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Sunday, January 11, 2015

A Letter To The Editor: PRMC

Peggy is at it again getting in the pocket of her employees. Now it's insurance discount or not if u don't get tested. How many ways can she find to take money from her people. No cost of living raise for years, she doesn't care and the patient scores are so low and c diff is so high. Also u are heartless Peggy.


  1. But the good Mare got her some taxpayers money to tear a building down.

  2. Perhaps this particular employee should "lern 2 tipe wit propar grammer."

  3. They also bring in nurses from out of the area, because they do not have adequate staffing.

  4. There are no slaves at the hospital. If you don't like your employer, find another job. The grass isn't always greener on the other side.

  5. 1:21 - thanks Peggy!

  6. Let's see if Romney comes in on this one.

  7. Ok. They want every employee to have a doctor fill out a paper with very personal info. Like..cholesterol, blood work results. Weight etc..
    If you chose not to do supply them with this info you will have to pay the highest health insurance premium they offer.
    Oh and everyone in your family has to participate including children.
    It is rediculous.

  8. Welcome to the new age of health insurance coverage. People who work hard to take care of their bodies are tired of paying for people who don't. If you don't want to pay high healthcare costs, your first priority is to live a healthy lifestyle. I don't pay the same in car insurance costs that someone with several accidents pays. Harsh, but real.

  9. Their pay is based on whether or not they give THEIR FAMILY medical history?
    Is that even legal? Does that violate HIPPA rules??

    They didn't hire my daughter or my wife.

    Seig Heil, beaatches.

  10. There is your freedom of choice. You can do it or pay the higher premium, your choice. Nobody forcing anything on you.

  11. Get admitted to the 5th floor and hope you don't released with an infection.

  12. Ummm...this is part of ObamaCare.If you have employer provided healthcare, you'll eventually have to do it too.

    1. This has nothing to do with Obama care. Get your facts straight before posting.

  13. It's not just PRMC. The insurance company we have at work has been doing the same thing for a few years now. They even send nurses in to take our blood, get measurements, weight, blood pressure, etc.

  14. A better question to ask is how much she pays for health insurance.

  15. Who wants to get admitted to PRMC anyway? I heard their quality scores are the lowest in the state.

  16. That doesnt make sense to me. How can she make that huge salary and have the lowest quality scores? Shouldn't pay be linked to performance?

  17. 634, how does it not have anything to do with Obamacare? Let me enlighten you. Since O'care accepts pre-existing conditions, there is no need for any medical history to be conveyed to anyone.

    Got that, Peggy?

  18. Well if Ms Piggy ER Peggy had to pay according to health, she is a butterball turkey. And ugly. She should have to pay triple.


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