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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Delaware: Low wage worker panel recommends moving minimum wage toward $15 an hour mark

A majority of panel studying issues facing low-wage workers is recommending an increase in the minimum wage to as much as $15 an hour.

“We made some progress last year, when we raised the minimum wage, but we knew we still had work to do,” said Sen. Robert I. Marshall, D-Wilmington, co-chairman. “We think this plan has practical recommendations that will help, not just people at the bottom of the economic ladder, but all Delawareans.”

The report calls for increasing the state’s minimum wage to $10.25 per hour by 2017. That wage would be indexed to the cost of living. The task force said the state should move toward a minimum wage in the $15 per hour range.



  1. these are the same people who are unconcerned with $18 TRILLION debt

  2. and what about people making $14 an hour now that have been with a company for 20 years? do WE get an increase too?


  3. What cheap chiselers!

    Everyone in BidenLand should be paid at least as much as a legislator and have a similar work schedule. Starting now!

    With more cash in their pockets and more time to spend it The First State's economy should be as profuse and fast growing as a field of dandelions!

  4. Why not $25.00. Why not just mail a check to them every two weeks, they don't even have to work. Oh wait, The Obamanation is already doing that!

  5. Time to install touch screen computers for ordering, like wawa and royal farms. You don't have to pay a computer and it might actually get your order right.

  6. Why not just quit and go on disability. Get food stamps, free medical care, Free phones, free housing. Why work. Hell, why get up?
    and as THEY say "It's all Good".

  7. Exactly 2:12pm. These are low-skill jobs meant for teens, senior citizens, partially disabled, etc. Not meant as a career. You can't just artificially increase wages without the price of everything going up and defeating the purpose. Basic Macroeconomics 101.

  8. local food chains will not allow their employees to work over 29 hours... how can u live on this?

  9. 3.09 Local food chains should be hiring college kids and teenage not people who want a career. Go to school, college, learn a trade, or start a business, but if you are trying to raise a family while working at McDonald's, Wendy s etc. You did this to yourself.

  10. !5$ per hour? Are they crazy, our McD's are small enough as it is LOL

    How about giving the retired on fixed income a raise so we can purchase our meds and pay for our health care.

  11. Poor Ray you worked hard all your life, managed to save and sent your children to college and had social security removed from your pay checks along with a multitude of other taxes only to find out you worked hard to support others, and the government used your SS money to fund other social programs. Welcome to the new world order of Obama and the democratic party.

  12. Yes 5:06 the hell with the people that worked all their lives to make this country what it WAS and look at it now.
    The Liberals are not at fault completely, congress is made up of both. I think that congress must GO, they are old and have taken enough money from special interest groups.

  13. 12:38 - if you have worked 20+ years for a company and you are making a mere $14/hour then you are a foolish fool.

  14. Watch how fast McDonald's and others shut their doors.

  15. If you as a business owner do not think it's worth paying your employees a living wage, then close your doors and let someone else take your place.

    Of course we know the multi million dollar enterprises aren't going anywhere. So shaddup.

  16. What multi million dollar enterprises are you talking about?? In Salisbury? ? MOORON!!!
    Keep collecting welfare and shut up.

  17. 10:53

    I guess we don't know how much Tom Baxter made last year do we?


    Uniformed yokel.


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