in the name of Islam.

  2. I don't know this lady, but she rocks!!! She's got her head together. Tell me more about her.

  3. She gets my vote for President.

  4. she gets my vote for president also.

  5. Radical extremists got nothing on Mexican drug traffickers,37,000 dead last year.

  6. I do not donate to causes primarily because I just can't afford to. However, I WILL be finding enough to donate to Act for America., you should, too.

  7. Lmao! I love it! 25% means lost cause. Eradicate all Islam! The ideology of radical Islam will never be uprooted until the death and banishment of Islam in this world! Any cult/ religion that instructs to kill for speaking against a prophet not even a god must go. And how can any Muslim be peaceful when they study such words as that?

  8. Wow, she says what we think and backs it up with facts and common sense. Imagine that! I am impressed and we need her at the forefront of many future discussions.



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